Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

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‘The conduct of an organ of a State (…) that is placed at the disposal of anotherinternational organization shall be considered under international law an act of thelatter organization if the organization exercises effective control over that conduct.’The Explanatory Memorandum of the ILC Commission to these articles shows thatArticle 5 applies in particular to peacekeeping forces of the UN. In that case the Stateproviding troops retains, for example, powers over disciplinary matters and the criminaljurisdiction (see, A/CN.4/L.654/Add.1, commentary article 5, page 11, number 1).350. The actions of peacekeeping forces are according to the ILC Articles accordinglyattributable to the UN, if the UN has exercised effective control over such peacekeepingforces. The UN assumes in principle that it exercises exclusive control (and thusnaturally also effective control) over its peacekeeping forces (see, the 2 nd ILC Reportover the ILC Articles for International Organisations, A/CN.4/L.654/Add.1, page 13,number (5)):‘The United Nations assumes that in principle it has exclusive control of the deploymentof national contingents in a peacekeeping force.’351. The concept of ‘command and control’ is often used when authority over the troops ofthe UN is discussed in the literature. According to the NIOD Report and numerous othersources The Netherlands transferred command and control in principle to the UN. Therewas no written agreement. It was stated at numerous places that Dutchbat was under thecommand and control of the UN. As far as the transfer was concerned the NIOD Reportstates on page 1189 et seq. that:‘The transfer of the operational control to the UN was usually set out in an agreementregarding transfer of authority. The State providing troops must in such case agree toevery change in the operational control. A government can in principle decideindependently to withdraw the unit without any consultation with the UN. What appliedin the case of Dutchbat, however, was that this battalion was placed at the disposal ofthe UN for UNPROFOR without conditions (…). Dutchbat was under the operational© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com150

control of UNPROFOR from the moment of its arrival in the former Yugoslavia. Noconditions were attached to the deployment.’352. Besides the fact that there was no written agreement (as is usually concluded betweenthe UN and the state providing troops), the NIOD also established that The Netherlandsretained sovereign authority and that the administrative and logistical responsibilitiesremained in practice Dutch responsibilities. The NIOD established further that theauthority that was transferred did not extend beyond Operational Control, which,according to the NIOD, was a more restricted form of authority than OperationalCommand.353. Where there are no formal arrangements in place, then, according to the Secretary-General of the UN, the following applies (see, Report of the Secretay-General onFinancing of the United Nations Protection Force (…), of 20 September 1996(A/51/389, paragraphs 17-18, page 6):‘In the absence of formal arrangements between the United Nations and the State orStates providing troops, responsibility would be determined in each and every caseaccording to the degree of effective control exercised by either party in the conduct ofthe operation.’354. It must be presumed that the conduct of Dutchbat and, in a wider sense, the UN forces(for example, the airplanes that should have carried out air strikes), must be attributedinitially to the UN, for as long as and to the extent that the UN exercised effectivecontrol over the UN forces.355. The presumption of attribution to the UN can be rebutted by demonstrating that effectivecontrol was lacking (see, the 2 nd ILC Report over the ILC Articles for InternationalOrganisations, 14/15 number (7)):© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com151

control <strong>of</strong> UNPROFOR from the moment <strong>of</strong> its arrival in the former Yugoslavia. Noconditions were attached to the deployment.’352. Besides the fact that there was no written agreement (as is usually concluded betweenthe UN and the state providing troops), the NIOD also established that The Netherlandsretained sovereign authority and that the administrative and logistical responsibilitiesremained in practice Dutch responsibilities. The NIOD established further that theauthority that was transferred did not extend beyond Operational Control, which,according to the NIOD, was a more restricted form <strong>of</strong> authority than OperationalCommand.353. Where there are no formal arrangements in place, then, according to the Secretary-General <strong>of</strong> the UN, the following applies (see, Report <strong>of</strong> the Secretay-General onFinancing <strong>of</strong> the United Nations Protection Force (…), <strong>of</strong> 20 September 1996(A/51/389, paragraphs 17-18, page 6):‘In the absence <strong>of</strong> formal arrangements between the United Nations and the State orStates providing troops, responsibility would be determined in each and every caseaccording to the degree <strong>of</strong> effective control exercised by either party in the conduct <strong>of</strong>the operation.’354. It must be presumed that the conduct <strong>of</strong> Dutchbat and, in a wi<strong>der</strong> sense, the UN forces(for example, the airplanes that should have carried out air strikes), must be attributedinitially to the UN, for as long as and to the extent that the UN exercised effectivecontrol over the UN forces.355. The presumption <strong>of</strong> attribution to the UN can be rebutted by demonstrating that effectivecontrol was lacking (see, the 2 nd ILC Report over the ILC Articles for InternationalOrganisations, 14/15 number (7)):© <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Diepen</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Kroef</strong> Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com151

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