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Contd. from page 24Central Asia, Eutelsat; PaulKhayat, Managing Director,Harris Caprock; Mohammed AbuHmaidan, Senior Sales Director,Intelsat; Fysal Gill, RegionalSales Director, O3B-SES; AbbasGhanem, Senior Sales ManagerMENA region, SpeedCast;Dr. Raied Nasser, Business &Technical Director, Tigrisnet;Emil Samarah, Regional DirectorMENA, and Ebrahim Alkeem,Country Manager, Yahsat; andother representatives of theIraqi communications sector.“Light-touch licensing isIraq Government coordinates with Satellite Industryincreasingly recognised bythe international regulatorycommunity to be an effectivemeans of expanding access tosatellite-based services,” saidMr. Jarrold. “In this regard,Iraq’s Ministry of Communicationsand the CMC have made aclear case that this approach isin Iraq’s best interest.”Throughout the Summit, H.E.Mohammed Tawfik Allawi madenumerous key points and confirmedimportant Administration5-year priorities, which setthe stage for the discussions:•• The Iraqi Administration’sprimary communications targetsinclude increased Internetpenetration throughoutthe country and expansionof e-Government networks;•• A key technology to achievethese objectives is satellitecommunications;•• The Iraqi Administrationwill continue its consultationwith GVF regarding the“Application for CommunicationsEarth Station License”for corporate networks, andblanket licensing for largeTeletimes ReportEricsson: Iraq is ready for mobile broadbandEricsson has reiterated thevast, untapped potentialof Iraq’s telecommunicationmarket. Speaking at the sixthIraq Telecom 2011, Ericsson’sExecutive Vice President for RegionMiddle East, Tunç Yorulmazhighlighted how the Iraqi marketis now ready to move towardsimplementing Mobile Broadbandconsidering its saturated voicemarket, increasing GDP percapita and increasing internetusage rates. During the event,Yorulmaz also reiterated thatthis move would contribute toEricsson’s plans for a NetworkedSociety that has already startedin the Middle East, anticipatingthat more than 50 billiondevices will be connected by2020 globally.The conference took place from25 – 27th October in Istanbul,Turkey, and gathered the industry’smost influential decisionmakersand senior telecomexperts as well as regional andinternational speakers. As aSilver sponsor, Ericsson leveragedthis opportunity to highlightthat the new technologyTunc Yorulmazimplementations in Iraq can fuelthe growth of the telecommunicationmarket, and positivelyimpact private and public businessesand government sectors,in addition to enhancing the endusers’ experience.“With the connected world thatwe currently live in, consumersare continuously in need ofenhanced services and experiencesand that’s exactly whatEricsson is constantly striving toachieve. With our goal to builda Networked Society, Ericsson isalways on the lookout for newpartnerships to work hand-inhandwith their customers toTarek Saadiprovide an enhanced end userexperience,” said Yorulmaz.In an effort to further developIraq’s telecom infrastructureand modernize and expand itsnetwork, Korek, the fastestgrowing mobile operator in Iraq,has recently selected Ericsson toimplement a network expansionand service quality improvementproject to prepare the networkfor 3G and LTE/4G. Through thisagreement, Ericsson’s role is todeploy and integrate new radiobase stations across the countryand thereby provide a higherperformance and a better servicequality for the entire Iraqipopulation.Tarek Saadi, President and Headof Ericsson North Middle East,said “The Iraqi market has greatuntapped potentials which aregradually being explored andutilized. As Iraqi operators areincreasingly developing theirnetworks to prepare them to3G and LTE, we believe thatit’s also time to move towardsMobile Broadband and leverageon these existing developmentsin order to keep up with the fastdeveloping telecom market globallyas well as regionally.”Ericsson has been present in Iraqsince November 2003 duringwhich they were selected to supplya GSM mobile network forKorek. A year later, the companysigned a contract with anotherGSM operator, ITPC, and due tothe situation in Iraq, operationswere carried out remotely fromDubai. In January 2006, EricssonIraq operations were combinedwith Ericsson Jordan at onebranch office located in Amman,and three years later in 2009 Ericsson’sErbil office was officiallyinaugurated.VSAT network deploymentsthroughout the nation;•• MoC will promote deliveryof Voice over IP (VoIP)services;•• The Minister outlined hisvision for CMC to act as afully independent regulatorybody;•• Transparency of Iraq’sregulatory process is of paramountimportance, and aconsultation process will beimplemented soon regardingIraq’s frequency allocationtable.December 2011www.teletimesinternational.com25

Interview: Khalid AtharGENBAND is the market leader inIP Interconnect solutions with majordeployments globally, especially in EMEAMehmet N. Balos, Executive Vice President GENBANDspeaks to Teletimes InternationalTeletimes - Please tell us aboutGENBAND, its products andservices.Mehmet Balos - Over thepast seven years, GENBANDhas transformed its productportfolio, customer profile,geographic footprint andfinancial performance throughstrategic partnerships withleading equipment supplierssuch as Alcatel-Lucent, NokiaSiemens Networks and NEC, aswell as acquisitions of Tekelec’sIP switching division, NextPointNetworks and most recentlyCedar Point Communications.But the company’s boldestmove, the acquisition of Nortel’sCarrier IP Switching division,not only changed GENBANDbut also changed the globaltelecom landscape. GENBANDbecame the engine behindmany of the largest communicationsnetworks in the world.By acquiring Nortel CVAS andimmediately integrating itsproductsin to its portfolio, GEN-BAND preserved many years ofrespected research and developmentand provided continuityfor an enormous installed base,enabling their carrier customersto cost effectively continuegrowth and delivery of servicesto global customer bases.In 2010, GENBAND revenuesgrew more than 275% overthe previous year and becamethe market-share leader of a$2.5 Billion industry. Today,GENBAND enables Voice overIP through the no. 1 call routingsoft switch; empowers operatorsthrough advanced IP businessenterprise and residentialcommunications applications;connects and secures IP networksthrough advanced sessionborder control (SBC) solutionsand enhances businessintelligence, traffic managementand security protection throughdeep packet inspection (DPI)technologies.As the no. 1 market shareleader in fixed lineswitching and mediagateways, GENBANDhas sustained thismarket position formore than 7 yearsthrough a comprehensiveIP Infrastructureportfolio thatdelivers rich solutionsto address transport, controland application layersof the network.With global head quarters inthe Dallas metro area of Texas,GENBAND employs 3,000 fulltimeemployees and contractorsglobally and enjoys a vastglobal services organizationwith over 50 operational locationssupporting customers inover 80 countries.Throughout Asia, the MiddleEast and Africa, GENBANDserves a wide array of operatorswith employees based in Singapore,Tokyo, Hong Kong, Beijing,Shanghai, Taiwan, Korea,Australia, New Zealand, India,Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Israel andSouth Africa.TT - What are the recent transformationsat the core networkside of fixed line networks?MB - The dominant trend atthe core network side of fixedline networks has been, and"Whatis uniqueabout the GENBANDapproach is that we workwith operators as a "trustedadvisor", meaning that wedon't try to force them todeploy something theydon't reallyneed."continues to be the transformationfrom TDM to IP. In theearly years, this was primarilyfocused on flattening and costreducing hierarchical tandemnetworks. In recent years, thishas evolved to the transformationof Class 5 networks as ameans of eliminating all legacyTDM core equipment, which israpidly reaching its "end of life".At the same time, this transformationis addressing newservice opportunities madeavailable by IP for business andconsumers including messaging,video, unified communications,mobility and more. The finalelement in core transformationaddresses IP interconnectof these rich services betweencarriers and to business. This isaddressed by IPX and SIP BusinessTrunking respectively.TT - How do you see theMiddle East region withregards to these transformations?MB - Most majorservice providers havealready begun fixedline transformationto NGN. In fact, manyhave started doing thisas far as 3-4 years ago,especially ones who havefairly large installed TDMbase. This is encouragingfor a company like GENBANDbecause it shows that the MEregion understands the businesscase behind TDM transformationand is willing to invest.We are still seeing pockets ofopportunities for GENBANDwith operators who have notstarted doing so, and evenwith ones who have alreadystarted but finding it difficultto migrate with 100% featuretransparency from TDM to26 www.teletimesinternational.comDecember 2011

Contd. from page 24Central Asia, Eutelsat; PaulKhayat, Managing Director,Harris Caprock; Mohammed AbuHmaidan, Senior Sales Director,Intelsat; Fysal Gill, RegionalSales Director, O3B-SES; AbbasGhanem, Senior Sales ManagerMENA region, SpeedCast;Dr. Raied Nasser, Business &Technical Director, Tigrisnet;Emil Samarah, Regional DirectorMENA, and Ebrahim Alkeem,Country Manager, Yahsat; andother representatives of theIraqi communications sector.“Light-touch licensing isIraq Government coordinates with Satellite Industryincreasingly recognised bythe international regulatorycommunity to be an effectivemeans of expanding access tosatellite-based services,” saidMr. Jarrold. “In this regard,Iraq’s Ministry of Communicationsand the CMC have made aclear case that this approach isin Iraq’s best interest.”Throughout the Summit, H.E.Mohammed Tawfik Allawi madenumerous key points and confirmedimportant Administration5-year priorities, which setthe stage for the discussions:•• The Iraqi Administration’sprimary communications targetsinclude increased Internetpenetration throughoutthe country and expansionof e-Government networks;•• A key technology to achievethese objectives is satellitecommunications;•• The Iraqi Administrationwill continue its consultationwith GVF regarding the“Application for CommunicationsEarth Station License”for corporate networks, andblanket licensing for large<strong>Teletimes</strong> ReportEricsson: Iraq is ready for mobile broadbandEricsson has reiterated thevast, untapped potentialof Iraq’s telecommunicationmarket. Speaking at the sixthIraq Telecom 2011, Ericsson’sExecutive Vice President for RegionMiddle East, Tunç Yorulmazhighlighted how the Iraqi marketis now ready to move towardsimplementing Mobile Broadbandconsidering its saturated voicemarket, increasing GDP percapita and increasing internetusage rates. During the event,Yorulmaz also reiterated thatthis move would contribute toEricsson’s plans for a NetworkedSociety that has already startedin the Middle East, anticipatingthat more than 50 billiondevices will be connected by2020 globally.The conference took place from25 – 27th October in Istanbul,Turkey, and gathered the industry’smost influential decisionmakersand senior telecomexperts as well as regional andinternational speakers. As aSilver sponsor, Ericsson leveragedthis opportunity to highlightthat the new technologyTunc Yorulmazimplementations in Iraq can fuelthe growth of the telecommunicationmarket, and positivelyimpact private and public businessesand government sectors,in addition to enhancing the endusers’ experience.“With the connected world thatwe currently live in, consumersare continuously in need ofenhanced services and experiencesand that’s exactly whatEricsson is constantly striving toachieve. With our goal to builda Networked Society, Ericsson isalways on the lookout for newpartnerships to work hand-inhandwith their customers toTarek Saadiprovide an enhanced end userexperience,” said Yorulmaz.In an effort to further developIraq’s telecom infrastructureand modernize and expand itsnetwork, Korek, the fastestgrowing mobile operator in Iraq,has recently selected Ericsson toimplement a network expansionand service quality improvementproject to prepare the networkfor 3G and LTE/4G. Through thisagreement, Ericsson’s role is todeploy and integrate new radiobase stations across the countryand thereby provide a higherperformance and a better servicequality for the entire Iraqipopulation.Tarek Saadi, President and Headof Ericsson North Middle East,said “The Iraqi market has greatuntapped potentials which aregradually being explored andutilized. As Iraqi operators areincreasingly developing theirnetworks to prepare them to3G and LTE, we believe thatit’s also time to move towardsMobile Broadband and leverageon these existing developmentsin order to keep up with the fastdeveloping telecom market globallyas well as regionally.”Ericsson has been present in Iraqsince November 2003 duringwhich they were selected to supplya GSM mobile network forKorek. A year later, the companysigned a contract with anotherGSM operator, ITPC, and due tothe situation in Iraq, operationswere carried out remotely fromDubai. In January 2006, EricssonIraq operations were combinedwith Ericsson Jordan at onebranch office located in Amman,and three years later in 2009 Ericsson’sErbil office was officiallyinaugurated.VSAT network deploymentsthroughout the nation;•• MoC will promote deliveryof Voice over IP (VoIP)services;•• The Minister outlined hisvision for CMC to act as afully independent regulatorybody;•• Transparency of Iraq’sregulatory process is of paramountimportance, and aconsultation process will beimplemented soon regardingIraq’s frequency allocationtable.December 2011www.teletimesinternational.com25

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