Guidelines for INFECTION CONTROL POLICY - Safdarjung Hospital

Guidelines for INFECTION CONTROL POLICY - Safdarjung Hospital

Guidelines for INFECTION CONTROL POLICY - Safdarjung Hospital


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MERCURY SPILL MANAGEMENT :If accidental spill of mercury occurs it is to be collected in a special manner as follows :• Spilled mercury should be collected with a ‘‘mercury spill kit’’- containing nitrile gloves,N-95 face mask, 2 pieces of cardboards, 2 plastic containers, cello tape, andflashlight.• Do not touch mercury.• Remove all jewelry, wear gloves, masks.• Use flashlight to locate and cardboards to bring mercury beads together.• Collect with an eyedropper of a syringe and carefully place it or ‘contain’ in a bottlecontaining water.• Any remaining beads of mercury should be picked up with a sticky tape and placein the plastic bag, properly labeled.• The bottle should be sealed with a tape, labeled as hazardous waste and securelystored inside another plastic container; awaiting final disposal to Govt. nominated orauthorized mercury dealers.• After mercury has been recovered the spill area should be covered with calciumsulfide or sodium thiosulfate to neutralize it.• Reporting <strong>for</strong>mats will be used to report and register any mercury spills/leakages.SHARPS INJURY MANAGEMENTThe commonest cause of injury while handling the waste is inappropriate segregation whereinsharp waste is deposited in containers meant <strong>for</strong> non sharp waste. When sharp injury occursfollowing procedures is to be followed.(i) Stop the procedure immediately and wash the wound with soap and water, encouragebleeding the apply antiseptic.(ii) Immediately report to Nodal officer in Casualty <strong>for</strong> First aid and emergencytreatment or any other action and follow-up advice, if required. ‘PEP’ is provided iscasualty round the clock as per MOHFW guidelines.(iii) Retention, if possible of the item and details of its source <strong>for</strong> identification ofpossible infection.(iv) Investigation, determination and implementation of remedial measures.(v) Recording of Sharp injury: Needle Sticks/ Sharp injury should be recorded as perthe Per<strong>for</strong>ma provided by BMW <strong>Guidelines</strong>. (Annexure I). This Per<strong>for</strong>ma is availablein casually.Training needs of different categories of persons are identified and training is providedregularly, as well as in<strong>for</strong>mally onsite during inspection or supervisory rounds. The objectivesof training are to increase awareness, improve practices, change attitudes and monitor thesystem.INDUCTION TRAINING OF THE NEWLY RECRUITED STAFF:‘Induction Training is provided to each of the fresh new employee, involved in patient-careservice in the hospitals, whether a Doctor, a Nurse a Technician or a Group D staff. It is apre-requisite <strong>for</strong> the release of first salary.REFRESHER TRAINING OF ALL THE STAFF MEMBERS OF VMMC & SJH:A regular training of the staff CME’s, Workshops, are the essential part to maintain the <strong>Hospital</strong>Waste Management (HWM) at the best. It is necessary to conduct the regular refresher trainingof all the staff members of the hospital. The Department of HWM organizes ‘Regular Training’,every month and it has become a permanent feature. A ‘training calender’ <strong>for</strong> all categoriesof staffs of the hospitals has been prepared.29

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