Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

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230. The NIOD took as a starting point that there were some 2,000 men on and around theUN compound between 11 and 13 July 1995 (see page 2620 of the NIOD Report). TheNIOD surmised that of that number that between 100 and 400 men were murdered onthose two days (see page 2774 of the NIOD Report) in the area that, it should be noted,had been declared to be a mini Safe Area. The rest of these men and boys would betaken away and murdered in the days that followed.War crimes observed by UN military observers (UNMOs)231. The three UNMOs (UN military observers) present in the mini Safe Area were alsowitness to war crimes. One UNMO saw on 12 July 1995 that some seventy refugeeswere driven into an ‘interrogation house’ some 300 metres from the gate to thecompound and then periodically heard shots (see page 2700 of the NIOD Report).Another UNMO referred to finding another house in the vicinity of the compound thatbulged with men (see page 2703 of the NIOD Report):‘They stretched out their arms and begged for help. A pile of bodies was stackedagainst a garage wall - higgledy-piggledy. I reported everything.’However, it is striking that no reference to these events is to be found in the relevantReports. Even more striking is that the official picture that was given on 12 July 1995was positive. The VRS had apparently distributed bread and soft drinks among therefugees (see page 2701 of the NIOD Report). That information is also contained in thecommunication of 13 July 1995 (under point 7) of Akashi to Kofi Annan on the situationin Srebrenica (Exhibit 20 - Outgoing Code Cable 13 July 1995). That communicationcontinues (under point 8):‘There continues to be no reports of BSA mistreating any of the Bosnian civilians’232. It is striking that on 15 July 1995 a note would be made in the log book of the DCBC inThe Hague as a result of a telephone call by Dutch officer De Ruiter from Sarajevo,which reads (see page 2705 of the NIOD Report):© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com98

‘UNMO source about 1,000 men taken away Bratunac with unknown destination, manypeople with neck shots. Worked over with rifle butts. Many killed. Carried on likeanimals (between Potocari and town of Srebrenica). During attack and what happenedafter that!!’The source was probably the Dutch UNMO on the UN compound in Potocari (see page2705 of the NIOD Report).War crimes observed by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)233. The war crimes were also seen by a fellow worker of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF;of which ‘Artsen zonder Grenzen’ is the Dutch equivalent), Mrs Christina Schmitz, whowas working in the Safe Area. She told Karremans and Franken that men were takenaway to a house and that she then heard shots from the direction of that house.Karremans and Franken assured her that they were entirely certain that none of the menwould have been killed (see page 2690 of the NIOD Report). On another occasion MrsSchmitz was tackled by a Dutchbat soldier who said that bodies lay behind a factory (seepage 2669 of the NIOD Report).Plaintiff as witness to war crimes234. Exhibits 1 through 11 are witness statements appended to this writ of summons.Plaintiff will discuss below a number of the crimes that are specified in those statements.235. Plaintiff Fejzić states, inter alia, (see Exhibit 1):‘(…) These Serbs began to fetch people out of the crowd, particularly men, but alsoboys. The Dutch soldiers had weapons but did nothing, even when the Serbs later tookgirls out of the crowd. (…) Not one of them ever returned. While this was going on Iheard much shooting close by. This was not an exchange of fire but individual shots.’236. Plaintiff Gabeljić states, inter alia, (see Exhibit 2):© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com99

‘UNMO source about 1,000 men taken away Bratunac with unknown destination, manypeople with neck shots. Worked over with rifle butts. Many killed. Carried on likeanimals (between Potocari and town <strong>of</strong> Srebrenica). During attack and what happenedafter that!!’The source was probably the Dutch UNMO on the UN compound in Potocari (see page2705 <strong>of</strong> the NIOD Report).War crimes observed by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)233. The war crimes were also seen by a fellow worker <strong>of</strong> Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF;<strong>of</strong> which ‘Artsen zon<strong>der</strong> Grenzen’ is the Dutch equivalent), Mrs Christina Schmitz, whowas working in the Safe Area. She told Karremans and Franken that men were takenaway to a house and that she then heard shots from the direction <strong>of</strong> that house.Karremans and Franken assured her that they were entirely certain that none <strong>of</strong> the menwould have been killed (see page 2690 <strong>of</strong> the NIOD Report). On another occasion MrsSchmitz was tackled by a Dutchbat soldier who said that bodies lay behind a factory (seepage 2669 <strong>of</strong> the NIOD Report).Plaintiff as witness to war crimes234. Exhibits 1 through 11 are witness statements appended to this writ <strong>of</strong> <strong>summons</strong>.Plaintiff will discuss below a number <strong>of</strong> the crimes that are specified in those statements.235. Plaintiff Fejzić states, inter alia, (see Exhibit 1):‘(…) These Serbs began to fetch people out <strong>of</strong> the crowd, particularly men, but alsoboys. The Dutch soldiers had weapons but did nothing, even when the Serbs later tookgirls out <strong>of</strong> the crowd. (…) Not one <strong>of</strong> them ever returned. While this was going on Iheard much shooting close by. This was not an exchange <strong>of</strong> fire but individual shots.’236. Plaintiff Gabeljić states, inter alia, (see Exhibit 2):© <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Diepen</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Kroef</strong> Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com99

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