2011 OFYP Annual Report - Orientation and First-Year Programs ...

2011 OFYP Annual Report - Orientation and First-Year Programs ... 2011 OFYP Annual Report - Orientation and First-Year Programs ...


First-Year Assessment PlanSummary of results from 2011 assessment plan: There are many factorsfor choosing the University of Minnesota.Factors for Choosing the U of M (2011 Pre-OR)Freshmen responsesTransfer ResponsesTop-ranked programs 59% 63%Campus life 50% 26%Wide variety of majors 45% 33%Big school 44% 30%Close to home 35% 46%Major research institution 33% 39%Cultural opportunities of theTC areaExcellent academic advisingand career counseling28% 28%27% 29%Outstanding professors 22% 32%44

There seems to be a disconnect for students between expectationsand reality. Students are very confident before entering. It is notnecessarily that we are not meeting their expectations, our need tohelp students be realistic with those expectations.Time Commitments: Socializing with friends80 70 60 50 40 30 NHS in person NAS in person NHS Electronically (i.e. facebook) NAS Electronically (i.e. facebook) 20 10 0 Less than 1 hour 1-­‐10 hours 11-­‐20 hours 21-­‐30 hours 31-­‐40 hours Time Commitments: Class60 50 40 30 20 NHS A3ending classes/discussions NHS Preparing for class (studying, homework, rehearsing) NAS A3ending classes/discussions NAS Preparing for class (studying, homework, rehearsing) 10 0 1-­‐10 hours 11-­‐20 hours 21 -­‐30 hours 31-­‐40 hours 45

There seems to be a disconnect for students between expectations<strong>and</strong> reality. Students are very confident before entering. It is notnecessarily that we are not meeting their expectations, our need tohelp students be realistic with those expectations.Time Commitments: Socializing with friends80 70 60 50 40 30 NHS in person NAS in person NHS Electronically (i.e. facebook) NAS Electronically (i.e. facebook) 20 10 0 Less than 1 hour 1-­‐10 hours 11-­‐20 hours 21-­‐30 hours 31-­‐40 hours Time Commitments: Class60 50 40 30 20 NHS A3ending classes/discussions NHS Preparing for class (studying, homework, rehearsing) NAS A3ending classes/discussions NAS Preparing for class (studying, homework, rehearsing) 10 0 1-­‐10 hours 11-­‐20 hours 21 -­‐30 hours 31-­‐40 hours 45

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