january - Grand Encampment, Knights Templar

january - Grand Encampment, Knights Templar january - Grand Encampment, Knights Templar

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target Brethren and those in the dark without. One can quickly see how thisby the activities and occupations that questionnaire would benefit both theare most common among members in a Commandery and the Lodge and couldcertain area.easily spill over into the other appendantbodies of Freemasonry. Growth inIt should begin with the usual questionssuch as your age, when you joined any one of them means growth withinyour Lodge, a brief reason why you the Fraternity, and this growth will undoubtedlyinclude collateral growth in alljoined including choices such as familytradition and the number of family bodies. You never know, your gin rummymembers that have been or are members,your occupation at the time you tell him how he can begin his journey.partner may just be waiting for you tojoined, and if you are retired. The same Next door, her grandmother may havequestions can be posed as when you been in Eastern Star, but she and herwent into the York Rite such as why you husband know nothing about how towent the York Rite. Here again, choices join. The Lodge Brother that works incould include family tradition, an obligationto payback, or to expand your ManentCommander. These are some of thethe bay next to you may be a future Emisonicknowledge. What were you lookingfor, and did you find it? Space should of life, the countless things that havemany things that are the commonalitiesbe provided to elaborate and to give a pulled us together as a society and flowview of commonalities, what impressed over into our Fraternity.you most about the degrees, and what At the beginning of this article, Ido you enjoy about your membership spoke about the counterculture of theand activities in the York Rite?late 1960s. As I pointed out, it wasPayback, that was my original reason there that I believe the problem originatedand became the source of today’sfor going the York Rite. Franklin ChapterNo. 8 sponsored our DeMolay Chapter, membership problems at both ends. Aan organization that turned me around. generation that rejected membershipI am a Past Master Councilor of Alton has raised a generation that does notChapter, so for me it was a “no-brainer.” appreciate membership which in turn isThen would be a list of questions that one raising another generation centered onwould find on almost any questionnaire self. No history exists of seeing otherssuch as your present occupation, your off to meetings or participation in children’sChristmas parties at a Lodge oreducational level, if you are a Veteran,the hobbies and past time activities you Post. There are children who do not experiencethe thrill of advancing in theirenjoy, your church and community work,activities in which you enjoy participatingsuch as hunting or fishing, etc. By of those achievements by peers, parents,own right or the positive reinforcementhonestly completing the questionnaire, and other like minded adults. All this isthe demographics will appear, showing compounded today by the cyber maladythe greatest likelihood for membership of mind-numbing video games and thebased upon the greatest number of internet. As you read this, somewhere,commonalities within a particular area. another Knight passes on to final formation.You will turn on the news tonightRemember that commonalities withinthe Fraternity are also common to those and see a killing or some other act of28 january 2013

senseless violence. Like our Fraternity,our society is crumbling from within dueto the lethargic mentality of a vast majorityof its members and society’s unwillingnessto look at reality.If we are to survive, we must be proactive,not only for our family and fraternitybut for society!“To be one ask one.” We have all seenthe bumper sticker or heard the expression.Well, if you are going to be one, BeOne! The age old adage of “I want to bejust like him” rings as true today as whenit was first uttered. If we are to surviveand if our society is to survive, we haveto set an example that others will notonly want to emulate, but will want to bean active part of. This will be by strengththrough numbers and the numbers areGrand EncampmentMembership Awardsactive, fresh, new ideas and new peoplemeshing with the “old-timers.” We needto listen and evaluate in an impartialmanner, as fresh is new and very oftenproductive. Think about the ChristianBrethren you know, the men outside theFraternity who you would want at yourside in a battle to defend the Christianfaith, to protect our way of life, our communities,and our families. Who wouldyou want to help you uphold the virtuesof a moral society, to maintain equalityand freedom for all, and to halt the moraldecay of our society?It is a battle of mortal attrition withinour ranks and a moral war around theglobe as Satan himself dances across thelandscape duping the people. The clock isticking Sir Knights, not only for the moraland intellectual survival of our society butfor the survival of our Fraternity.Sir Knight William Perkins is EminentCommander of Belvedere CommanderyNo. 2 in Alton, Illinois and can be contactedat gunnyperk@gmail.com.919 William H. Poole, Jr.Joliet Commandery No. 4Joliet, IL November 2, 2012920 George A. ReedLake Ontario Commandery No. 32Pulaski, NY November 3, 2012921 Charles “Mick” OlsonIvanhoe Commandery No. 24Milwaukee, WI November 2, 2012922 James T. CouchTrinity Commandery No. 44Norwood, OH November 20, 2012knight templar29

senseless violence. Like our Fraternity,our society is crumbling from within dueto the lethargic mentality of a vast majorityof its members and society’s unwillingnessto look at reality.If we are to survive, we must be proactive,not only for our family and fraternitybut for society!“To be one ask one.” We have all seenthe bumper sticker or heard the expression.Well, if you are going to be one, BeOne! The age old adage of “I want to bejust like him” rings as true today as whenit was first uttered. If we are to surviveand if our society is to survive, we haveto set an example that others will notonly want to emulate, but will want to bean active part of. This will be by strengththrough numbers and the numbers are<strong>Grand</strong> <strong>Encampment</strong>Membership Awardsactive, fresh, new ideas and new peoplemeshing with the “old-timers.” We needto listen and evaluate in an impartialmanner, as fresh is new and very oftenproductive. Think about the ChristianBrethren you know, the men outside theFraternity who you would want at yourside in a battle to defend the Christianfaith, to protect our way of life, our communities,and our families. Who wouldyou want to help you uphold the virtuesof a moral society, to maintain equalityand freedom for all, and to halt the moraldecay of our society?It is a battle of mortal attrition withinour ranks and a moral war around theglobe as Satan himself dances across thelandscape duping the people. The clock isticking Sir <strong>Knights</strong>, not only for the moraland intellectual survival of our society butfor the survival of our Fraternity.Sir Knight William Perkins is EminentCommander of Belvedere CommanderyNo. 2 in Alton, Illinois and can be contactedat gunnyperk@gmail.com.919 William H. Poole, Jr.Joliet Commandery No. 4Joliet, IL November 2, 2012920 George A. ReedLake Ontario Commandery No. 32Pulaski, NY November 3, 2012921 Charles “Mick” OlsonIvanhoe Commandery No. 24Milwaukee, WI November 2, 2012922 James T. CouchTrinity Commandery No. 44Norwood, OH November 20, 2012knight templar29

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