PPPoE 相互接続試験実施要領 第2分冊

PPPoE 相互接続試験実施要領 第2分冊 PPPoE 相互接続試験実施要領 第2分冊

<strong>PPPoE</strong> HATS LAN

2/26 ................................................................................................................. 4.......................................................................................................... 5...................................................................................................... 7................................................................................................... 9 ........................................................................ 10 ........................................................................................................ 13

3/26............................................................................... 20............................................................................... 22............................................................. 25................................................................. 26

4/26 <strong>PPPoE</strong> ADSL <strong>PPPoE</strong> ()AC(Access Concentrator )NAT

5/26( )AC( )<strong>PPPoE</strong>AC: AC:Service-Name TAGAC-Name TAGNAT PPP PAP CHAP <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> : AC:NAT PPP(a)PAP (b)CHAP

6/26<strong>PPPoE</strong> OSI OSI RFC959FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL (FTP) RFC792INTERNET CONTROL MESSAGE PROTOCOLRFC791INTERNET PROTOCOL RFC1332The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol(IPCP)RFC1994PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol(CHAP)RFC1334PPP Authentication ProtocolsRFC1661The Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP)RFC2516A Method for Transmitting PPP Over Ethernet(<strong>PPPoE</strong>) ISO8802-3CSMA/CD

7/26 ATU-R ADSL Transceiver Unit at the Remote terminal end ADSL ATU-C ADSL Transceiver Unit at the Central office end ADSL DSLAMDigital Subcriber Line Access MultiplexerBASACBroad band Access ServerATM PPP ISP Access Concentrator<strong>PPPoE</strong>

8/26<strong>PPPoE</strong> :AC:AC<strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 n AC<strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 n AC_1 AC ACAccess Concentrator

9/26 <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC(Access Concentrator)<strong>PPPoE</strong> AC(Access Concentrator)

10/26 <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> Discovery Stage TAG PPP Session Stage 1)LCP LCP MRU(Maximum-Receive-Unit)1492 2)(a)PAP/(b)CHAP 3)NCP IPCP IP-Address AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP 3)NCP AC IP <strong>PPPoE</strong> NAT<strong>PPPoE</strong> NAT IP AC<strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP LAN IP (AC IP )() )AC IP ()

11/26 <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> LCP Echo-Request LCP Echo-Reply <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> Ping <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> LAN PC AC PC Ping ICMP ICMP FTP <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC PC FTP

12/26 <strong>PPPoE</strong> LAN PC(FTP ) FTP GET( ) ,PUT( )GET( ) , PUT( ) <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> ACLCP Terminate-Request PADT <strong>PPPoE</strong> PADT <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> , AC LCP Echo-Request LCP Echo-Reply <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong>

13/26<strong>PPPoE</strong> :AC:NAT <strong>PPPoE</strong> ID<strong>PPPoE</strong> IP IP Service-Name TAGAC-Name TAG PAP NAT AC<strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> ID(PAP )Service-Name TAGAC-Name TAG <strong>PPPoE</strong> NAT <strong>PPPoE</strong> TAG AC ( AC 1 )MRU PAP <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC LCP Echo-Request LCP Echo-Reply Ping <strong>PPPoE</strong> LAN PC AC PC Ping FTP FTP <strong>PPPoE</strong> LAN PCFTP AC PCGET( ) , PUT( )<strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong>

14/26<strong>PPPoE</strong> ID<strong>PPPoE</strong> IP IP Service-Name TAGAC-Name TAG CHAP NAT AC<strong>PPPoE</strong> IP <strong>PPPoE</strong> ID(CHAP )Service-Name TAGAC-Name TAG TAG AC ( AC 1 )<strong>PPPoE</strong> MRU CHAP <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC LCP Echo-Request LCP Echo-Reply Ping <strong>PPPoE</strong> LAN PC AC PC Ping FTP FTP <strong>PPPoE</strong> LAN PCFTP AC PCGET( ) , PUT( )<strong>PPPoE</strong> AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1n AC_1 <strong>PPPoE</strong>Ping LAN FTP AC_1 AC(AC_2)

15/26<strong>PPPoE</strong> _1n AC_1 PC_1 <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 PC_1 AC_1 <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 AC_1 <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> Discovery Stage Service-Name TAG AC-Name TAG PPP Session Stage 1)LCP MRU ()2)(a)PAP/(b)CHAP ID3)NCP IPCP IP-Address <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP LAN IP(IP <strong>PPPoE</strong> LAN <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP <strong>PPPoE</strong> NAT) 2)(a)(b)<strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 LAN <strong>PPPoE</strong> PAP CHAP <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> Discovery Stage ID <strong>PPPoE</strong>

16/26Service-Name TAG AC-Name TAG PPP Session Stage 1)LCP MRU ()2)(a)PAP/(b)CHAP ID3)NCP IPCP IP-Address AC_1 <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong>IP <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP 2)(a)(b)AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> (<strong>PPPoE</strong> NAT IP ) <strong>PPPoE</strong> LCP MRU <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 AC_1 LCP MRU LAN PAP <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 AC_1 PAP <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 , AC_1 LAN ID , <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP <strong>PPPoE</strong>

17/26<strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 AC_1 LCP Echo-Request LCP Echo-Reply <strong>PPPoE</strong> LAN Ping <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 LAN PC_1 AC_1 PC_1 Ping ICMP ICMP ( , ) FTP AC_1 PC_1 FTP <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 LAN PC_1(FTP ) FTP GET( ) , PUT( )( , )GET( ) , PUT( ) <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 AC_1 LCP Terminate-Request PADT <strong>PPPoE</strong> PADT <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 , AC_1 LAN <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 AC_1 <strong>PPPoE</strong>AC_1 LCP Echo-Request LCP Echo-Reply <strong>PPPoE</strong> PAP CHAP <strong>PPPoE</strong>

18/26 <strong>PPPoE</strong> CHAP <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 AC_1 CHAP <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 , AC_1 LAN ID , <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 AC_1 LCP Echo-Request LCP Echo-Reply <strong>PPPoE</strong> LAN Ping <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 LAN PC_1 AC_1 PC_1 Ping ICMP ICMP ( , )FTP AC_1 PC_1 FTP <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 LAN PC_1(FTP ) FTP GET( ) , PUT( )( , )GET( ) , PUT( )

19/26<strong>PPPoE</strong> AC_1 <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 LCP Terminate-Request PADT <strong>PPPoE</strong> PADT <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC_1 , <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 LAN AC_1 <strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 <strong>PPPoE</strong><strong>PPPoE</strong> _1 LCP Echo-Request LCP Echo-Reply <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> AC(AC_2)

20/26<strong>PPPoE</strong> :AC:NAT AC S/W VersionM(<strong>PPPoE</strong> )( S/W Version)No. <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> S/W VersionM-1LAN IP Discovery StageM-2 Service-Name TAGM-3 AC-Name TAGPPP Session StageM-4 LCP MRU M-5 PAP M-6 IDM-7 M-8NCP <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP IP M-9 NATN(<strong>PPPoE</strong> )No. <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> PPP Session StageN-1 CHAP N-2 IDN-3

21/26O(AC )No. AC ACS/W VersionO-1O-2<strong>PPPoE</strong> IP LAN( PC)IP Discovery StageO-3 Service-Name TAGO-4 AC-Name TAGPPP Session StageO-5 LCP MRU O-6 PAP O-7 <strong>PPPoE</strong> IDO-8 <strong>PPPoE</strong> O-9NCP <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP O-10<strong>PPPoE</strong> NAT P(AC )No. AC ACPPP Session StageP-1 CHAP P-2 <strong>PPPoE</strong> IDP-3 <strong>PPPoE</strong> P-4NCP <strong>PPPoE</strong> IP

22/26Q<strong>PPPoE</strong> NAT AC <strong>PPPoE</strong> R AC S/W VersionNo. <strong>PPPoE</strong> S/W Version<strong>PPPoE</strong> Q-1 ID Q-2LCP MRU AC Request AckNak Q-3 PAP PAP Q-4<strong>PPPoE</strong> IP <strong>PPPoE</strong> LCP Echo Request/ReplyQ-5 <strong>PPPoE</strong> Ping Q-6 Ping FTP Q-7 FTP GET( ) (kbps)Q-8 FTP PUT( ) (kbps)<strong>PPPoE</strong> PC AC PC Ping <strong>PPPoE</strong> PCAC PC GET( )<strong>PPPoE</strong> PC AC PC PUT ( )

23/26 Q No. <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> Q-9 <strong>PPPoE</strong> <strong>PPPoE</strong> Q-10 ID Q-11 CHAP CHAP Q-12<strong>PPPoE</strong> AC IP IP <strong>PPPoE</strong> LCP Echo Request/ReplyQ-13 <strong>PPPoE</strong> Ping Q-14 Ping FTP Q-15 FTP GET( ) (kbps)Q-16 FTP PUT( ) (kbps)<strong>PPPoE</strong> PC AC PC Ping <strong>PPPoE</strong> PCAC PC GET( )<strong>PPPoE</strong> PC AC PC PUT ( )<strong>PPPoE</strong> Q-17 <strong>PPPoE</strong>

24/26R<strong>PPPoE</strong> AC NAT Ping FTP GETPUT kbyte/sAC()<strong>PPPoE</strong>( S/WVersion )((S/W Version )(GET: ) )(PUT: )(GET: )(PUT: )(GET: )(PUT: )(GET: )(PUT: )(GET: )(GET: )(GET: )(GET: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(GET: )(GET: )(GET: )(GET: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(GET: )(GET: )(GET: )(GET: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(GET: )(GET: )(GET: )(GET: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(GET: )(GET: )(GET: )(GET: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(GET: )(GET: )(GET: )(GET: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(PUT: )(PUT: )

25/26 LAN

26/26NAT AC <strong>PPPoE</strong>


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