Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

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II.1. Jurisdiction and territorial jurisdiction289. The Dutch court is competent to hear the present claim against the State of theNetherlands by virtue of Article 2 Code of Civil Procedure (Wetboek van BurgerlijkeRechtsvordering; hereafter CCPr.). The principle of law that governs is that in respect ofclaims against the State of the Netherlands, no court is competent other than the Dutchcourt (par in parem non habet iurisdictionem, i.e., the principle that states are equal andstates do not sit in judgment over another state; see, for example, Knut Ipsen,Völkerrecht, C.H. Beck 2004, 5 th ed., page 373).290. The territorial competence of the District Court, The Hague in respect of the claimagainst the State of the Netherlands follows from Article 99 CCPr.291. The Dutch court is competent to hear the claim against the UN by virtue of Article 7paragraph 1 CCPr. The Dutch court has jurisdiction in respect of the State of theNetherlands and there exists such a close connection between the claims againstDefendants, that grounds of expediency justify a combined hearing on this matter.292. The territorial jurisdiction of the District Court, The Hague regarding the claim againstthe UN follows from Article 107 CCPr. Plaintiff and Foundation here repeat that thereexists such a close connection between the claims against the Defendant that reasons ofexpediency justify a combined hearing on this matter.II.2. Legal personality of the UN293. Plaintiff may institute legal proceedings against the UN as the UN possesses legalpersonality (see Article 104 of the UN Charter):‘The organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such legal capacityas may be necessary for the exercise of its functions and the fulfilment of its purposes.’294. The International Court of Justice at The Hague (ICJ) established many years ago thatthe UN possesses legal personality (Reparations for Injuries Suffered in the Service of© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com128

the United Nations, Advisory opinion, 11 April 1949, ICJ Rep. 1949, page 174). Thelegal personality of the UN is also confirmed in the literature (see M. Zwanenburg,Accountability of Peace Support Operations, 2005, page 66):‘The international legal personality of the UN has subsequently been confirmed onnumerous occasions in law and practice.’295. Caselaw also confirms that the UN possesses legal personality (Tribunal Brussels,Manderlier/UN, 11 May 1966, 45 International Law Reports 446).296. In addition to the fact that the UN poosesses legal personality the UN can be summonedalso on the following ground: Article 104 UN Charter was given more detailed meaningin Article I section 1 of the Convention on the privileges and immunities of the UN of13 February 1946 (hereafter: Convention). According to that Article I section 1 the UNpossesses legal personality, which means that:‘It shall have the capacity: (a) to contract, (b) to acquire and dispose of immovable andmovable property, (c) to institute legal proceedings.’Article I section 1 of the Convention is not exhaustive. According to the literature andcaselaw the UN is competent to appear before the court as Defendant (Seidl-Hohenveldern/Rudolph, in B. Simma, The Charter of the United Nations, ACommentary, second edition, volume II, article 104, number 10).297. It follows from the above that the UN can be summoned to appear before the Dutchcourt.II.3. Applicable law: claims founded on civil law298. The claims of Plaintiff rest in part on civil law. The UN and the State of the Netherlandsare held to be jointly liable for the fall of the Srebrenica Safe Area and the consequencesthereof. The UN and the State of the Netherlands failed to fulfill their agreed obligations(agreed with Plaintiff and her murdered family). Furthermore, the UN and the State of© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com129

the United Nations, Advisory opinion, 11 April 1949, ICJ Rep. 1949, page 174). Thelegal personality <strong>of</strong> the UN is also confirmed in the literature (see M. Zwanenburg,Accountability <strong>of</strong> Peace Support Operations, 2005, page 66):‘The international legal personality <strong>of</strong> the UN has subsequently been confirmed onnumerous occasions in law and practice.’295. Caselaw also confirms that the UN possesses legal personality (Tribunal Brussels,Man<strong>der</strong>lier/UN, 11 May 1966, 45 International Law Reports 446).296. In addition to the fact that the UN poosesses legal personality the UN can be summonedalso on the following ground: Article 104 UN Charter was given more detailed meaningin Article I section 1 <strong>of</strong> the Convention on the privileges and immunities <strong>of</strong> the UN <strong>of</strong>13 February 1946 (hereafter: Convention). According to that Article I section 1 the UNpossesses legal personality, which means that:‘It shall have the capacity: (a) to contract, (b) to acquire and dispose <strong>of</strong> immovable andmovable property, (c) to institute legal proceedings.’Article I section 1 <strong>of</strong> the Convention is not exhaustive. According to the literature andcaselaw the UN is competent to appear before the court as Defendant (Seidl-Hohenvel<strong>der</strong>n/Rudolph, in B. Simma, The Charter <strong>of</strong> the United Nations, ACommentary, second edition, volume II, article 104, number 10).297. It follows from the above that the UN can be summoned to appear before the Dutchcourt.II.3. Applicable law: claims founded on civil law298. The claims <strong>of</strong> Plaintiff rest in part on civil law. The UN and the State <strong>of</strong> the Netherlandsare held to be jointly liable for the fall <strong>of</strong> the Srebrenica Safe Area and the consequencesthere<strong>of</strong>. The UN and the State <strong>of</strong> the Netherlands failed to fulfill their agreed obligations(agreed with Plaintiff and her mur<strong>der</strong>ed family). Furthermore, the UN and the State <strong>of</strong>© <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Diepen</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Kroef</strong> Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com129

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