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With over 30 speakers, 21sponsors and 300 seniortelecoms industry expertsthe CWC Iraq Telecoms 2011conference took place betweenthe 25-27 October 2011 andwas an outstanding success.Held at the Ritz Carlton Istanbulthe conference broughttogether the Iraqi Ministry ofCommunications, Iraqi Parliament,Kurdistan Ministry ofCommunications, Iraqi Mediaand Communications Commissionand major industry playersto discuss partnerships, tendersand the next steps in the Iraqitelecommunications industry.The Minister of Communicationsfor Iraq stated “the hugeimportance of CWCs Iraq Telecomsconference for the Iraqitelecommunications sector inbringing together all the majorplayers in the industry” alsothanking the CWC Group duringhis remarks stating “everyyear CWC delivers an evenThe government of Iraq hasconfirmed its commitmentto enable expanded access tocost-effective satellite communicationsthrough implementationof a progressive licensingframework. The Administration’s5-year plan, which aimsto improve Internet penetrationand increase e-Governmentprogrammes, was the focus ofdiscussion during a high-levelLicensing Summit held hereinvolving Iraq’s Ministry ofCommunications, the Communications& Media CommissionKey Telecom developments discussedat CWC’s Iraq Telecoms 2011 in Istanbulbetter and very high qualityconference.”H.E. Mohammad Tawfik Allawithe Minister of Communicationsof Iraq opened theconference and stated “Iraqis aiming to encourage anincreased role for the privatesector which will see the communicationssector developeven more rapidly in the nearfuture. Combined with theincrease in oil revenues and diversificationof the economy…Iraq looks to become one of themajor economies of the regionand of the world within thenext decade”Senior representatives fromthe Iraqi Parliament includingDr. Vian Said, H.E. MohammedRidha Al Khfaji, H.E. Ihsan AlAwadi and H.E. Ameer Mousastressed the importance of theparliament’s role in supportingthe consumer and helping boththe government and privatesectors to achieve their goals(CMC), and the Global VSATForum (GVF), the internationalnon-profit association of thesatellite industry.The Summit was held on 25October, the day precedingIraq Telecoms 2011, when theIraqi Administration announcedits agreement to implement asatellite communications licensingapproach that has beendeveloped in co-ordination withGVF through a series of meetingsheld in Beirut, Baghdad,Abu Dhabi, Washington, D.C.and Istanbul.to develop and build Iraq’s telecommunicationssector. Majorplayers represented by Asiacell,Zain, and Korek also discussedthe importance of supportingIraq in its plans to diversifyit’s economy by improving anddeveloping infrastructure.Further more H.E. MohammadTawfik Allawi addressed Iraq’sinfrastructure developmentplans stating “Iraq will lay20,000km of fibre optic cableby next year with the aim toconnect 8 million lines withfibre to the home in the nextfive year. With 18 companiesare installing 100,000 fibrelines to homes, our target for2012 is to have almost 1.8 millionlines which will increasethe rate of internet penetrationdramatically”The Minister of Communicationsalso highlighted majorpolicies to encourage thegrowth of the private sectorand addressed plans toMimi Oyelanaprivatize the Ministry of Communicationsstating “we haveproposed in the new draft CommunicationsLaw a committeecomposed of the Ministry ofCommunications, Communicationsand Media Commissionand the Iraqi National InvestmentCommission to studymoves towards privatisation”Iraq Telecoms 2011 closed witha concluding ministerial panelsession discussing the future ofthe Iraqi telecommunicationsindustry, providing delegateswith a summary of the twoday event and the opportunityto discuss key issues and newpolicies.Iraq Telecoms 2011 industrysponsors include: Asiacell, CDN,Zain, Nokia Siemens Networks,Huawei, O3b Networks, Korek,Arabsat, DragonWave, Ericsson,Silkroad Group, Zhone, Eutelsat,PCCW Global, Technology Partners,Kalimat, Alcatel Lucent,Yahsat, SES and Talia.<strong>Teletimes</strong> ReportIraq Government coordinates with Satellite Industryto advance implementation of progressive licensing reforms"The CMC is pleased to coordinatewith GVF to facilitateexpanded access to satellitecommunications in Iraq,” saidAhmed Al-Omary, Commissionerwith Iraq’s Communications& Media Commission. “Welook forward to building uponthis development with furtherimprovements to our regulatoryframework."In addition to Mr. Al-Omary– and leading the Summit proceedings– was His Excellency,Mohammed Tawfik Allawi,Iraq’s Minister of Communications(MoC), who was accompaniedby Majeed HameedJassim, Director General ofIraq’s SCIS; and Abdul-HusseinAyish, General Inspector, MoC.Representing the internationalsatellite industry was MartinJarrold, GVF’s Chief of InternationalProgramme Development,as well as leading Members ofthe association, including Dr.Mohammed Juwad, Regulatory,Avanti Communications;Paul Richardson, Senior SalesDirector, Comtech EF Data; Dr.Karen Badalov, Area ManagerContd. on page 2524 www.teletimesinternational.comDecember 2011

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