Personal Account Charges Form Huntington Plus Checking Account

Personal Account Charges Form Huntington Plus Checking Account

Personal Account Charges Form Huntington Plus Checking Account


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Overdraft Protection Transfer PlansOverdraft Protection PlansEach Deposit to Deposit Overdraft Protection Transfer .................................................................................................................. $0<strong>Personal</strong> checking account linked to a qualified, personal savings or money market accountEach <strong>Personal</strong> Credit Line Overdraft Protection Transfer.............................................................................................................. $10<strong>Personal</strong> Credit Line Overdraft Protection transfer fee does not apply to Overdraft Protection Lines ofCredit originated by Sky Bank.<strong>Checking</strong> Reserve <strong>Account</strong><strong>Checking</strong> Reserve <strong>Account</strong> monthly participation fee (charged to your <strong>Checking</strong> Reserve <strong>Account</strong>)........................................... $10Overdraft Protection Transfer PlansYou can choose one of our Overdraft Protection Transfer Plansfor any eligible checking account you have with us which is nota money market deposit account or a savings account. At yourrequest, we can link an eligible checking account with anyeligible deposit account, or personal credit line account that youhave with us which we make available as one of our OverdraftProtection Transfer Plans. Ask us about the types of accountsthat are available. The account you choose to link to yourchecking account for overdraft protection is called the fundingaccount. You may link only one funding account to a checkingaccount. A funding account cannot be linked to more than onechecking account.By choosing an Overdraft Protection Transfer Plan, youauthorize us to transfer funds from your funding account to yourchecking account to cover an overdraft balance in your checkingaccount at the end of the banking day. Transfers will normallybe in multiples of $100. For example, if the overdraft balancein your checking account is $128, we will transfer $200 fromyour funding account. However, if less than a multiple of $100is available from your funding account, we will transfer the fullamount available. For example, if the overdraft balance in yourchecking account is $128 and the amount available from yourfunding account is $180, we will transfer $180.We charge an Overdraft Protection Transfer Fee each time wetransfer funds to cover an overdraft balance. If your fundingaccount is a deposit account or a personal credit line account,we will charge the Overdraft Protection Transfer Fee to yourchecking account.If the overdraft balance in your checking account is greaterthan the amount available in your funding account, the entireavailable amount will still be transferred. In that case, we willnot charge an Overdraft Protection Transfer Fee for thetransfer unless the amount transferred is enough to cover atleast one of the items that caused your checking account tooverdraw.All transfers are subject to availability of funds in the fundingaccount and any other applicable conditions, such astransaction limitations if the funding account is a savingsaccount or a money market deposit account. If your fundingaccount is a personal credit line account, Overdraft ProtectionTransfer Plan provides credit under the terms previouslydisclosed for your personal credit line account. Transfers fromthe funding account will also be subject to applicable interestand fees for that account.<strong>Checking</strong> Reserve <strong>Account</strong><strong>Checking</strong> Reserve is an overdraft line of credit that requires acredit application. An eligible checking account is tied to the<strong>Checking</strong> Reserve for overdraft protection. Each day that thebalance in your checking account at the end of the day isoverdrawn, the exact amount required to cover that overdraftbalance is drawn from the <strong>Checking</strong> Reserve account (up to theamount of credit available) and transferred to your checkingaccount to cover the overdraft balance. As long as there is anoutstanding balance in the <strong>Checking</strong> Reserve account, theamount of any positive balance in your checking account at theend of the day will be automatically transferred to pay downthat <strong>Checking</strong> Reserve account balance until paid in full.Page 4 of 6

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