Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

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The Serbs did whatever they wished. A sort of tape was stretched across the road justabout where the “Blue Factory” and the zinc factory were. The Dutch soldiers stood infront of it and no-one was allowed to pass. At that moment a Chetnik, slightly olderthan my oldest son, spoke to me. He looked like Rambo, with a cartridge belt across hisbody. At first I did not recognize him but I remembered him when he told me that hisname was Željko. He asked me where my family was, in particular my husband. I toldhim that he had been killed by a shell. He offered me a cigarette. While I smoked it hetold me that there could be, and here I use the Bosnian word, a “Kurban”. This standsfor ritual slaughter. At that he walked to the tape that had been placed by the Dutchbatsoldiers and sliced it through. Željko spoke to one of the Dutch soldiers, who stood bythe tape. This soldier was then struck in the face by Željko with such a hard blow thatthe soldier’s helmet fell off. The Dutchbat soldier then had to give his weapon to Željko.The Dutchbat soldier blushed red but did nothing. He appeared scared and allowed thisto happen to him.I later saw Serbs stab an old man. This happened under the eyes of a Dutchbat soldier.This was the same Dutchbat soldier from whom Željko had taken the weapon. also TheDutchbat soldier did nothing this time also. He stood there and just watched.I saw this same Željko several times on 12th and 13th July 1995. He walked aboutlooking for former neighbours from Srebrenica. He raped two sisters. I did not see thismyself but they told me themselves. They were two former neighbours of mine. I do notwant to name them.I also heard that Željko said to some Dutchbat soldiers: “Do what you want to thewomen. Now is your chance. Do with them what you want. Kill them or whatever.” TheDutchbat soldiers did not respond.I saw a group of Chetniks hold down a woman of about 65 years old while one of theChetniks stuck his arm up into the vagina of the woman and tore out her womb. Afterthis happened she was still alive. She survived it. I saw that with my own eyes. Some© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com110

four or five Dutchbat soldiers were standing in the immediate vicinity. They didnothing.The night of 12th to 13th July 1995 was also dreadful. It was chaos. I heard peoplescreaming and crying. Chetniks ran around raping the women. I myself saw how theytook a girl away. I never saw her return.My father lost consciousness in the morning of 13th July 1995. I asked a Chetnik if Imight fetch some water for my father. He said simply, “Go”. I crossed over a bridgeand along a road. I came to a house, about two hundred meters from the road. Betweenthis house and the street stands an electricity building. The house stands next to a smallstream. Near the house I saw a group of dead men lying. They wore civilian clothes.Their throats had been cut.As I was approaching the house I saw a woman. When she saw that I was not a soldiershe began to scream and ran outside. A group of Chetniks stood near the house. Whenthe Chetniks saw the woman run outside screaming they shot her dead. I collapsedwhen I saw that. A Chetnik walked up to me, grabbed me by the hair and asked mewhat I was afraid of. Then he began insulting me. I feared that that he would kill me.He took his knife and cut me above my eyes. Then he said that I was not worth this knifeand nor was I worth the cost of a bullet. He then kicked me in the head and took hisknife and stabbed me through my trousers. I saw that his knife was covered in blood.The thought flashed through me that he must already have killed someone. I then lostconsciousness. I do not know what then happened. I do not know at all what they didwith me, for I was unconscious. I ran off when I came round again. I left Potočari thatday by bus.’246. None of the events described above led, however, to Dutchbat taking action and/orraising the alarm.I.12.Need to report war crimes© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com111

four or five Dutchbat soldiers were standing in the immediate vicinity. They didnothing.The night <strong>of</strong> 12th to 13th July 1995 was also dreadful. It was chaos. I heard peoplescreaming and crying. Chetniks ran around raping the women. I myself saw how theytook a girl away. I never saw her return.My father lost consciousness in the morning <strong>of</strong> 13th July 1995. I asked a Chetnik if Imight fetch some water for my father. He said simply, “Go”. I crossed over a bridgeand along a road. I came to a house, about two hundred meters from the road. Betweenthis house and the street stands an electricity building. The house stands next to a smallstream. Near the house I saw a group <strong>of</strong> dead men lying. They wore civilian clothes.Their throats had been cut.As I was approaching the house I saw a woman. When she saw that I was not a soldiershe began to scream and ran outside. A group <strong>of</strong> Chetniks stood near the house. Whenthe Chetniks saw the woman run outside screaming they shot her dead. I collapsedwhen I saw that. A Chetnik walked up to me, grabbed me by the hair and asked mewhat I was afraid <strong>of</strong>. Then he began insulting me. I feared that that he would kill me.He took his knife and cut me above my eyes. Then he said that I was not worth this knifeand nor was I worth the cost <strong>of</strong> a bullet. He then kicked me in the head and took hisknife and stabbed me through my trousers. I saw that his knife was covered in blood.The thought flashed through me that he must already have killed someone. I then lostconsciousness. I do not know what then happened. I do not know at all what they didwith me, for I was unconscious. I ran <strong>of</strong>f when I came round again. I left Potočari thatday by bus.’246. None <strong>of</strong> the events described above led, however, to Dutchbat taking action and/orraising the alarm.I.12.Need to report war crimes© <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Diepen</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Kroef</strong> Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com111

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