Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef Writ of summons - Van Diepen Van der Kroef

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‘I lost all faith in protection when I saw the Serbs taking girls out of the group andmothers fainting. I did not see Serbs rape women. I did see, however, that Dutchbatsoldiers walked around together with the Serbs. The Dutchbat soldiers could naturallysee how the women were being taken away. I could not see where the girls were takento. I could certainly make out that they were Dutch men and not Serbs in Dutchbatuniforms, because Dutch men and Serbs look different from each other.When the Serbs took girls away, Bosnian women asked the Dutchbat soldiers inSerbian what happened to the women who were taken away. I saw how the Bosnianwomen begged the Dutchbat soldiers to bring the girls back. Those mothers wept then.I was there when the Dutchbat soldiers answered only “no, no” although they hadcertainly seen how the girls had been taken away.Women went during the day to the houses that stood about the factory searching forfood. A woman told me that she had seen eight beheaded men. I did not see the eightdead men myself because I did not go to fetch water.(…)I did go later to fetch water and saw that men were brought to a house. Many peoplewent there to fetch water. I saw a group of Chetniks close to the house. I do not knowwhat precisely the Chetniks did there. Then I heard a number of shots, one after theother, and then there was silence. I think that then people were shot dead.(…)I heard people crying out in fear in the night of 12th to 13th July 1995. I heard manypeople screaming dreadfully but I could not see them. The screaming was in front of thefactory; I thought that we were all going to be murdered. I will never forget that sound.It was the most dreadful night of my life. I no longer know exactly where I was. I didsee Dutchbat soldiers walking about the entire night. I likewise saw Serbs walkingaround. I could only make out the uniforms, and therefore not the faces, because it was© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com100

night-time. I did not dare to leave this place because a man told me that Chetniks wereeverywhere and many people had been killed.’237. Plaintiff Gurdić states (see Exhibit 3):‘When the Serbs came out of the truck dressed in the Dutch uniforms and with weapons,they moved about among the refugees. Panic broke out. As soon as they recognizedsomeone they began to beat that person. Men were taken away.’(…)At one time, I saw how a young boy of about ten was killed by Serbs in Dutch uniform.This happened in front of my own eyes. The mother sat on the ground and her youngson sat beside her. The young boy was placed on his mother’s lap. The young boy waskilled. His head was cut off. The body remained on the lap of the mother. The Serbiansoldier placed the head of the young boy on his knife and showed it to everyone. Therewere at that moment Dutch soldiers in the vicinity. They stood by and did nothing. Theyappeared to be entirely indifferent. The woman was hysterical and began to call out forhelp. A Dutch soldier who was standing there said only, “No, no, no.” I think that itwas a Dutch soldier. The Serbs forced the mother to drink the blood of her child. Chaosbroke out among the refugees.I saw how a pregnant woman was slaughtered. There were Serbs who stabbed her inthe stomach, cut her open and took two small children out of her stomach and then beatthem to death on the ground. I saw this with my own eyes. These Serbian soldiers werefollowed around by a number of Dutch soldiers. I am convinced that there were Dutchsoldiers present. I recognized them. I was not under the impression that they wereafraid or forced to be present. I am pretty certain that they were armed. The Dutchsoldiers did nothing at all.’238. Plaintiff Hasanović states (see Exhibit 4):© Van Diepen Van der Kroef Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com101

‘I lost all faith in protection when I saw the Serbs taking girls out <strong>of</strong> the group andmothers fainting. I did not see Serbs rape women. I did see, however, that Dutchbatsoldiers walked around together with the Serbs. The Dutchbat soldiers could naturallysee how the women were being taken away. I could not see where the girls were takento. I could certainly make out that they were Dutch men and not Serbs in Dutchbatuniforms, because Dutch men and Serbs look different from each other.When the Serbs took girls away, Bosnian women asked the Dutchbat soldiers inSerbian what happened to the women who were taken away. I saw how the Bosnianwomen begged the Dutchbat soldiers to bring the girls back. Those mothers wept then.I was there when the Dutchbat soldiers answered only “no, no” although they hadcertainly seen how the girls had been taken away.Women went during the day to the houses that stood about the factory searching forfood. A woman told me that she had seen eight beheaded men. I did not see the eightdead men myself because I did not go to fetch water.(…)I did go later to fetch water and saw that men were brought to a house. Many peoplewent there to fetch water. I saw a group <strong>of</strong> Chetniks close to the house. I do not knowwhat precisely the Chetniks did there. Then I heard a number <strong>of</strong> shots, one after theother, and then there was silence. I think that then people were shot dead.(…)I heard people crying out in fear in the night <strong>of</strong> 12th to 13th July 1995. I heard manypeople screaming dreadfully but I could not see them. The screaming was in front <strong>of</strong> thefactory; I thought that we were all going to be mur<strong>der</strong>ed. I will never forget that sound.It was the most dreadful night <strong>of</strong> my life. I no longer know exactly where I was. I didsee Dutchbat soldiers walking about the entire night. I likewise saw Serbs walkingaround. I could only make out the uniforms, and therefore not the faces, because it was© <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Diepen</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>der</strong> <strong>Kroef</strong> Advocaten 2007www.vandiepen.com100

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