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Thuraya and Al Aan TV partnerto spotlight famine-stricken SomaliaThe famine-stricken areaof Somalia is an unfoldingtragedy that refuses to abate.The country, situated in theHorn of Africa, is experiencingits worst drought for 60years leaving vast swathes ofthe country without water,vegetation or food supplies andrelying on government agenciesand worldwide donations forsupport. Key to driving awarenessand fuelling additionalworldwide provision is mediaawareness.Al Aan TV, the UAE-based prowomanTV channel, is activelysupporting the campaign tokeep Somalia’s plight at theforefront of the world’s mindand, supported by internationalmobile satellite services operator,Thuraya, will be broadcastinga series of live stories andEbrahim K. Ebrahimreports from the region over thecoming months.About 60 percent of the peoplein Somalia have been inaccessibleto aid, and those are justthe people in temporary camps.Al Aan TV will be following thestories of the families, some ofwhom have walked for weeksto find supplies, and airing livecoverage of their courageousThuraya IP enables environmentalresearch project in the HimalayasEv-K2-CNR Committee, anItalian non-profit organisationthat promotes scientificand technological research inmountainous areas such as theHimalaya region, has been usingThuraya’s high-speed data solution,Thuraya IP as part of itsresearch equipment. Thuraya IPhas enabled Ev-K2-CNR to senddata, videos and pictures as partof their environmental studieswhich are often in remote regionswhere terrestrial networksare unavailable.With Thuraya’s ubiquitous anduninterrupted border-to-bordercoverage in more than 140 countriesin Europe, Africa, MiddleEast, Asia and Australia, Ev-K2-CNR can reliably depend on itsnetwork for broadband connectivitywhenever it is needed bythe research organisation.“It is actually fascinating howThuraya’s satellite network hasallowed us to create a remoteofficefacility via Thuraya IP inthe most isolated spots onthe globe. We are able tosend important researchdata reliably through thecompact solution thathas proven to be so easyto use and is now a fundamentalpart of our gear. ThurayaIP has endured the rough andicy conditions we face during ourproject. Additionally, it is alsovery affordable,” said GiampietroVerza, Technical Manager of theEv-K2-CNR. Thuraya IP is theworld’s smallest satellite broadbandsolution to support 384Kbps streaming. It also offersspeeds up to 444KbpsStandardIP. It is the onlysatellite broadband solutionwith asymmetric streamingcapabilities, allowing consumersReham Barakatjourneys in an effort to encourageviewers around the globeto assist wherever and howeverthey can. Thuraya, known forits support of such projects, isproviding the efficient satellitebroadband technology requiredto broadcast stories and reportslive via its media friendlyThuraya IP broadband solution.“We have a strong partnershipwith Al Aan TV, whomwe openly admire for theircontinued efforts to highlighthuman interest stories. Somaliais a vast, barren country with aheart-breaking story to tell, wewanted to ensure Al Aan TVhad the means to get the storyout. Our Thuraya IP solutionenables them to broadcast livefrom even the most remote locationand provides the platformto re-focus international attentionon Somali community,”said Thuraya’s Vice President,Corporate & Marketing Communications,Mr. Ebrahim K.Ebrahim.On a similar note Ms. NisreenSadek, News Projects Managerof Al Aan TV said, “We arecommitted to proving leadingand breaking news to ouraudience, we ensure that we arewell-geared to stream storiesfrom all parts of the globe andthat is why we selected ThurayaIP as our main satellite broadbandsolution. The compact,portable and user-friendly solutionwill enable us to show thereality on the ground in Somaliawithout delay to our studios, inthe hope of bringing attentionto our audience so that theyparticipate in saving the lives ofthose in Somalia.”Reham Barakatto select their upload and downloadspeeds for substantial costsavings. This is in addition toThuraya’s flexible fixed-fee andunlimited pricing packages thatare unique in the market.Ev-K2-CNR is best representedby the InternationalPyramid Laboratory/Observatorylocatedat 5050 meters above sealevel in Nepal at the base ofMount Everest, where since1990, 520 scientific missionshave been carried out by 220researchers from 143 differentscientific institutions in severalnations. Thuraya IP solutionshave been supplied to them byItalian service partner Intermatica.December 2011www.teletimesinternational.com37

Tata Communications and Nawrasgo-live with Oman to India via TGN-Gulf cable systemTata Communications, aglobal communications serviceprovider that owns and operatesthe world’s largest subseacable network, and Nawras,Oman’s customer-friendlycommunications provider, hasannounce the launch of theOman to India TGN-Gulf cable.The undersea cable will be usedto instantaneously route voiceand data traffic from Oman toMumbai (India) and onwardsto the rest of the world, via theTata Global Network (TGN).The new cable link offers enormouscapacity for broadbandand high quality voice services,enabling Nawras to meet thegrowing demand for internationalvoice and data servicesfrom its customers – be it inthe form of calls or internetsurfing.“We are proud to bring anew cable system to Omanin association with Nawras,”says Radwan Moussalli, TataCommunications’ ManagingDirector, Middle East and NorthAfrica (MENA). “The MiddleEast is fast establishing itselfas an emerging market hotspotfor business which brings withit the need for solid infrastructureand associated enterpriseservices that require high speedbandwidth. This launch is yetanother step in our overallstrategy to participate and assistin the rapid developmentof this key region.”The development forms part ofthe strategic TGN-Gulf cableproject which will connectthe Gulf region to the rest ofthe world via the Tata GlobalNetwork, providing reliablehigh speed bandwidth to allthe key cities in the world. TheTGN-Gulf Cable System, actingas a gateway to the TGN, willprovide a new dimension to theinfrastructure and unique servicecapabilities of each of thepartners. Using its own cablestations, each party will haveaccess to a new high-speedglobal route, adding muchneeded resilience and diversityRoss Cormackto the infrastructure in eachcountry. The capacity will alsohelp to support the continuedexpansion of broadbandpenetration, internet usage andenterprise applications in eachmarket.“The new cable is an excitingmilestone as Nawras will nowgain bandwidth to economicallymeet the ever-growingdemand for voice and data servicesfrom our valued customers,for mobile and fixed line.It will also reduce internationalinterconnection costs as wellas national and internationaltransmission lease-line costs,Julie Amannwhile at the same time allowingNawras total end-to-endquality control. We can alsonow expand our service portfolioto include internationaldata and transmission services,”says Ross Cormack, CEO,Nawras.The launch forms part of astrategic roll out plan to supportthe development of anextended portfolio of advancedtelecommunications servicessuch as global Ethernet, MPLSbasedVPN, Managed Security,IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)and global Telepresence.All these services are suited tosupport both local and globalenterprises, which are veryactive in this rapidly expandingemerging market region.The TGN-Gulf project landingparties are Nawras (Sultanateof Oman), Etisalat (UnitedArab Emirates), Qatar Telecom(Qatar), Bahrain Internet Exchange(Kingdom of Bahrain),and Mobily (Kingdom of SaudiArabia).Nawras VoIP offer gives huge savings of up to 30%on international callsNawras, Oman’s customerfriendly communicationsprovider is delighted to introducean exciting new internationalcall offer giving customersthe benefit of fantastic savingswhen talking to friends andfamily abroad. By simply usingthe VoIP prefix 0902 instead of00 while dialling internationally,significant reductions will beapplied to all calls lasting longerthan one minute.After the first minute of a VoIP(voice over internet protocol)call at the standard internationalcalling rate, the pricedrops by 15% for the secondminute. From the third minuteonwards, Nawras customers geteven greater value with a 30%discount off the standard rate.These special low rates applyirrespective of whether a call ismade by a mobile or Home Voiceline and are valid until 30 January2012.For example, after dialling‘0902’ from a mobile numberduring off peak hours, the secondminute of a call to the UnitedArab Emirates or India whichwill charged at the reduced rateof only 84 Baiza and from theOmar Al Farsi, ISM-Nawrasthird minute onwards, it will beonly 69 Baiza per minute.In other examples, mobilecustomers calling Egypt duringoff peak hours will see the priceper minute drop to as low as118 Baiza. Meanwhile mobilecustomers calling the UnitedKingdom will be charged at just132 Baiza per minute for thethird minute onwards.Omar Al Farsi, Nawras InternationalServices Manager, said,“Following the great receptionthat greeted our initial VoIPservice launch to six countriesin 2010, we are now delightedto be in a position to expandthe popular service with thisvery attractive international calloffer.38 www.teletimesinternational.comDecember 2011

Tata Communications and Nawrasgo-live with Oman to India via TGN-Gulf cable systemTata Communications, aglobal communications serviceprovider that owns and operatesthe world’s largest subseacable network, and Nawras,Oman’s customer-friendlycommunications provider, hasannounce the launch of theOman to India TGN-Gulf cable.The undersea cable will be usedto instantaneously route voiceand data traffic from Oman toMumbai (India) and onwardsto the rest of the world, via theTata Global Network (TGN).The new cable link offers enormouscapacity for broadbandand high quality voice services,enabling Nawras to meet thegrowing demand for internationalvoice and data servicesfrom its customers – be it inthe form of calls or internetsurfing.“We are proud to bring anew cable system to Omanin association with Nawras,”says Radwan Moussalli, TataCommunications’ ManagingDirector, Middle East and NorthAfrica (MENA). “The MiddleEast is fast establishing itselfas an emerging market hotspotfor business which brings withit the need for solid infrastructureand associated enterpriseservices that require high speedbandwidth. This launch is yetanother step in our overallstrategy to participate and assistin the rapid developmentof this key region.”The development forms part ofthe strategic TGN-Gulf cableproject which will connectthe Gulf region to the rest ofthe world via the Tata GlobalNetwork, providing reliablehigh speed bandwidth to allthe key cities in the world. TheTGN-Gulf Cable System, actingas a gateway to the TGN, willprovide a new dimension to theinfrastructure and unique servicecapabilities of each of thepartners. Using its own cablestations, each party will haveaccess to a new high-speedglobal route, adding muchneeded resilience and diversityRoss Cormackto the infrastructure in eachcountry. The capacity will alsohelp to support the continuedexpansion of broadbandpenetration, internet usage andenterprise applications in eachmarket.“The new cable is an excitingmilestone as Nawras will nowgain bandwidth to economicallymeet the ever-growingdemand for voice and data servicesfrom our valued customers,for mobile and fixed line.It will also reduce internationalinterconnection costs as wellas national and internationaltransmission lease-line costs,Julie Amannwhile at the same time allowingNawras total end-to-endquality control. We can alsonow expand our service portfolioto include internationaldata and transmission services,”says Ross Cormack, CEO,Nawras.The launch forms part of astrategic roll out plan to supportthe development of anextended portfolio of advancedtelecommunications servicessuch as global Ethernet, MPLSbasedVPN, Managed Security,IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)and global Telepresence.All these services are suited tosupport both local and globalenterprises, which are veryactive in this rapidly expandingemerging market region.The TGN-Gulf project landingparties are Nawras (Sultanateof Oman), Etisalat (UnitedArab Emirates), Qatar Telecom(Qatar), Bahrain Internet Exchange(Kingdom of Bahrain),and Mobily (Kingdom of SaudiArabia).Nawras VoIP offer gives huge savings of up to 30%on international callsNawras, Oman’s customerfriendly communicationsprovider is delighted to introducean exciting new internationalcall offer giving customersthe benefit of fantastic savingswhen talking to friends andfamily abroad. By simply usingthe VoIP prefix 0902 instead of00 while dialling internationally,significant reductions will beapplied to all calls lasting longerthan one minute.After the first minute of a VoIP(voice over internet protocol)call at the standard internationalcalling rate, the pricedrops by 15% for the secondminute. From the third minuteonwards, Nawras customers geteven greater value with a 30%discount off the standard rate.These special low rates applyirrespective of whether a call ismade by a mobile or Home Voiceline and are valid until 30 January2012.For example, after dialling‘0902’ from a mobile numberduring off peak hours, the secondminute of a call to the UnitedArab Emirates or India whichwill charged at the reduced rateof only 84 Baiza and from theOmar Al Farsi, ISM-Nawrasthird minute onwards, it will beonly 69 Baiza per minute.In other examples, mobilecustomers calling Egypt duringoff peak hours will see the priceper minute drop to as low as118 Baiza. Meanwhile mobilecustomers calling the UnitedKingdom will be charged at just132 Baiza per minute for thethird minute onwards.Omar Al Farsi, Nawras InternationalServices Manager, said,“Following the great receptionthat greeted our initial VoIPservice launch to six countriesin 2010, we are now delightedto be in a position to expandthe popular service with thisvery attractive international calloffer.38 www.teletimesinternational.comDecember 2011

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