bike course - Ironman 70.3 Cozumel

bike course - Ironman 70.3 Cozumel

bike course - Ironman 70.3 Cozumel


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23RUN GEAR BAG RECOVERYYou are required to reclaim your bicycle and running gear bag at the second transition area (T2) after the race(Sunday 12:30 – 4:00 p.m.). You must have your athlete wristband on for entry into the transition area.There will not be event provided shuttle bus services from T2 to host hotels after the race, you may get a taxi rightnext to the T2, please note that some of the host hotels are along the race <strong>course</strong>, you may expect delays to getto your destination.MEDICALThere will be medical staff and facilities throughout therace <strong>course</strong>. Trained individuals will be stationed alongthe swim <strong>course</strong> (in boats and on rescue boards) toassist you in case of an emergency.Additionally, there will be a primary medical aid station atthe finish line, as well as mobile medical teams roamingthe <strong>course</strong>. Over half of the visits occur afterparticipants have finished the race. Please do not leavethe recovery area after the finish line, until you and yourfriends are sure you are okay, until you can drink withoutvomiting and stand without dizziness. The medical aidstation at the finish line will officially close 8 hours afterthe last swim start. All athletes seeking medicalattention after that time will be referred to localemergency room facilities.All medical expenses incurred are the sole responsibilityof the athlete and not Metlife <strong>Ironman</strong> <strong>70.3</strong> <strong>Cozumel</strong>.Particular dangers include dehydration, hyponatremia,sunburn, exhaustion and injuries sustained fromaccidents. Please ask for medical help if you have theslightest symptom or don’t feel well. You will not bepenalized for receiving a medical evaluation. You will bewithdrawn from the race only if you requiretransportation, IV fluids or if medical personnel feel yourcontinued participation could result in serious harm ordeath.During events of extreme endurance, the body’s painthreshold is raised, and you may be in more troublethan you realize. The medical personnel will do all theycan to keep you in the race and assure a safe finish.Also, please be attentive when taking water, sportsdrinks or other supplies from volunteers when you’re onyour <strong>bike</strong> to avoid the possibility of accident or injury toyourself or another.Please trim your fingernails and toenails prior to the startof the race to avoid injury to other athletes. Beespecially careful to rinse your goggles of anyexcess defogger solutions to avoid eye irritation.If you spend three months prior to the event in aclimate cooler than <strong>Cozumel</strong>, we suggest youconsider an acclimation period in <strong>Cozumel</strong> beforethe race. The chances of dehydration and electrolyteimbalance can be reduced significantly by taking thetime to acclimatize.Stay with your familiar and proven routine regardingtraining, nutrition and equipment, especially justprior to the race. This also applies to pre-race dietaryintake and medications. It is recommended youavoid an extreme elimination diet. Adequate saltintake during training and during the event isespecially important.If you are taking any medications, or have anymedical problem that may influence yourperformance or your treatment in the event of aninjury, advise us of all necessary details well inadvance of race day. Failure to do so will result insuspension of participation in future IRONMANevents.You are solely responsible for avoiding medicationsthat appear on the list of banned substances asdetermined from WADA.Feedback from previous IRONMAN contestantsindicates we can never over emphasize theimportance of hydrating prior to and during theevent. Metlife <strong>Ironman</strong> <strong>70.3</strong> <strong>Cozumel</strong> chief physicianrecommends you begin hydrating heavily severaldays before the race and drink enough water soyour urine is clear, colorless and copious by raceday.

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