Guidelines for INFECTION CONTROL POLICY - Safdarjung Hospital

Guidelines for INFECTION CONTROL POLICY - Safdarjung Hospital

Guidelines for INFECTION CONTROL POLICY - Safdarjung Hospital


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RECYCLING <strong>POLICY</strong> :The hospital follows the principle of reducing, and favors policy of recyclingAll disinfected and shredded plastics, gloves, glass, cardboard etc. are sold to Govt. approvedvendors/Kabariwalas at Govt. approved rates.RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING OF DATA :Maintenance of the records :The following records are being maintaining by the HWM Dept. :i) Incinerator parametersii) Microwave parameters.iii) Each patient care area has been provided with the waste Receipt book. All the staffare requested to duly fill up the waste book code wise with nos. of beg and signthe slip <strong>for</strong> further record.iv) Quantity of infectious waste received from various areasv) Quantity of plastic wastevi) Quantity of waste sold to vendorvii) Annual reportsviii) Monthly reportsix) Authorization from DPCC,x) Consent to establishxi) Recyclable wastexii) Sharps Injury register.xiii) Immunization registerxiv) Miscellaneous correspondence liaison with other department DPCC etc.The monthly and annual reports are sent to MOHFW and the requisite in<strong>for</strong>mation is providedto CPCB/DPCC whenever required.5. MANAGEMENT OF WASTE FROM SPECIAL AREAS :LIQUID AND CHEMICAL WASTES MANAGEMENT :Chemical disinfection of the liquid waste, at the areas of generation e.g., Labor rooms, OTs,labs etc is done. These liquid wastes should be disinfected by chemical treatment using at least1% sodium hypochlorite solution <strong>for</strong> a contact period of 30 Minutes and them discharged intodrains/sewers where it is taken care of by the principle of dilution and dispersal.LABORATORIES, BLOOD BANK :• The blood sample glass vials, plastic vials etc. from all he laboratories is chemicallydisinfected in the respective labs. The discarded disinfected vials are packed in blueplastic bag <strong>for</strong> final disposal.• The Microbiology cultures plates/dishes, stalks are locally autoclaved be<strong>for</strong>e transportingto the waste premises <strong>for</strong> final disposal.• The discarded blood bags are brought by a responsible staff member, (Doctor ortechnician) double packed in yellow bags and sealed. At the incinerator premises thesealed bag is weighed <strong>for</strong> record purpose and then incinerated in the presence ofboth the blood bank technician and the incinerator operator. Both of them sign andrecord the same.DISCARDED MEDICINES AND CYTOTOXIC DRUGS:• The discarded medicines and cytotoxic drugs, which need to the disposed, shouldbe certified by Head of the concerned department, put in a yellow bag, tied andsealed.26

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