February 2013 - St. Thomas Philadelphia

February 2013 - St. Thomas Philadelphia

February 2013 - St. Thomas Philadelphia

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www.stthomasphiladelphia.org Volume XVII Issue 2ST THOMAS INDIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH1009 UNRUH AVE, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19111stthomasunruh@gmail.com I Phone: 215.342.1500 I Fax: 215.342.2700What’s Inside?Vicar’s Message - Page 2Parish News—Page 3Birthdays, Anniversaries& Parish Calendar—Page 4Spiritual Organizations-Page 5Sunday School News-Page 6NEWSLETTERFEBRUARY <strong>2013</strong>FEBRUARY <strong>2013</strong> 1 NEWSLETTER

Vicar’s MessageT he Great Lent has come again, starting on<strong>February</strong> 11th. A new era of prayer, fasting and disciplinedlife has come. I know well how much it helpedour members last year in sharpening their spirituallife. I am glad to note that many people made somepermanent changes in their life. At the same time, formany, it was just another formality and so no impacton their life. I hope this year it will help at least a few.Lent is Our Way:In the Orthodox tradition lent is something that isnot replaceable with any other discipline. It is uniqueto us. We observe lent by abstaining from all evil activities,non-vegetarian food, spend more time onprayer, Bible reading, and meditation, and engage inhumanitarian activities. Some people do some of it,some do all of it but some none of these. Dependingon how serious a person takes the Lenten season, thereflection of divine power in them is evident. Butgenerally the entire Church is in the mood of lentwith which we avoid all public eating of nonvegetarianfood, celebrations, marriages etc. Therefore,we consider this as a special season and specialstyle of our spirituality.Lent is the Source of Power:Great Lent: A New BeginningOften we forget that lent is a source of power to leadChristian life. In our daily life we feel so oppressedand attacked by the devil compelling us to do manythings that are displeasing to God. We feel so weakto overcome that. In those situations, lent will help usacquire that power. Lent helps us forsake some of ourmost beloved habits and wants. Thus we arestrengthened at heart to leave those things that areattracting us too much. Many temptations can bewarded off by the power of a strong observance oflent.By the time Eastercomes, we wouldhave thoroughlycleansed our life tocelebrate thegreatest festival ofChristians,the Resurrection ofour Lord.Lent Leads us to Holiness:Various spiritual activities can become instrumentalin leading us to holiness and sanctity. Purifying ourmind, our life style and relations is a great achievementthat we can have through lent. Often peoplethink it is impossible to achieve holiness but that isnot true. When the Word of God is obeyed well andthe Holy Spirit is allowed to control our life, we automaticallyachieve sanctity. In a common definition ofholiness we can see good thoughts, acts and words,along with a good disciplined life. People who cansustain some sanctity at heart will love others andcare for others without any conditions. Such peoplewill worship God without any guilt. It is not easybut Lenten discipline will help us purify our life as wego for confession and Holy Communion during thisseason. Psalmist says, “blessed is the man whose sinsare forgiven” Ps. 32:1. By the time Easter comes, wewould have thoroughly cleansed our life to celebratethe greatest festival of Christians, the Resurrection ofour Lord.A New Beginning:For all who follow lent strictly, it will help them havea new beginning in their life. Do you want to changeyour life to dedicate it to the Lord? Come, let us observethe Lent together!Lovingly, Fr. M. K. KuriakoseFEBRUARY <strong>2013</strong> 2 NEWSLETTER

First Temple Entry:Joanna Alex, daughter of Mr. Jiju Alex & Mrs. BindhuJiju.Obituary:Parish NewsMr. <strong>Thomas</strong> K. Chacko, uncle of Mrs. AnnammaChackoMr. Chacko T. Mathen, Father-In-Law of Mr. RobinMr. Raju Yohannan, Father-In-Law of Mrs. Sara DanielMrs. Thankamma Daniel, mother of Thankachan Danieland Grand Mother of Mrs. Sheeba Thankachan.Our condolences to the bereaved families.Wednesday & Thursday Prayer LinePrayer-Line dial-in # 213-342-3000. Access Code:4044200. Please email Mathew Samuel,msamue2000@yahoo.com, to add your email addressfor Prayer Line updates.Wednesday 9AM-10AM; Thursday 8PM-9PMAnnouncementsH. G. Dr. Mathews Mar Timotheos, Metropolitan of Europeand Africa Diocese will be with us for the Holy Week.Please send news, articles and information for March <strong>2013</strong>Newsletter by Sunday, Feb 24 to the parish secretary ornewsletter editor: stthomasiocsecretary@gmail.com,stioc.newsletter@gmail.com. Please contact the parish office for any updates in contactinformation, addition in the family etc. to be addedto the database. Please update your telephone numbers for MessageBroadcast. Please visit our Web Site for information on upcomingevents. http://stthomasphiladelphia.org/ Please collect your payment receipt after Holy Qurbanafrom the office. Please pay your subscription monthly or quarterly forthe smooth running of the Church.Prayer Meetings: Please contact Prayer Meeting Coordinator,Mr. Joseph Vakayil, to schedule a prayer meeting. Prayermeetings may be hosted in your home or in Church.Martha Mariam Samajam NewsNew office bearers were elected for this year<strong>2013</strong>.Secretary- Saji Philip (bobsaj95@gmail.com)Treasurer- Saramma VarugheseAsst Secretary- Mercy Cherian(mercy.cherian@gmail.com)Asst Treasurer- Annamma GeevargheseWe will meet on alternate Sundays afterQurbana in the hall from 12:15 pm to 1 pm.MMS helped to coordinate lunch for our dignitarieson the 30th day remembrance of Mar BarnabasThirumeni on January 5, <strong>2013</strong>. We helpedthe Women’s Fellowship meeting on January 12,<strong>2013</strong> providing lunch for the attendees.As part of our fund raising efforts, abake sale will be held on Sunday, <strong>February</strong> 10,<strong>2013</strong> after Qurbana. The menu will be appamand chicken curry at a cost of $3.00 per plate.The ticket sale will start on <strong>February</strong> 3rd, <strong>2013</strong>.We will also be actively taking part inthe World Day of Prayer to be hosted at ourChurch by Ecumenical Fellowship of IndianChurches in <strong>Philadelphia</strong> on <strong>February</strong> 23, <strong>2013</strong>.All women are requested to attend this prayerand worship session.Couples’ Fellowship News"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15Couples of this generation stand at a very unique and interestingtime which challenges their moral and spiritual mindset, whenthey cope with their personal, family, career, financial and other aspectsof their life. Understanding the importance and the need tosupport the couples, the Couples Forum prepares its program.The key objectives of this fellowship are: To emphasize the importance of God being at the center of thelives of couples. To act as an excellent support system to couples who are goingthrough marital, financial, child-rearing etc. issues. To enable the parish to address the spiritual needs of couples ina common forum.To identify and utilize the talents of the couples and assist themto integrate with the parish in an effective manner.The fellowship has no age bar. All are most welcome. It wasdecided in our meeting to conduct special sessions with speakersinvited from outside. Mr. Jacob Chacko (Reji) and Mrs. Susan JohnVarghese were elected as the coordinators.The Couples’ fellowship meets on alternate Sundays afterHoly Qurbana (12.30 pm to 1.00pm). Each member has opportunityto learn, teach and share their knowledge and expertise at the meetings.We welcome members of the parish to participate in all theactivities. A Facebook page will be opened to enable communicationamong members. Please direct all spiritual questions to our Vicarand Asst. Vicar.FEBRUARY <strong>2013</strong> 3 NEWSLETTER

Manju Ansey Jacob 01-FebJessly Alex01-FebSajan Benny 01-FebAbraham <strong>Thomas</strong> 01-FebSaramma <strong>Thomas</strong> 01-FebVarghese Baby 02-FebJeshua Vaidian 02-FebBinu Thankachan 02-FebManu Varghese 03-FebEdwin Saji03-FebReeja George 04-FebSimmy Aneena Jacob 04-FebJeena Jacob05-FebJoelyne Jacob 05-FebSheena Vaidian 07-FebDarly Mary John 07-Feb<strong>St</strong>effin Manoj 07-FebVinod Jacob 08-FebJaime M George 09-FebSaramma Varghese 09-FebGrace John09-FebGibson <strong>Thomas</strong> George 10-FebAleyamma Varghese 10-FebBinu Mathai 10-FebMelissa Alice Abraham 10-FebReji George 10-FebCristia Susan Shibu 10-FebAnju Elias11-FebRachel J. Jacob 12-FebPaul C John 13-FebAlexander Mathai 13-FebAlex P Symon 13-FebShibu <strong>Thomas</strong> 14-Feb<strong>February</strong> BirthdaysJibin K Jiju14-FebJustin K Jiju 14-FebSaramma Varghese 14-FebJiju Alex14-FebRaji Aji15-FebBessie Mathew 15-FebDavis Roy16-FebAbraham John 17-FebMary Daniel 17-FebJincy Mathew 17-FebMilly Philip 17-FebTeena Aliza Prince 18-FebAlia Ann Bivin 18-FebMaya Kappil 18-FebJayden Mathew 19-FebNorah Mary Daniel 20-FebRobin P. Montharayil 20-FebJenny Raj20-FebPhilip Melavila 20-FebMariamma Cherian 21-FebSophy Mathew 21-FebJacob P Chacko 21-FebTiby Varghese 21-FebLeelamma Rajan 22-FebSubi Mathew 22-FebBinny Cherian 25-FebCherian Varghese 26-FebJoby George 27-FebSusan Abraham George 28-FebSilpa M <strong>Thomas</strong> 29-FebWe wish you all a Happy Birthday!<strong>February</strong> WeddingAnniversariesMr & Mrs Paul C John 01-FebMr & Mrs Koshy Daniel 01-FebMr & Mrs Rajan C Padiyara 03-FebMr & Mrs Jacob M Zachariah 04-FebMr & Mrs George Varghese 05-FebMr & Mrs Anto G Panicker 05-FebMr & Mrs Cherian V V. 07-FebMr & Mrs Ron Philip 08-FebMr & Mrs Robin Philip 11-FebMr & Mrs Jiju Alex12-FebMr & Mrs Anil Panicker 12-FebMr & Mrs Oommen G Panicker 12-FebMr & Mrs Aji P Abraham 15-FebMr & Mrs Mathew A.P George 15-FebMr & Mrs Ponnachen Geevarghese16-FebMr & Mrs Mathew N K. 16-FebMr & Mrs Maliyil M Philip 19-FebMr & Mrs Abraham Varghese 22-FebMr & Mrs Bivin V. Pulivelil22-FebMr & Mrs George Joseph 25-FebMr & Mrs Jose K John 29-FebWe wish you all a Happy Anniversary!Parish CalendarDate Event/Time LocationFeb 9 Managing Committee 9AM - 12.30PM ChurchFeb 10 MMS Bake Sale ChurchFeb 11Great Lent <strong>St</strong>artsFeb 16 Middle School Fellowship ChurchFeb 23 World Day of Prayer ChurchMar 2Annual RetreatChurchled by Rev. Fr. V. M. Shibu (<strong>St</strong>. Gregorios MOC)Mar 9 Clergy Retreat <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Thomas</strong>, DoverFEBRUARY <strong>2013</strong> 4 NEWSLETTER

News from Spiritual OrganizationsMartha Mariam Samajam (MMS)MMS meets alternate Sundays at the church auditorium after Holy Communion for prayer, Bible <strong>St</strong>udy, learningsongs and more. For more details of their activities please contact Secretary Saji Philip (bobsaj95@gmail.com) formore details.Women’s FellowshipWomen’s Fellowship meets on a regular basis for prayer and meditation. Contact Mrs. Bessie Mathew(bessie334@yahoo.com) for more details.MGOCSMOur young men and women who are in high school and college have been engaged in Apostolic Bible <strong>St</strong>udy,thought-provoking discussions and relevant group projects. The goal of this ministry is to expound on scriptural truthsthrough the relevant real-life experiences of our American youth. The office bearers of MGOCSM have done an incrediblejob this year. For more information, contact Secretary Mr. Alvin Panicker (rmsalvin@gmail.com) for more details.Middle School Fellowship (CAYA)CAYA (Come As You Are) is geared towards middle school students! All middle school children (children ingrades 6, 7, or 8) are welcome and encouraged to attend this Middle School Fellowship, or CAYA. Children of this agereally need assistance in their difficult journey, and this ministry intends to provide this for them. This fellowship is designedto incorporate the specific problems that children are facing, such as bullying, peer-pressure, or fitting in in aChristian manner. This ministry is unique, because it allows the children to provide feedback and ideas, which encouragesthem to take an active role in the church. Please contact our Vicar, Asst. Vicar or coordinator Ms. Meenu Mathews(meenuamathews@yahoo.com) for more details.Discipleship MinistryOver the past month and a half a select group of young men have been fully engaged in learning the essential ofbecoming a disciple for Christ. We have so far examined Christ as God, as Savior, as King. These cardinal doctrines ofthe Church, as seen in the Scriptures and the writings of the Holy Fathers, must be learned if one is to be a disciple ofChrist and the Orthodox Church. We are proud of the young men who have dedicated their time for this ministry. Pleasecontact our Assistant Vicar for more details.Couples FellowshipThis fairly new ministry in our parish has been explained in detail in the previous edition of this newsletter, thatis, it's formation and structure. More of our men must contribute their time for this ministry. Please contact Mr. JacobChacko(Reji) and Mrs.Susan John Varghese for more details.OCYMDuring the past month OCYM has been examining the Malankara Orthodox church and its apostolic roots. Thishas led this ministry to research the historical evidence of <strong>St</strong> <strong>Thomas</strong>' arrival and evangelical work in India and particularlyon the Malabar Coast. Please contact Secretary Mr. Paul John (pjohn_19446@yahoo.com) for more information.Men’s ForumMen’s Forum fellowship is going very strongly in our Church. The format of this session includes prayer, songs,bible reading, teaching followed by discussions. For more information please contact Mr. <strong>Thomas</strong>kutty Varghese(thomaskuttyv62@yahoo.com) for more details.FOCUSFOCUS, Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in the United <strong>St</strong>ates is an organization intended for young adults,married and single, post-graduate students and professionals, from the ages of 23 and up. Contact our Assistant Vicar formore details.FEBRUARY <strong>2013</strong> 5 NEWSLETTER

Sunday SchoolNewsSanthosh Baby is appointed as Assistant PrincipalSubmitted by Oommen Kappil, Principal(Tel.: 267.902.8500, email: kappil1@yahoo.com)At the <strong>St</strong>aff Meeting held on Jan. 27, <strong>2013</strong>, our Vicar stated that Jacob Kuruvilla (Roy) had requested him to relievehim of his position as the Assistant Principal. Achen relieved him of his position as requested, and thanked him forhis services during the last few years as the Asst. Principal. Roy will continue to serve as a Teacher. Achen also announcedthe appointment of Santhosh Baby as his replacement. Achen welcomed Santhosh and requested everyoneto work together as team to serve the Lord. Please join me in welcoming Santhosh, and keep him and the restof the staff members in your prayers.Upcoming EventsParent-Teacher ConferenceSunday school will hold Parent-Teacher meeting for all Grades on Feb. 10. This will be an opportunity for parentsto meet with their children’s teachers and learn about the curriculum, teacher’s expectations, grading system etc.So please mark your calendar and make use of this opportunity to ask questions, share your concerns if any, andoffer suggestions. The meeting will start immediately after lunch, around 12.30 pm. Parents shall assemble in theirchildren’s classroom where the students meet regularly for class.<strong>Philadelphia</strong>-Area Teachers’ Meeting<strong>Philadelphia</strong> Area Sunday schools will conduct its planning meeting on Sunday, Feb 10th at <strong>St</strong> Gregorios church at2:30 PM. In this meeting event coordinators, event dates and locations will be picked. 2012 accounts will be presentedat this meeting. All teachers are requested to attend.Sunday School CalendarEvent Date Contact person CommentsParent-Teacher Conference Sunday, Feb. 10 Class Teachers 12.30 pm-1:00 pmArea Teachers Meeting Sunday, Feb. 10 Mathew Samuel 2.30 pm, at <strong>St</strong>. GregoriosAssigned Competition Sunday, May 5* Liz Pothen Parish LevelBible Quiz Sunday, May 19* Suja Abraham Parish-levelCentralized Exam 12 th Grade Sunday, June 2 Jessie Jacob Diocesan-levelFelicitation of Graduates Sunday, June 15 * Santhosh Baby Parish-levelCentralized Exam- Grades 5, 8, 10 &TTC ExamSunday, June 30 Class Teachers Diocesan-level*tentative dates onlyTalent Competition Saturday, Sept. 14* Suja Abraham Parish LevelFEBRUARY <strong>2013</strong> 6 NEWSLETTER

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