Multi-parton interactions & the underlying event - Zeus - Desy

Multi-parton interactions & the underlying event - Zeus - Desy

Multi-parton interactions & the underlying event - Zeus - Desy


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Underlying <strong>event</strong> in γp - multi-jets• Here we study: γp → 3+ or 4+ jets(ETjet> 6 GeV)• γ may act like a point-like (direct) or composite object (resolved)• MPIs only present in resolved (hadron-hadron-like) process• <strong>Multi</strong>-jets generated by QCD processes (see figure right)...• ...and hard-MPIs? Note: soft <strong>underlying</strong> <strong>event</strong> changes jetenergy scale and so, given some E jetT• Variables looked at:criteria, affects jet rates.– M nj : invariant mass of <strong>the</strong> n-jet system. Compared to MCs with and withoutMPIs and LO pQCD.– x obs γ : which approximates x γ , <strong>the</strong> fraction of γ’s momentum transferred to <strong>the</strong>hard interaction (i.e. <strong>the</strong> jets). At LO, x γ = 1 (direct) & x γ < 1 (resolved) -however ambiguous at HOs. Compared to MCs with and without MPIs• <strong>event</strong>s studied in two M nj regions: (25 ≤ M nj < 50 GeV) & (M nj ≥ 50 GeV)T. Namsoo4EDS07 (Blois Workshop)

Underlying <strong>event</strong> in γp - multi-jets(nb/GeV)dσ/dM 3j1010101-1-2-3Three-jets-1ZEUS 121 pbHERWIG+MPI (×1.7)HERWIG (×1.7)PYTHIA+MPI (×3.1)PYTHIA (×3.8)HERWIG (×1.7) - direct(nb/GeV)dσ/dM 4j-110Four-jets101010-2-3-4-1ZEUS 121 pbHERWIG+MPI (×2.1)HERWIG (×3.1)PYTHIA+MPI (×5.3)PYTHIA (×9.2)HERWIG (×2.1) - direct(nb/GeV)dσ/dM 3j101010-1-2-3Three-jets-1ZEUS 121 pbO(αα 2s ) ⊗ had. corr. ⊗ MPI corr.1010-4-550 100 150(GeV)M 3j1010-5-650 100 150(GeV)• both 3- and 4-jet mass distributions fall exponentially• MC without MPIs fails to describe low M nj regions• adding MPIs helps description of M nj (see M 4j )• highest order pQCD in γp only LO for 3-jet process• shown here corrected for hadronisation and MPI effects• largely describes M 3j data but <strong>the</strong>o. uncertainty large• description greatly improved by MPI corrs.M 4jCorr. Factor<strong>the</strong>orydata ⁄1010-4-521.51210MPI corr.had. corr.3 E-scale uncertainty<strong>the</strong>o. uncertainty50 100 150M 3j(GeV)T. Namsoo5EDS07 (Blois Workshop)

Underlying <strong>event</strong> in γp - multi-jets(nb)4 Three-jets (25≤M 3j

Underlying <strong>event</strong> in DIS - mini-jets• resolved processes suppressed by virtuality, Q 2 .• are we even sensitive to MPIs/<strong>underlying</strong> <strong>event</strong> in DIS?• Strategy:– select DIS <strong>event</strong>s (5 < Q 2 < 100 GeV 2 )– select hardest jet in HCM (PTjet > 5 GeV)– define 4 regions (see figure right)– ∑ of particle E T defines low/high activity regions– measure average mini-jet multiplicity, < N minijet >.– where mini-jets have P jet > 3 GeV...T∑ N<strong>event</strong>sN minijet– ...and < N minijet >=N <strong>event</strong>s• transverse regions - sensitive to incoherent energy flow.• can fur<strong>the</strong>r reduce coherent radiation by requiring backto-backsubleading jet (see figure right)– select dijet <strong>event</strong>s (PTjet > 5 GeV)– with subleading jet in “away region”– repeat procedure...T. Namsoo7EDS07 (Blois Workshop)

Underlying <strong>event</strong> in DIS - mini-jets (inclusive)Toward1.41.2Mini Jet Production. Inclusive Sample. 0.5 < η lab < 2.79225 < Q < 10 GeV(a)H1HERA I(Preliminary)210 < QCDM2< 25 GeV(b)225 < QljRapgap (dir+res)2< 100 GeV(c)Toward1.41.2Mini Jet Production. Inclusive Sample. 0.5 < η lab < 2.79225 < Q < 10 GeV(a)H1HERA I(Preliminary)210 < QPythia2< 25 GeV(b)225 < QljPythia MI2< 100 GeV(c)111.5(d) (e) (f)1.5(d) (e) (f)Away1Away1< N MiniJetHigh>> (h) (i)< N MiniJetHigh0.50.30.2(g) (h) (i)0.10.1(j)(k)(l)(j)(k)(l)Low0.05Low0.05010 2010 20* (GeV) P T, lj10 20010 2010 20* (GeV) P T, lj10 20• < N minijet > (P jet1T) in <strong>the</strong> 4 regions. Shown for high η jet1 region in 3 Q 2 bins.• expect larger resolved contribution in high η jet1 (forward) region.• all MC models describe <strong>the</strong> “towards” and “away” regions reasonably well.• MPIs improve description of “low” and “high” regions at low Q 2 but not at mid Q 2T. Namsoo8EDS07 (Blois Workshop)

Underlying <strong>event</strong> at <strong>the</strong> LHC?• What will <strong>the</strong> <strong>underlying</strong> <strong>event</strong> be like at <strong>the</strong> LHC? Can we say anything presently?• Clearly, LHC extrapolations based on tunes to current data disagree• certainly first LHC data will provide an interesting test for <strong>the</strong> current models• but beyond just being a background for physics it will be interesting if MPI <strong>event</strong>scan be used constructively to gain fur<strong>the</strong>r insight into e.g. proton structure.T. Namsoo11EDS07 (Blois Workshop)

Summary• <strong>the</strong> topic of MPIs is presently very relevant. From practical considerations:– <strong>the</strong>y interfere with what physics analyses can be done– <strong>the</strong>y interfere with what triggering strategies can be employed• at HERA, MPIs are possible in resolved photon <strong>interactions</strong>• resolved processes suppressed with increasing Q 2 and x γ .• low-Q 2 multi-jet γp data suggestive of large MPI contribution at low M nj & low x γ .• fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, influence of MPIs predicted to grow with jet multiplicity.• HERA DIS mini-jet data also suggestive of MPIs at lowish-Q 2 (upto O(10) GeV 2 )• however, always question whe<strong>the</strong>r MPIs or HO effects/soft physics?• at <strong>the</strong> Tevatron, <strong>the</strong> picture is <strong>the</strong> same.• particle P T sums are in excess of MC prediction without MPIs• description can be remedied by <strong>the</strong> inclusion of MPIs• But as for <strong>the</strong> LHC, extrapolations to <strong>the</strong> relevant energies have large uncertainties• LHC data will provide an interesting test of <strong>the</strong> models• but beyond just being a background for physics, it will be interesting if MPI <strong>event</strong>scan be used constructively to gain fur<strong>the</strong>r physical insightsT. Namsoo12EDS07 (Blois Workshop)

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