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Digital games play wellin the Middle EastSales of digital games suchas Angry Birds are forecastto soar to US$3.2 billion(Dh11.75bn) in the MiddleEast and Africa, partly dueto the high smartphone usein countries such as the UAE.Digital games include thosedownloaded or streamed onlinefor use on PCs, consoles,mobile phones and tablets.Sales of such titles in thisregion are forecast togrow by 29 per cent ayear, far ahead of theglobal average of 17per cent, according tothe research companyOvum.The firm's DigitalGames Forecast2011-2016 predictsthat the market forsuch games in theMiddle East and Africais set to grow from $900million this year to $3.2bn in2016.Mark Little, an analyst inLondon for Ovum, said thepopularity of smartphoneswas a major driver of digitalgames in the region. "Theincreased penetration ofsmartphones in the MiddleEast, and feature phones inAfrica, support quite a steepgrowth in games," said MrLittle. However, he acknowledgedthat growth wasforecast to be stronger in thisregion because it was startingat a lower base.Casual games such as AngryBirds, which can be downloadedon to devices such as theApple iPhone, is the primarydriver of revenue growth globally,said Mr Little."It's not just the hard-coregamer any more. Thosecasual-type games are findingtheir way on to phones …through streaming servicesand downloads," he said."Publishers are finding thatdigital distribution is deliveringa host of other benefits.These include boosting marginsfrom 20 to 30 percent on boxed games,to 50 to 75 per cent ondigital."Karim Sabbagh, a seniorpartner at the consultancyBooz & Company,agreed that the digitalgaming market in theMiddle East and Africawould "grow ahead ofthe global average".He cited reasons includingwider economic growth,the relative immaturity of thebroadband infrastructure, andthe large youth population inthe region.Munich Lord Mayor to open FTTH Conference 2012The FTTH Council Europehas just announced thatChristian Ude, Lord Mayorof the city of Munich, willaddress the audience of theFTTH Conference 2012 inMunich during the officialopening ceremony on 15February 2012. The FTTHConference is the largestFTTH event in the world.With both the Gold andSilver sponsorships alreadysold out more than threemonths before the event,its 9th edition in Munichis expected to be a worthysuccessor to the last event inMilan, which gathered 3,000participants. The event takesplace on 15-16 February 2012at the ICM in Munich, withpre-conference workshops on14 February. The FTTH Conferencewill exhibit the latestFTTH solutions, display howFTTH can optimize contentand application delivery,discuss the topic of financingEurope's next generationfibre-optic broadbandinfrastructure, based onsuccess stories including aspecific session focussingon Germany. The conferenceis under the patronage ofBitkom, the German FederalAssociation for InformationTechnology, Telecommunicationsand New Media (, and will donatea €3 euro "green donation"from each paying guest toGerman nature conservationgroup NABU ( Jobsnominatedfor 'Personof the Year'by TimemagazineThe computer genius Steve Jobs continuesto make history not only inthe field of computing, this time, Timemagazine nominated him for the titleof Person of the Year, marking the firsttime that the list includes the deceased.Brian Williams, a member of Timediscussion board which is responsiblefor nominating candidates, said: ""Ohthe places you'll go" and oh the wayyou will change forever the music andtelevision industries. So rest in peace,Steve Jobs. " For his part, Rick Stengel,editor of the publication, emphasizedthat it has never been elected to adead person as a person of the year.The Person of the Year title is awardedannually by Time magazine since 1927,in 2010, the choice was the creator ofFacebook, the popular Mark Zuckeberg.The list has included personalities likeBarack Obama, Bono, Martin LutherKing and Gandhi, among others."Soon we will release our survey tofind out who they think should beour Person of the Year 2011. And theofficial announcement will be unveiledin mid-December, "the publication saidin his official website. Jobs was whonominated Williams, a reporter forNBC during the meeting with the othersix panelists and the editor. In the listof nominees for person of the year2011 also highlights the citizen activistmovement Occupy Wall Street.December 2011www.teletimesinternational.com45

EMEA enterprise IT spending set to fall - GartnerEurope, the Middle East andAfrica will see a 1.4% declinein enterprise IT spending in2011 at $835.3 billion, accordingto Gartner, while Euro-basedenterprise IT spending in the regionwill grow by 2.3% in 2012.Western Europe will continue toslow EMEA growth through until2015. "The second recessionis about to hit and CIOs mustdecide which way to turn," saidPeter Sondergaard, senior vicepresident and global head of Researchat Gartner. "The continuedglobal economic uncertaintyand the eurozone crisis willimpact your IT budget in 2012,and your business will face difficultbudgetary questions. Yourchoices will depend on whichgeographies you operate in,your industry, and the strengthof your organisation when theeconomic storm arrives."Sondergaard was speaking atthe Gartner Symposium/ITxpo2011, which took place through10th November. The IT spendingoutlook in EMEA has beenhit by falling economic growthin the mature economies ofWestern Europe. Austeritymeasures brought in to dealwith the sovereign debt crisiswill limit government spendingon IT in particular and hindereconomic growth, resulting inlower demand for IT productsand services from businesses,Georgina Enzeraccording to Gartner. WesternEurope, which accounts for 80%of EMEA enterprise IT spending,will see enterprise IT spendingin euros decline by 1.8% in2011 and grow by only 1.5% in2012. Government IT spending,including spending on education,will account for the largest shareof Western Europe enterpriseIT spending in 2011, at 20% ofthe total.Gartner predicts that this sectorwill decline by 4.8% in 2011 and1.7% in 2012, and that it will notrecover to the level seen in 2010until 2015. "CIOs must build arealistic budget right now to leadfrom the front, irrespective ofmarket growth. By 2014, CIOswill have lost effective controlof 25% of their organisation'sIT spending, and by 2017, chiefmarketing officers may have abigger IT budget than CIOs do.It is time for CIOs to take thelead and reimagine their role,"said Sondergaard.Alcatel-Lucent cuts full-year forecastamid economic uncertaintyAlcatel-Lucent lowered its2011 profit forecast and thecompany's third-quarter revenuecame in lower than analysts'estimates as the vendor saidoperators were more hesitant tospend amid economic uncertainty,especially in Europe.The company loweredits full-year 2011 operatingmargin forecast to 4percent, 1 percent below itsprevious target, which sentthe company's shares downas much as 11 percent.CEO, Ben Verwaayen saidthe company "is not at alevel we are satisfied with"and also said that amideconomic uncertainty, especiallywith European markets reelingfrom the debt crisis there,fourth-quarter revenue would belower than anticipated.To cope with weaker sales, Verwaayensaid Alcatel-Lucent willembark on a $691 million programof additional cost cuts in2012, affecting both sales spendingand project costs. "GivenBen Verwaayeneconomic uncertainties, we willtake more radical actions," hesaid, according to Reuters. "Youwill see us increase our effortson cost control and cash flow."Verwaayen said he is confidentthat the company' strategy ofcapitalizing on increased mobilebroadband demand--and the attendantnetwork upgrades--willpay off. Still, markets wererattled by the company'sdecision to cut its forecasts."This is not just a weakquarter," Thomas Langer, ananalyst a WestLB, told theWall Street Journal. "Therestructuring announcementshows that there may bemore structural problemsresiding in Alcatel-Lucent."For the third quarter Alcatel-Lucentposted a $268 million profit,up from $34.56 million in theyear-ago period and higher thanthe consensus of $79 million, accordingto analysts surveyed byBloomberg. However, the profitwas boosted by a one-time taxgain. Total sales slumped 6.8percent to $5.25 billion, missingthe analyst consensus of $5.53billion, according to Bloomberg.Alcatel-Lucent said revenue forits wireless division clocked inat $1.42 billion, a decrease of 3.4percent from the year-ago quarter.In a bit of bright news forthe company, it said that growthcontinued in the Americas, ledby its CDMA EV-DO and LTEbusinesses, both contributingto strong double-digit growth inthe region. Sales in North Americaclimbed 10 percent year-overyear,the company said.46 www.teletimesinternational.comDecember 2011

Digital games play wellin the Middle EastSales of digital games suchas Angry Birds are forecastto soar to US$3.2 billion(Dh11.75bn) in the MiddleEast and Africa, partly dueto the high smartphone usein countries such as the UAE.Digital games include thosedownloaded or streamed onlinefor use on PCs, consoles,mobile phones and tablets.Sales of such titles in thisregion are forecast togrow by 29 per cent ayear, far ahead of theglobal average of 17per cent, according tothe research companyOvum.The firm's DigitalGames Forecast2011-2016 predictsthat the market forsuch games in theMiddle East and Africais set to grow from $900million this year to $3.2bn in2016.Mark Little, an analyst inLondon for Ovum, said thepopularity of smartphoneswas a major driver of digitalgames in the region. "Theincreased penetration ofsmartphones in the MiddleEast, and feature phones inAfrica, support quite a steepgrowth in games," said MrLittle. However, he acknowledgedthat growth wasforecast to be stronger in thisregion because it was startingat a lower base.Casual games such as AngryBirds, which can be downloadedon to devices such as theApple iPhone, is the primarydriver of revenue growth globally,said Mr Little."It's not just the hard-coregamer any more. Thosecasual-type games are findingtheir way on to phones …through streaming servicesand downloads," he said."Publishers are finding thatdigital distribution is deliveringa host of other benefits.These include boosting marginsfrom 20 to 30 percent on boxed games,to 50 to 75 per cent ondigital."Karim Sabbagh, a seniorpartner at the consultancyBooz & Company,agreed that the digitalgaming market in theMiddle East and Africawould "grow ahead ofthe global average".He cited reasons includingwider economic growth,the relative immaturity of thebroadband infrastructure, andthe large youth population inthe region.Munich Lord Mayor to open FTTH Conference 2012The FTTH Council Europehas just announced thatChristian Ude, Lord Mayorof the city of Munich, willaddress the audience of theFTTH Conference 2012 inMunich during the officialopening ceremony on 15February 2012. The FTTHConference is the largestFTTH event in the world.With both the Gold andSilver sponsorships alreadysold out more than threemonths before the event,its 9th edition in Munichis expected to be a worthysuccessor to the last event inMilan, which gathered 3,000participants. The event takesplace on 15-16 February 2012at the ICM in Munich, withpre-conference workshops on14 February. The FTTH Conferencewill exhibit the latestFTTH solutions, display howFTTH can optimize contentand application delivery,discuss the topic of financingEurope's next generationfibre-optic broadbandinfrastructure, based onsuccess stories including aspecific session focussingon Germany. The conferenceis under the patronage ofBitkom, the German FederalAssociation for InformationTechnology, Telecommunicationsand New Media (, and will donatea €3 euro "green donation"from each paying guest toGerman nature conservationgroup NABU ( Jobsnominatedfor 'Personof the Year'by TimemagazineThe computer genius Steve Jobs continuesto make history not only inthe field of computing, this time, Timemagazine nominated him for the titleof Person of the Year, marking the firsttime that the list includes the deceased.Brian Williams, a member of Timediscussion board which is responsiblefor nominating candidates, said: ""Ohthe places you'll go" and oh the wayyou will change forever the music andtelevision industries. So rest in peace,Steve Jobs. " For his part, Rick Stengel,editor of the publication, emphasizedthat it has never been elected to adead person as a person of the year.The Person of the Year title is awardedannually by Time magazine since 1927,in 2010, the choice was the creator ofFacebook, the popular Mark Zuckeberg.The list has included personalities likeBarack Obama, Bono, Martin LutherKing and Gandhi, among others."Soon we will release our survey tofind out who they think should beour Person of the Year 2011. And theofficial announcement will be unveiledin mid-December, "the publication saidin his official website. Jobs was whonominated Williams, a reporter forNBC during the meeting with the othersix panelists and the editor. In the listof nominees for person of the year2011 also highlights the citizen activistmovement Occupy Wall Street.December 2011www.teletimesinternational.com45

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