Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

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includes Plaintiff and the persons whose interests are promoted by Foundation. Dutchbatwas present in the Safe Area precisely with the object of preventing that whichultimately occurred. Dutchbat was obliged to act and wrongly failed to do so or at leastfailed to make sufficient efforts thereto. This must be regarded as acting contrary to astatutory duty, alternatively as a breach of that which is deemed to be proper behaviourin social intercourse according to unwritten law. The non-performance, alternatively theunlawful conduct, meant that Plaintiff lost hearth and home and her family memberswere murdered. As a result Plaintiff is forced to try to rebuild a life elsewhere far fromher original domicile. The same holds for the persons whose interests are promoted byFoundation.337. To the extent that this Court might hold that the State of the Netherlands and the UNmight not be liable on the basis of civil law in the present proceedings, Plaintiff andFoundation note that liability of the State of the Netherlands and the UN in that casearises under public international law. The underpinning of the action on the basis ofpublic international law follows below.II.5.Responsibility under International LawII.5.a. Introduction338. Plaintiff and Foundation have instituted proceedings on the basis of public internationallaw against both the UN and the State of the Netherlands. Plaintiff and Foundation willdeal with their claims against each Defendant separately.339. The most important body in the field of the codification of public international law is theInternational Law Commission (ILC), the UN Commission for international law.The ILC is a commission of the General Assembly of the UN. The ILC was founded in1948 and by virtue of Article13 paragraph 1 under a of the UN Charter has as itsobjective:‘The General Assembly shall initiate studies and make recommandations for thepurpose of (…)© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com146

(a) (…) encouraging the progressive development of international law and itscodification.’The ILC comprises 34 independet experts in the field of public international law (see, K.Ipsen, Völkerrecht, 5 th edition, 2004, § 16, note 50, page 229).340. The ILC laid down the responsibility of States under international law in 2001 in a draft(ILC’s Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts; Annexto General Assembly Resolution 56/83, 12 December 2001, hereafter: ‘the ILC Articlesfor States’). That draft reproduces the customary international law in force on theresponsibility of States under international law. The draft has not yet been ratified byStates but there is general acknowledgment in the literature that the ILC Articles forStates are a reflection of the law in force (see, M. Zwanenburg, Accountability of PeaceSupport Operations, 2005, page 51). The International Court of Justice (ICJ) once againconfirmed the application of the ILC Articles for States in its recent Decision of 26February 2007 (Bosnia-Herzegovina/Serbia and Montenegro) by reviewing against thosearticles (see, legal considerations 173, 385 and 420 of the Decision).341. The ILC is also charged with the codification of the responsibility of internationalorganisations under international law (ILC’s Articles on the Responsibility ofInternational Organizations; herafter: ILC Articles for International Organisations). Thedraft in which the law in force for international organisations is being codified is not yetcomplete and ratification has not yet taken place. The articles that have already beendrafted are a reflection of the law in force (see, Reports of the ILC, Fifty-fifth session2003, Fifty-sixth session 2004 and Fifty-seventh session 2005; hereafter ‘the 1 st , 2 nd and3 rd ILC Report over the ILC Articles for International Organisations, respectively’).342. Plaintiff and Foundation will below address successively the requirements for theresponsibility of States, the requirements for the responsibility of internationalorganisations, attribution to the UN and attribution to the State of the Netherlands.Finally, Plaintiff and Foundation will (with respect to the UN and the State of the© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com147

includes Plaintiff and the persons whose interests are promoted by Foundation. Dutchbatwas present in the Safe Area precisely with the object <strong>of</strong> preventing that whichultimately occurred. Dutchbat was obliged to act and wrongly failed to do so or at leastfailed to make sufficient efforts thereto. This must be regarded as acting contrary to astatutory duty, alternatively as a breach <strong>of</strong> that which is deemed to be proper behaviourin social intercourse according to unwritten law. The non-performance, alternatively theunlawful conduct, meant that Plaintiff lost hearth and home and her family memberswere mur<strong>der</strong>ed. As a result Plaintiff is forced to try to rebuild a life elsewhere far fromher original domicile. The same holds for the persons whose interests are promoted byFoundation.337. To the extent that this Court might hold that the State <strong>of</strong> the Netherlands and the UNmight not be liable on the basis <strong>of</strong> civil law in the present proceedings, Plaintiff andFoundation note that liability <strong>of</strong> the State <strong>of</strong> the Netherlands and the UN in that casearises un<strong>der</strong> public international law. The un<strong>der</strong>pinning <strong>of</strong> the action on the basis <strong>of</strong>public international law follows below.II.5.Responsibility un<strong>der</strong> International LawII.5.a. Introduction338. Plaintiff and Foundation have instituted proceedings on the basis <strong>of</strong> public internationallaw against both the UN and the State <strong>of</strong> the Netherlands. Plaintiff and Foundation willdeal with their claims against each Defendant separately.339. The most important body in the field <strong>of</strong> the codification <strong>of</strong> public international law is theInternational Law Commission (ILC), the UN Commission for international law.The ILC is a commission <strong>of</strong> the General Assembly <strong>of</strong> the UN. The ILC was founded in1948 and by virtue <strong>of</strong> Article13 paragraph 1 un<strong>der</strong> a <strong>of</strong> the UN Charter has as itsobjective:‘The General Assembly shall initiate studies and make recommandations for thepurpose <strong>of</strong> (…)© <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Diepen</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Kroef</strong> Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com146

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