Core facilities at EMBL – an overview - Molmedrex Project

Core facilities at EMBL – an overview - Molmedrex Project Core facilities at EMBL – an overview - Molmedrex Project


Applications at EMBL• Whole-genome analyses of transcriptome,miRNome & occupancy profiling• Identification of DNA and RNA protein binding sites(ChIP-Seq, CLIP-Seq)• Identification of methylation patterns (Methyl-Seq)• Identification of small ncRNA (miRNA) sequences• Digital gene expression profiling (RNA-Seq)• Whole genome sequencing• De novo sequencing and re-sequencing (pairedendedreads)• Structural variation of genomes – CNV, SNP, in/del

Data analysis –sequence census approach3 types of information:• Sequence polymorphism in the template• Quantitative measure (abundance of reads)• Covered regions reveal the internalstructure of the template (exon/introns, NAproteinbinding sites)Morozova & Marra, Genomics (2008)

D<strong>at</strong>a <strong>an</strong>alysis –sequence census approach3 types of inform<strong>at</strong>ion:• Sequence polymorphism in the templ<strong>at</strong>e• Qu<strong>an</strong>tit<strong>at</strong>ive measure (abund<strong>an</strong>ce of reads)• Covered regions reveal the internalstructure of the templ<strong>at</strong>e (exon/introns, NAproteinbinding sites)Morozova & Marra, Genomics (2008)

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