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Sony to acquireEricsson’s share of Sony EricssonHans Vestberg, CEO - EricssonEricsson (NASDAQ: ERIC)and Sony Corporation(“Sony”) announced that Sonywill acquire Ericsson’s 50 percentstake in Sony Ericsson MobileCommunications AB (“SonyEricsson”), making the mobilehandset business a whollyownedsubsidiary of Sony.The transaction gives Sony anopportunity to rapidly integratesmartphones into its broad arrayof network-connected consumerelectronics devices – includingtablets, televisions and personalcomputers - for the benefit ofconsumers and the growth ofits business. The transactionalso provides Sony with a broadintellectual property (IP) crosslicensingagreement covering allproducts and services of Sony aswell as ownership of five essentialpatent families relating towireless handset technology.As part of the transaction, Ericssonwill receive a cash considerationof EUR 1.05 billion.During the past ten years themobile market has shifted focusfrom simple mobile phones torich smartphones that includeaccess to internet services andcontent. The transaction is alogical strategic step that takesinto account the nature of thisevolution and its impact on themarketplace.This means that the synergiesfor Ericsson in having both aworld leading technology andtelecoms services portfolio and ahandset operation are decreasing.Today Ericsson’s focus is onthe global wireless market as awhole; how wireless connectivitycan benefit people, businessand society beyond just phones.Consistent with that mission, bysetting up a wireless connectivityinitiative, Ericsson and Sonywill work to drive and developthe market’s adoption of connectivityacross multiple platforms.“This acquisition makes sensefor Sony and Ericsson, and itwill make the difference forconsumers, who want to connectwith content wherever theyare, whenever they want. Witha vibrant smartphone businessand by gaining access toimportant strategic IP, notablya broad cross-license agreement,our four-screen strategy is inplace. We can more rapidly andmore widely offer consumerssmartphones, laptops, tabletsand televisions that seamlesslyconnect with one another andopen up new worlds of onlineentertainment. This includesSony’s own acclaimed networkservices, like the PlayStationNetwork and SonyEntertainment Network,” saidSir Howard Stringer, Sony’sChairman, Chief Executive Officerand President. Mr Stringeralso noted that the acquisitionwill afford Sony operationalefficiencies in engineering,network development andmarketing, among other areas.“We can help people enjoy allour content – from movies tomusic and games – through ourmany devices, in a way no oneelse can.”“Ten years ago when we formedthe joint venture, thereby combiningSony’s consumer productsknowledge with Ericsson’stelecommunication technologyexpertise, it was a perfect matchto drive the development offeature phones. Today we takean equally logical step asSir Howard StringerChairman & CEO - SonySony acquires our stake in SonyEricsson and makes it a part ofits broad range of consumer devices.We will now enhance ourfocus on enabling connectivityfor all devices, using ourR&D and industry leading patentportfolio to realize a truly connectedworld” said HansVestberg, President and CEO ofEricsson.When Sony Ericsson started itsoperations on October 1, 2001, itcombined the unprofitable handsetoperations from Ericssonand Sony. Following a successfulturnaround the company hasbecome a market leader in thedevelopment of feature phonesby integrating Sony’s strongconsumer products knowledgeand Ericsson’s telecommunicationstechnology leadership. TheWalkmanTM phone and CybershotTMphone are well knownLina Al Desoukyexamples.With the successful introductionof the P1 in 2007, Sony Ericssonearly on established itself inthe smartphone segment. Morerecently, the company has successfullymade the transitionfrom feature phones to AndroidbasedXperia smartphones.By the end of the third quarterof 2011, Sony Ericsson held amarket share of 11 percent (byvalue) in the Android phonemarket, representing 80 percentof the company’s third quartersales. During its ten years inoperation Sony Ericsson hasgenerated approximately EUR1.5 billion of profit and paiddividends totalling approximatelyEUR 1.9 billion to its parentcompanies.Prominent models include ”XperiaTMarc” and “XperiaTM mini”which received 2011 EISAAwards, while recent notableadditions to the lineup include“XperiaTM PLAY” and “XperiaTMarc S”.The transaction, which hasbeen approved by appropriatedecision-making bodies ofboth companies, is expected toclose in January 2012, subjectto customary closing conditions,including regulatory approvals.Ericsson has accounted forits 50 percent share in SonyEricsson according to the equitymethod. Following completionof the transaction, Ericsson willhave no outstanding guaranteesrelating to Sony Ericsson andwill no longer account for SonyEricsson as an investment onbalance sheet. The transactionwill result in a positive capitalgain for Ericsson which willbe defined after closing of thetransaction.December 2011www.teletimesinternational.com43

Mobile data traffic to grow 10-fold by 2016New report from EricssonMobile broadband subscriptionsgrew by 60 percentin one year and are expected togrow from 900 million in 2011to almost 5 billion in 2016. By2016, users living on less than 1percent of the Earth’s total landarea are set to generate around60 percent of mobile trafficIn its new Traffic and MarketData report, which provides insightsinto current trends, Ericsson(NASDAQ: ERIC) forecastsa 10-fold increase in mobiledata traffic by 2016. The reportis based on measurements thecompany recorded over severalyears in live networks coveringall regions of the world.Johan Wibergh, Head of EricssonBusiness Unit Networks,says: “Ericsson performs a broadrange of measurements in orderto monitor the pulse of the NetworkedSociety – measurementsthat we use to efficiently designour products and plan networks.This report offers snapshotsthat, together, show how agrowing number of people andbusinesses benefit from mobility,broadband and the cloud.”According to the report, mobilebroadband subscriptions willreach almost 5 billion in 2016,up from the expected 900million by the end of 2011.Thatwould represent 60 percentyear-on-year growth, at thesame time as the data consumedby smartphone users issurging. Total smartphone trafficis expected to triple during2011.Across all devices, internetaccess will continue to drivemobile traffic development andmobile data traffic is expectedto grow by nearly 60 percentper year between 2011 and2016, mainly driven by video.By 2016 more than 30 percentof the world’s population willNew Renault electric and ICE carsconnected through Telenor ConnexionTelenor Connexion has beenchosen as the Europeanconnectivity supplier for Renault’ssophisticated telematicsservices available on new Renaultelectric and fuel vehicles.Following the success with NissanLEAF, ”European Car of theYear 2011”, the Renault NissanAlliance has selected TelenorConnexion as its Europeansupplier of connectivity for Renault’snew electric and internalcombustion car models as well.The first new electric vehiclesto be connected are Kangoo ZE,Fluence ZE and the first ICE vehiclesconnected will be Kangooand Master. Telenor Connexion’sdedicated connectivitysolution helps Renault’s sophisticatedonboard unit connect totheRenaultGlobalDataCenterina private network environmentallowing Renault to provideits end customers with a widerange of services and information.This is made possible byseamless communication viacellular mobile networks in allof Europe, plus Russia and Turkey.Renault’s onboard unit usesthe embedded SIM technologyfrom Telenor Connexion partnerSierra Wireless, which allowsfor more robust, durable andbetter integrated connectivityin an automotive environment.The main features for electricvehicles include helping endcustomers to optimize the autonomyof their electric batteryby making it possible to checkthe battery status either byphone or computer. Electric vehicleowners will be able to spotthe charging locations availableand to plan a trip until destination.In addition, the telematicssolution will offer subscriptionsfor optional services such asremote diagnostics, fleet assetmanagement, road assistance,insurance telematics, and morelive in metropolitan and urbanareas with a density of morethan 1,000 people per squarekilometer. These areas representless than 1 percent of theEarth’s total land area, yet theyare set to generate around 60percent of total mobile traffic.Mobile broadband, new smartphonelaunches and applicationsuptake will continue todrive data consumption. At thesame time, there is strong momentumfor smartphone uptakein all regions. Ericsson expectstraffic generated by advancedsmartphones to increase 12-foldto roughly equal mobile PCgeneratedtraffic by 2016.Ericsson’s presence in more than180 countries, where it supportsmore than 1,000 networks, enablesit to measure mobile voiceand data volumes. The result isa representative base for calculatingworld total mobile trafficin 2G, 3G, and 4G future.“Telenor Connexion truly supportsinnovation in M2M andis the first mobile operatorable to provide a reliable andsecure connectivity solutionwith an embedded SIM solutionfor mass deployment inthe automotive market. Otherdetermining features of TelenorConnexion’s telematics solutionare their global coverage, theirproactive service awareness andtheir dedicated Service Portalto facilitate the management ofconnectivity”, says Ms. ClaudeDeulniau, IT Purchasing Managerat Renault.44 www.teletimesinternational.comDecember 2011

Sony to acquireEricsson’s share of Sony EricssonHans Vestberg, CEO - EricssonEricsson (NASDAQ: ERIC)and Sony Corporation(“Sony”) announced that Sonywill acquire Ericsson’s 50 percentstake in Sony Ericsson MobileCommunications AB (“SonyEricsson”), making the mobilehandset business a whollyownedsubsidiary of Sony.The transaction gives Sony anopportunity to rapidly integratesmartphones into its broad arrayof network-connected consumerelectronics devices – includingtablets, televisions and personalcomputers - for the benefit ofconsumers and the growth ofits business. The transactionalso provides Sony with a broadintellectual property (IP) crosslicensingagreement covering allproducts and services of Sony aswell as ownership of five essentialpatent families relating towireless handset technology.As part of the transaction, Ericssonwill receive a cash considerationof EUR 1.05 billion.During the past ten years themobile market has shifted focusfrom simple mobile phones torich smartphones that includeaccess to internet services andcontent. The transaction is alogical strategic step that takesinto account the nature of thisevolution and its impact on themarketplace.This means that the synergiesfor Ericsson in having both aworld leading technology andtelecoms services portfolio and ahandset operation are decreasing.Today Ericsson’s focus is onthe global wireless market as awhole; how wireless connectivitycan benefit people, businessand society beyond just phones.Consistent with that mission, bysetting up a wireless connectivityinitiative, Ericsson and Sonywill work to drive and developthe market’s adoption of connectivityacross multiple platforms.“This acquisition makes sensefor Sony and Ericsson, and itwill make the difference forconsumers, who want to connectwith content wherever theyare, whenever they want. Witha vibrant smartphone businessand by gaining access toimportant strategic IP, notablya broad cross-license agreement,our four-screen strategy is inplace. We can more rapidly andmore widely offer consumerssmartphones, laptops, tabletsand televisions that seamlesslyconnect with one another andopen up new worlds of onlineentertainment. This includesSony’s own acclaimed networkservices, like the PlayStationNetwork and SonyEntertainment Network,” saidSir Howard Stringer, Sony’sChairman, Chief Executive Officerand President. Mr Stringeralso noted that the acquisitionwill afford Sony operationalefficiencies in engineering,network development andmarketing, among other areas.“We can help people enjoy allour content – from movies tomusic and games – through ourmany devices, in a way no oneelse can.”“Ten years ago when we formedthe joint venture, thereby combiningSony’s consumer productsknowledge with Ericsson’stelecommunication technologyexpertise, it was a perfect matchto drive the development offeature phones. Today we takean equally logical step asSir Howard StringerChairman & CEO - SonySony acquires our stake in SonyEricsson and makes it a part ofits broad range of consumer devices.We will now enhance ourfocus on enabling connectivityfor all devices, using ourR&D and industry leading patentportfolio to realize a truly connectedworld” said HansVestberg, President and CEO ofEricsson.When Sony Ericsson started itsoperations on October 1, 2001, itcombined the unprofitable handsetoperations from Ericssonand Sony. Following a successfulturnaround the company hasbecome a market leader in thedevelopment of feature phonesby integrating Sony’s strongconsumer products knowledgeand Ericsson’s telecommunicationstechnology leadership. TheWalkmanTM phone and CybershotTMphone are well knownLina Al Desoukyexamples.With the successful introductionof the P1 in 2007, Sony Ericssonearly on established itself inthe smartphone segment. Morerecently, the company has successfullymade the transitionfrom feature phones to AndroidbasedXperia smartphones.By the end of the third quarterof 2011, Sony Ericsson held amarket share of 11 percent (byvalue) in the Android phonemarket, representing 80 percentof the company’s third quartersales. During its ten years inoperation Sony Ericsson hasgenerated approximately EUR1.5 billion of profit and paiddividends totalling approximatelyEUR 1.9 billion to its parentcompanies.Prominent models include ”XperiaTMarc” and “XperiaTM mini”which received 2011 EISAAwards, while recent notableadditions to the lineup include“XperiaTM PLAY” and “XperiaTMarc S”.The transaction, which hasbeen approved by appropriatedecision-making bodies ofboth companies, is expected toclose in January 2012, subjectto customary closing conditions,including regulatory approvals.Ericsson has accounted forits 50 percent share in SonyEricsson according to the equitymethod. Following completionof the transaction, Ericsson willhave no outstanding guaranteesrelating to Sony Ericsson andwill no longer account for SonyEricsson as an investment onbalance sheet. The transactionwill result in a positive capitalgain for Ericsson which willbe defined after closing of thetransaction.December 2011www.teletimesinternational.com43

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