2011 OFYP Annual Report - Orientation and First-Year Programs ...

2011 OFYP Annual Report - Orientation and First-Year Programs ... 2011 OFYP Annual Report - Orientation and First-Year Programs ...


Freshman Student OrientationNew first-year students enrolling in fall, attend a two-day, overnightorientation experience during June, July or August. Based on a smallgroup model, students learn about what to expect from the Universityof Minnesota, meet with their college of enrollment, and register forclasses.There were no significant changes in the 2011 orientation schedule.The Freshman and Parent Orientation program participatedin a content program review. Two colleagues from the NationalOrientation Directors Association were selected to conduct a threedayprogram review. The results of the review were received inSeptember 2011 and the results will impact orientation planningfor 2012.In August, three orientation dates were planned to assist with thenumber of international students who would attend during this timeframe. Although the total number of international students has notgreatly increased in past few years, these additional dates providedcollege staff more time to better meet the needs of these students.In addition, OFYP worked closely with International Student andScholar Services (ISSS) to create a one-stop orientation program.International students followed a special orientation schedule tocombine the requirements of International Student OrientationProgram and the University required program. This created a moreseamless experience and lessened new students’ requirements fromthree days of orientation to two days. This program was very wellreceived by both students and the staff of ISSS.What students said….12“I truly thought the process was very helpful andexciting! Of course I’m still a bit nervous, but now I knowa bunch of information that will aid my adventures!”

Students enrolling in the spring attend a one-day orientationthe week prior to the start of classes in January. January 2011 isthe last official year the University will accept first-year studentsin January.Students who met specific criteria were invited to attend a newlyrevised Post Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) orientationcalled, “Just for You” on March 31, 2011. Criteria includes:• Enrolled full-time (13 credits, fall and spring) as a PSEOstudent during the 2010-2011 academic year who had:• Applied and accepted to be a degree seeking in fall of 2011.• Paid the confirmation fee.The PSEO students had the option to complete the three-hourorientation in conjunction with an advising appointment. Withfour colleges participating, we had 41 students participate and 30parents.All confirmed freshman students pay $225 confirmation fee.What students said….What students said….“Orientation was very helpful to me. The informationpresented cleared up so many questions that I had andeveryone was extremely nice and knowledgeable. I likedbeing surrounded by people who love their jobs andknow what they’re talking about. I definitely encouragecontinuing to present information from so many differentareas because that not only brings to attention things thatI didn’t think of, and also helped me to feel more confidentand prepared for my upcoming college experience!”13

Freshman Student <strong>Orientation</strong>New first-year students enrolling in fall, attend a two-day, overnightorientation experience during June, July or August. Based on a smallgroup model, students learn about what to expect from the Universityof Minnesota, meet with their college of enrollment, <strong>and</strong> register forclasses.There were no significant changes in the <strong>2011</strong> orientation schedule.The Freshman <strong>and</strong> Parent <strong>Orientation</strong> program participatedin a content program review. Two colleagues from the National<strong>Orientation</strong> Directors Association were selected to conduct a threedayprogram review. The results of the review were received inSeptember <strong>2011</strong> <strong>and</strong> the results will impact orientation planningfor 2012.In August, three orientation dates were planned to assist with thenumber of international students who would attend during this timeframe. Although the total number of international students has notgreatly increased in past few years, these additional dates providedcollege staff more time to better meet the needs of these students.In addition, <strong>OFYP</strong> worked closely with International Student <strong>and</strong>Scholar Services (ISSS) to create a one-stop orientation program.International students followed a special orientation schedule tocombine the requirements of International Student <strong>Orientation</strong>Program <strong>and</strong> the University required program. This created a moreseamless experience <strong>and</strong> lessened new students’ requirements fromthree days of orientation to two days. This program was very wellreceived by both students <strong>and</strong> the staff of ISSS.What students said….12“I truly thought the process was very helpful <strong>and</strong>exciting! Of course I’m still a bit nervous, but now I knowa bunch of information that will aid my adventures!”

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