Core facilities at EMBL – an overview - Molmedrex Project

Core facilities at EMBL – an overview - Molmedrex Project Core facilities at EMBL – an overview - Molmedrex Project


Research & Core Facilities @ EMBL

Research & Core Facilities at EMBLPrinciples of the Core Facilities’ operation• Identified team for specific service work• The Head of CF is responsible for user satisfaction• No own scientific projects but close interaction with theresearch community and among individual CF• Work on service basis (no co-authorship required ordemanded)• Fast & efficient services at the best possible price• All CFs have their user committees representing the Units• Access for academic collaborators/visitors, EMBO YIPs• Charging to recover the cost of consumables, maintenance

Research & <strong>Core</strong> Facilities @ <strong>EMBL</strong>

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