bike course - Ironman 70.3 Cozumel

bike course - Ironman 70.3 Cozumel

bike course - Ironman 70.3 Cozumel


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21FINISH LINE POLICYFriends and/or family members are not permitted to cross the finish line or enter the finish gantry with participatingathletes. This policy will allow each competitor adequate time to celebrate their accomplishment without interferingwith other finishers and ensure the safety of all participants, volunteers and fans. Athletes who choose not torespect the policy will receive an automatic disqualification (DQ).EVENT SANCTIONThe Mexican Triathlon Federation (FMTRI) will sanction the 2013 Metlife <strong>Ironman</strong> <strong>70.3</strong> <strong>Cozumel</strong> and the event willabide by their rules and their officials.Any abuse of marshals, race officials or volunteers is grounds for immediate disqualification.RULES APPLYING TO ALL SEGMENTS OF THE RACEIt is the athlete’s responsibility to know all aspects of the swim, <strong>bike</strong> and run.1. Participants are expected to follow directions and instructions of all race officials and public authorities.2. Course marshals shall have the authority to disqualify any participant.3. Medical personnel shall have ULTIMATE and FINAL authority to remove a participant from the race if thecompetitor is judged to be physically incapable of continuing the race without risk of serious injury or death.Medical transport of any competitor will result in disqualification.4. No participant can use a Performance Enhancing drug or procedure. All doping processes and violations will behandled in strict accordance to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). A list of banned substances is availableat: http://www.wada-ama.org/en/ dynamic.ch2?pageCategory.id+370, also known as the WADA Prohibited List.Participants may be requested to undergo drug testing before and after the event. If you are requested to do so,you hereby agree to abide by such testing procedures.5. The Medical Control Rules set forth by FMTRI, in harmony with WADA regulations and policies on bannedsubstances, will be enforced for all participants. In addition, other rules and regulations even if not yet recognizedby the WADA, may be instituted, and if this occurs, you agree to abide by them.6. Should any participant have an Adverse Analytical Finding according to the WADA code, all procedures withregards to handling of the sample, notification, testing of the B Sample, adjudication and suspensions will beperformed in accordance with the WADA code.7. Fraud, theft, abusive treatment of volunteers or others and acts of poor sportsmanship are grounds forimmediate disqualification and will result in the competitor being suspended from competing in any IRONMANevent in the future.8. If an athlete decides to withdraw from the race at any time, it is the responsibility of the participant to report tothe timing tent located at the finish line and turn in their bib number and timing chip immediately. It is essential thatrace officials know where competitors are on the <strong>course</strong> at all times. Failure to comply after withdrawing from therace may result in the competitor being banned from competing in any IRONMAN event in the future.

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