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Al Daweesh: Achieving synergieswith other group companies outside reflectedon our services to the pilgrimsSTC Group CEO Eng. SaudAl Daweesh has congratulatedthe Custodian of the TwoHoly Mosques and HRH theCrown Prince on the successof this year’s Hajj season byall means including the supportprovided by most of theGovernment sectors. STC GroupCEO announced the successof the Group’s plan to managethe telecommunications trafficof incoming and outgoing toMakkah and the Holy Sites andcountries around the world. TheCEO also announced the successof coordination betweenthe Group’s various operationssuch as Indonesia, Malaysia,Kuwait, and Bahrain wherepilgrims from these countriesreceived various promotionaloffers that met their needs duringthe season. This year’s Hajjalso witnessed a high demandon various telecommunicationsservices and achieved high trafficflow of telecommunicationsduring the peak hours of Hajjsuch as day one in Arafat andthe first day of Eid at the variousHoly Sites and Makkah.Following his tour of theCompany’s various locations inMina during Eid, Eng Al Daweeshconfirmed that there is avisible increase of telecommunicationstraffic over the yearsbefore and at different rates.He mentioned that the usage ofdata, data transfer, and usageof mobile and fixed internetnetworks increased five-foldover last year. Many guestsand many of those providingthe service also took a keeninterest in fiber options, 3Gadvanced services in additionto uniquely launching, for thefirst time, the 4G service in theHoly Sites.Al Daweesh added on the occasionof the success of theGroup’s Hajj plan, “STC putsall of its sectors into service inorder to achieve high synergiesand success rate during theseason. These plans are harmoniouswith and complement theGovernment’s various sectorsand other agencies working forthe comfort of the guests.” Healso mentioned, “Serving Hajji’sis an honor that we carry andare proud of, availing all of ourhuman and technical resources.We also make use of theGroup’s technical capabilitiesand experience to cope withthe Government’s mega projectsin Makkah and Mina suchas the continuous expansion ofthe Haram, Train Project, andothers providing the upgradedprojects with highly advancedtelecommunications services.”STC: Data traffic during Hajj increased 5 fold from last yearSTC has announced the successof the first phase of itsoperational plan for Hajj andwhere the Company’s networksregistered high flow of trafficat the Holy Sites during thisHaj season. STC’s data trafficincreased by 5 fold compared tothe same period last year andat the same time, the Companyalso recorded an increase ifvoice calls.STC recorded a significantincrease in the roaming customersfor Al Jawal over lastyear which resulted in a visibleincrease in the number of callsand communications in Makkah,Madinah, and other HolySites compared to the sameperiod last year. The Companyalso recorded an increaseof 51% in SMS usage and asimilar percentage in local andinternal MMS according to theround the clock statistics fromthe King Khaled National NetworkControl Center in Riyadh.The various technical and infrastructuresolutions providedby STC using its fiber opticsnetwork and 3G network inaddition to operating the 4Gnetwork in the Jamarat Bridgesplayed a vital role in easing theflow of communications forthe Pilgrims during the Jamaratactivity and during their variousmovements between Mina,Central Area in Makkah enroute to the Holy Site via thevarious underpasses whetherfor cars or pedestrians. TheCompany availed its Jawal networkand Broadband servicesat these sites according to thelatest technological specificationsto ensure both speed andquality.On the other hand, STC’sSAWA Ziyara witnessed a highappeal from pilgrims all overthe world due to its reducedprice of SR 25 and its free offerproviding the first two minutesfor free for international callsand the first two messages forfree with a 40% discount onan international number oftheir choice if requested. TheCompany has also availed economicalmobile phones of SR90 only. The Company also setup a series of fixed office locationsand roaming salesmenwith official company brandingand badges in order to providethese services to the pilgrimswherever they are.December 2011www.teletimesinternational.com33

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