Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

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despite the fact that the NIOD deemed the statements plausible. Moreover, the NIODReport is generally so comprehensive that it is incomprehensible when seen in that lightthat this essential part remains so under-exposed and all the more so as terrible crimeswere committed under the eyes of Dutchbat. The NIOD Report (see page 2658) comesunstuck with the statement:‘The amount of qualitative source material about massacres in and around Potocari isso great in volume and provides so much detail that even the most conservativeinterpretation of the available information will show up the striking difference with thestatements from the Dutchbat side.’203. In the Summary of the NIOD Report it is postulated on page 332 that a reconstruction ofwhat the Bosnian Serbs did to the refugees on 12 and 13 July 1995 would be extremelycomplicated. It was established that the statements of the refugees and of Dutchbatsoldiers were very divergent. The Serbs began from 12 July 1995 with an inspection,with the assent of the Dutchbat soldiers. Men were taken out of the groups of refugees,allegedly to be questioned. Afterwards they were not seen again. It is probable that theywere murdered. Girls and women were also taken out of the group and removed to anearby house, where many would have been raped. Dutchbat soldiers stated that theywere woken at night by screaming. Many refugees confirmed later that they receivedreassuring words and guarantees from Dutchbat soldiers about their safety (page 332 ofthe Summary of the NIOD Report). The statements that have been put in the proceedingsas Exhibits 1 through 11 tell the facts as the State of the Netherlands and the UNevidently do not and did not wish them to be revealed. Plaintiff will discuss thosestatements below.204. Dreadful scenes were played out around the compound between 11 and 13 July 1995.Men, women, and children were tortured, raped and murdered, sometimes under the eyesof Dutchbat soldiers. See point 150 of the Decision of the Yugoslavia Tribunal at firstinstance against R. Krstic:© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com90

‘On 12 and 13 July 1995, upon the arrival of Serb forces in Potocari, the BosnianMuslim refugees taking shelter in and around the compound were subjected to a terrorcampaign comprised of threats, looting, and burning of nearby houses, beatings, rapes,and murders.’205. The VRS asked on 12 July 1995 to inspect the compound, which was permitted byDutchbat without condition. The Dutchbat soldiers piled up their weapons ‘in order toavoid provocation’ (see page 327 of the Summary of the NIOD Report). By so doing notonly did they act contrary to the express orders from Sarajevo but the umpteenthpossibility to protect the mortally afraid refugees disappeared.Establishment of the mini Safe Area206. In the light of the pressing situation on the compound Dutchbat Commander Karremansrequested and was granted a meeting with VRS General Mladic. Karremans allowedhimself to be intimidated in that meeting (see pages 324/325 of the Summary of theNIOD Report). Karremans stated that the air strikes had been requested purely from selfdefenceand thanked Mladic for the good treatment of the Dutchbat soldiers who wereheld hostage. Then Karremans immortalized himself in a photograph with Mladic, eachof them with a glass in hand. Karremans discussed the evacuation of the refugees duringa subsequent meeting with Mladic and representatives of the Bosniacs. Then, in thepresence of the representatives of the refugees, Karremans stated that the compound andits vicinity were declared to be a mini Safe Area (see page 325 of the Summary of theNIOD Report). It transpired that the refugees could not trust even that promise.Karremans was subsequently asked, in the context of a witness statement before theYugoslavia Tribunal, why he had not raised the issue of human rights violations at hismeeting with Mladic. Karremans answered – to the amazement of the judges of theTribunal and the media – that in all honesty he had not thought about it (see page 2733of the NIOD Report):‘To be frank, I have not thought about the idea of asking him what happened to therefugees.’© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com91

despite the fact that the NIOD deemed the statements plausible. Moreover, the NIODReport is generally so comprehensive that it is incomprehensible when seen in that lightthat this essential part remains so un<strong>der</strong>-exposed and all the more so as terrible crimeswere committed un<strong>der</strong> the eyes <strong>of</strong> Dutchbat. The NIOD Report (see page 2658) comesunstuck with the statement:‘The amount <strong>of</strong> qualitative source material about massacres in and around Potocari isso great in volume and provides so much detail that even the most conservativeinterpretation <strong>of</strong> the available information will show up the striking difference with thestatements from the Dutchbat side.’203. In the Summary <strong>of</strong> the NIOD Report it is postulated on page 332 that a reconstruction <strong>of</strong>what the Bosnian Serbs did to the refugees on 12 and 13 July 1995 would be extremelycomplicated. It was established that the statements <strong>of</strong> the refugees and <strong>of</strong> Dutchbatsoldiers were very divergent. The Serbs began from 12 July 1995 with an inspection,with the assent <strong>of</strong> the Dutchbat soldiers. Men were taken out <strong>of</strong> the groups <strong>of</strong> refugees,allegedly to be questioned. Afterwards they were not seen again. It is probable that theywere mur<strong>der</strong>ed. Girls and women were also taken out <strong>of</strong> the group and removed to anearby house, where many would have been raped. Dutchbat soldiers stated that theywere woken at night by screaming. Many refugees confirmed later that they receivedreassuring words and guarantees from Dutchbat soldiers about their safety (page 332 <strong>of</strong>the Summary <strong>of</strong> the NIOD Report). The statements that have been put in the proceedingsas Exhibits 1 through 11 tell the facts as the State <strong>of</strong> the Netherlands and the UNevidently do not and did not wish them to be revealed. Plaintiff will discuss thosestatements below.204. Dreadful scenes were played out around the compound between 11 and 13 July 1995.Men, women, and children were tortured, raped and mur<strong>der</strong>ed, sometimes un<strong>der</strong> the eyes<strong>of</strong> Dutchbat soldiers. See point 150 <strong>of</strong> the Decision <strong>of</strong> the Yugoslavia Tribunal at firstinstance against R. Krstic:© <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Diepen</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Kroef</strong> Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com90

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