Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

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‘We were transported in buses on 13th July. Soldiers from Dutchbat and Chetniks stoodhand in hand when we went to get in the buses, and they made sure that no men couldget in the bus. There was just one old man in our bus.’263. Plaintiff No. 7 states (Exhibit 7):‘We had to leave on 13th July 1995. Buses stood ready for the people. Dutch soldiersand Chetniks were there. There were more Dutch soldiers and Chetniks by the buses,where the men and women were separated. Suddenly a child ran to me and asked me tohelp him. Somehow I managed to take him with me onto the bus. In that way I was ableto save his life. There were several Dutch soldiers there, who just stood and watched,and one of them looked to be confused and in shock.’264. Plaintiff Šehomerović states (Exhibit 8):‘It was now 13th July 1995. The group was steadily growing smaller as ever morepeople were taken away. At one point we were taken out of the circle. It was after noon.We moved slowly. Moreover, it was extremely hot weather.Very many people, including in particular old people, were ill. We went towards theUN base. There were buses and trucks there. The Dutch soldiers stood together withthe Serbian soldiers. The Dutch soldiers were no longer armed. The Serbian soldierswere certainly armed. The Dutch soldiers just watched. They did not react in any wayat all to what happened. I recognized some of the Dutch soldiers from the patrolsalongside our house. We arrived at a barrier. I knew about twenty persons of those inthe group with us. Some were neighbours, some were friends and some I knew fromwork. I saw how the nine-year old son was torn out of the arms of his mother. Shescreamed for help. The Serbian soldiers dragged her by the hair and beat her on theground. The woman was thrown in the truck. The young boy lay on the ground on hisleft side. Even after more than eleven years I cannot forget how he cried out for hismother.© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com118

I arrived at the barrier shortly thereafter and my husband and I were separated. At thebarrier I was told to walk straight on. My husband had to turn left. At that moment I didnot react. I said nothing. I could not speak. My mouth was as dry as a bone and I felttears well up in my eyes. I came to the truck. There were Dutchbat soldiers there. Theydid nothing.Thereafter we were transported. (…)’265. Plaintiff Subašić states (Exhibit 9):‘A wall of soldiers was formed at one point. It was then 13th July 1995. A livingcorridor was formed in this way of Dutch and Serbian soldiers, and we were literallythrown off the base. No-one remained behind. In that way they could check who waspermitted to step into the buses. Then I encountered my husband in front of the base.When we came together my husband and I tried to get to the buses. One of the Dutchsoldiers held my husband back and took him to the Serbs. I know for certain that it wasa Dutch soldier because he spoke in English to my husband and he wore shorts. Allthat, thus from leaving the base to the moment that I was separated from my husband,took about ten minutes. Here I must add that I also personally saw how a man, one ofour men, tried to conceal himself on the base, but he was then grabbed by his hands bytwo Dutch men and thrown off the base. The buses in which we sat were not escorted toTuzla by the Dutch soldiers.’266. Plaintiff No. 10 states (Exhibit 10):‘We had to board the buses and trucks that stood ready for us on 13th July 1995. Themen were not allowed to come with us. My uncle with his three-year old son on hisshoulders had to give his son to his wife and was told that he must say goodbye. Wenever saw him again. In the meantime Dutch soldiers stood laughing with Serbiansoldiers. I saw some drinking beer together.’I.14.Reactions to the fall of the Safe Area© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com119

I arrived at the barrier shortly thereafter and my husband and I were separated. At thebarrier I was told to walk straight on. My husband had to turn left. At that moment I didnot react. I said nothing. I could not speak. My mouth was as dry as a bone and I felttears well up in my eyes. I came to the truck. There were Dutchbat soldiers there. Theydid nothing.Thereafter we were transported. (…)’265. Plaintiff Subašić states (Exhibit 9):‘A wall <strong>of</strong> soldiers was formed at one point. It was then 13th July 1995. A livingcorridor was formed in this way <strong>of</strong> Dutch and Serbian soldiers, and we were literallythrown <strong>of</strong>f the base. No-one remained behind. In that way they could check who waspermitted to step into the buses. Then I encountered my husband in front <strong>of</strong> the base.When we came together my husband and I tried to get to the buses. One <strong>of</strong> the Dutchsoldiers held my husband back and took him to the Serbs. I know for certain that it wasa Dutch soldier because he spoke in English to my husband and he wore shorts. Allthat, thus from leaving the base to the moment that I was separated from my husband,took about ten minutes. Here I must add that I also personally saw how a man, one <strong>of</strong>our men, tried to conceal himself on the base, but he was then grabbed by his hands bytwo Dutch men and thrown <strong>of</strong>f the base. The buses in which we sat were not escorted toTuzla by the Dutch soldiers.’266. Plaintiff No. 10 states (Exhibit 10):‘We had to board the buses and trucks that stood ready for us on 13th July 1995. Themen were not allowed to come with us. My uncle with his three-year old son on hisshoul<strong>der</strong>s had to give his son to his wife and was told that he must say goodbye. Wenever saw him again. In the meantime Dutch soldiers stood laughing with Serbiansoldiers. I saw some drinking beer together.’I.14.Reactions to the fall <strong>of</strong> the Safe Area© <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Diepen</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Kroef</strong> Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com119

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