Diploma requirements and course descriptions - Marianopolis

Diploma requirements and course descriptions - Marianopolis

Diploma requirements and course descriptions - Marianopolis


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SCIENCE (200.B0) DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS (26 Courses)GENERAL EDUCATION COMPONENT (26-2/3 credits)58-2/3 CreditsMINISTERIAL REQUIREMENTS• 4 English• 3 Humanities• 3 Physical Education• 2 French• 2 Complementary9-1/3 credits6-1/3 credits3 credits4 credits4 credits• English Exit Examination• Comprehensive Assessment(épreuve synthèse): see note 1SPECIFIC EDUCATION COMPONENT (32 credits)Disciplines(32 credits chosen from a minimum of 4 <strong>and</strong> a maximum of 5 disciplines)Compulsory (24 credits): Elective (8 credits):• Biology - General Biology I 101-NYA-05• Chemistry - General Chemistry I 202-NYA-05- General Chemistry II 202-NYB-05• Mathematics - Calculus I 201-NYA-05- Calculus II 201-NYB-05- Linear Algebra I 201-NYC-05• Physics - Mechanics 203-NYA-05- Electricity & Magnetism 203-NYB-05- Waves, Light & Modern 203-NYC-05PhysicsA minimum of 8 credits chosen from <strong>course</strong>sin the following disciplines:• Biology: see note 2• Chemistry: see note 2• Computer Science: see note 3• Mathematics• Physics• 201-LCX-05 (Topics in Mathematics) is a <strong>Marianopolis</strong> requirement. Students who have taken an equivalent <strong>course</strong> atthe high-school level may seek an exemption from 201-LCX-05. Exemptions are granted by the Mathematics departmentat the registration preparation sessions.Notes: 1) Students must successfully complete an interdisciplinary (integrative) project to meet the <strong>requirements</strong>of the comprehensive assessment (épreuve synthèse) for a Science <strong>Diploma</strong>.2) 101-LCU-05 (General Biology II) <strong>and</strong> 202-LCU-05 (Organic Chemistry I) are required for all studentswishing to complete a Health Science profile.3) Students who choose Computer Science as an Elective Science discipline cannot take ComputerScience as a Complementary <strong>course</strong>.ENRICHED COURSES are offered in the Science program. These <strong>course</strong>s treat the material in greater depth thanwould be found in the regular sections of the <strong>course</strong>. Additional topics are included to provide a more comprehensivepreparation for future university studies in special areas such as engineering, architecture, physics, chemistry,mathematics <strong>and</strong> the life sciences. While <strong>course</strong> work in the enriched section is more challenging, final exams in mostenriched <strong>course</strong>s are consistent in level with those in the regular sections. An attestation certifying that students havetaken enriched <strong>course</strong>s is available from the Student Records Office that students may include it with their applicationto university.www.marianopolis.edu/science53

Science: Computer Science - Mathematicsscience, technology, commerce, <strong>and</strong>the arts. Computer scientists may beinvolved with circuit design, programming,problem solving, or projectplanning. Computer users mayproduce documents, performcommercial computations, or keeptrack of masses of information usingst<strong>and</strong>ard business packages. Usingspecialized software, they may solveequations or plot curves; they maydesign web pages, advertisements orindustrial parts.Computer Programming420-LCU-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Winter Term only)This <strong>course</strong> introduces students to aprogramming language, such as C++or Java, which is widely used byprofessional programmers <strong>and</strong> inuniversities. Material coveredincludes: st<strong>and</strong>ard programmingconstructs, introduction to structured<strong>and</strong> object-oriented programming,problem-solving techniques, programorganization <strong>and</strong> documentation,introduction to objects, classes,abstract data types. Emphasis is onproject development <strong>and</strong> organization,as well as introduction to generallyuseful programming techniques <strong>and</strong>to a variety of applications.The <strong>course</strong> is generally taught as alecture <strong>course</strong> with sessions in theComputer Lab. Students are expectedto complete programming projects ontheir own, in the Computer Lab <strong>and</strong>at home.Technical Drawing420-LCV-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Winter Term only)This <strong>course</strong> is an introduction to solidmodeling <strong>and</strong> industrial drafting, usinga computer-aided design packagesuch as Solid Edge. It is aimed atpotential engineers, architects, <strong>and</strong>anyone else needing to producetechnical drawings. Only basiccomputer literacy is assumed.The <strong>course</strong> covers elements ofcomputer-aided design, includingviews, projections, dimensioning,st<strong>and</strong>ard drawing elements <strong>and</strong> theirmeanings, 3-D modeling techniques,<strong>and</strong> working drawings. Studentsproduce designs <strong>and</strong> workingdrawings from given sketches <strong>and</strong>views, as well as designing objectson their own.The <strong>course</strong> involves some drawing byh<strong>and</strong>, as well as extensive h<strong>and</strong>s-onuse of the design software in theComputer Lab, both in class <strong>and</strong> forstudents working on their own.Programming Techniques <strong>and</strong>Applications420-LCW-MS (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsThis is a second-level programming<strong>course</strong>, covering parts of a universityleveldata structures <strong>course</strong>. Studentscompleting this <strong>course</strong> might obtainadvanced placement in a universityprogram in computer science or arelated engineering field.It is assumed that the student isfamiliar with the elements of theC++ or Java language up to <strong>and</strong>including arrays, user-definedfunctions, enumerated types, as wellas techniques of classical structuredprogramming. Students go beyondthis to cover recursion, dynamic dataallocation, linked lists, depth-firstsearch, trees, <strong>and</strong> some sortingtechniques.Students are expected to completeprogramming projects, working partlyduring scheduled lab time <strong>and</strong> partlyon their own. Each project includesprogram design as well as coding<strong>and</strong> testing.Mathematics (201)Mathematics is both a subject of studyin its own right <strong>and</strong> an indispensabletool in the study of all other branchesof Science.Reasonable proficiency in the theory<strong>and</strong> application of Mathematics isrequired for entry to all universityundergraduate programs in theHealth Sciences, Pure <strong>and</strong> AppliedSciences, Commerce <strong>and</strong> ComputerScience.Topics in Mathematics201-LCX-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite:Sec. V Math TS (064506, 564506), orSec. V Math SN (065506, 565506)Students with an enriched mathbackground <strong>and</strong> who have taken anequivalent <strong>course</strong> at the high-schoollevel may seek an exemption from201-LCX-05. Exemptions are grantedindividually before registration.This <strong>course</strong> covers material whichprepares for <strong>and</strong> complements allscience mathematics <strong>course</strong>sincluding:201-NYA-05201-NYB-05201-NYC-05201-LCU-05201-LCV-05201-LCW-05201-LCY-05201-LCZ-MSContent: Topics in analytic geometry;topics in trigonometry; algebra ofcomplex numbers; polynomials overR <strong>and</strong> C; arithmetic <strong>and</strong> geometricprogressions; binomial theorem;mathematical induction; as timepermits, additional topics fromcombinatorics, probability. This<strong>course</strong> is also offered in enrichedformat.55

Science: Mathematics - PhysicsCalculus I201-NYA-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 201-LCX-05 previouslyor concurrently for students notexempted from 201-LCX-05Content: Limits, continuity, derivativesby definition; techniques of differentiation;graphing; max-min problems;other applications. This <strong>course</strong> is alsooffered in enriched format in the fallterm.Calculus II201-NYB-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 201-NYA-05Content: Definite <strong>and</strong> indefiniteintegrals, Fundamental Theorem ofCalculus; techniques of integration;indeterminate forms <strong>and</strong> improperintegrals; applications to area,volume, arc length; introductionto sequences <strong>and</strong> series of positiveterms. Additional topics: parametric,polar curves, approximate integrationas time permits. This <strong>course</strong> is alsooffered in enriched format in thewinter term.Calculus III201-LCU-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisites: 75% or better in201-NYB-05; 201-NYC-05 previouslyor concurrentlyContent: Infinite sequences <strong>and</strong> series;power series; vector functions <strong>and</strong>curves in parametric form; functionsof several variables; partial derivatives,chain rule; extrema, Lagrangemultipliers; multiple integration.Linear Algebra I201-NYC-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 201-LCX-05 previouslyor concurrently for Science studentsnot exempted from 201-LCX-0556Content: Systems of linear equations;matrix algebra; determinants; vectorsin R n , geometry of lines <strong>and</strong> planes inR 3 ; R n as a vector space; subspaces,basis <strong>and</strong> dimension; as time permits,linear transformations of the plane.This <strong>course</strong> is also offered in enrichedformat in the fall term.Linear Algebra II201-LCV-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Winter term only)Prerequisites: 201-NYC-05previously; 201-NYB-05 at leastconcurrently with grades of 75% orbetter in previous math <strong>course</strong>sContent: Vector spaces, basis <strong>and</strong>dimension; inner product spaces;linear transformations <strong>and</strong> theirmatrix representations; eigenvalues<strong>and</strong> eigenvectors; application todiagonalization of quadratic forms<strong>and</strong> solution of linear differentialequations.Probability <strong>and</strong> Statistics201-LCW-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 201-NYB-05Content: Descriptive statistics; measureof central tendency; probability;discrete <strong>and</strong> continuous distributionfunctions; mathematical expectation<strong>and</strong> variance; estimation <strong>and</strong> hypothesistesting; correlation <strong>and</strong> regressionanalysis; Chi-square Test.Finite Mathematics201-LCY-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Winter term only)Prerequisite: 201-NYC-05 previouslyor concurrentlyThis <strong>course</strong> will introduce the student tothe mathematics of finance, probability,statistics, linear programming <strong>and</strong>Markov chains with an emphasis onreal world applications.Differential Equations201-LCZ-MS (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Winter term only)Prerequisite: 201-LCU-05 previouslyor concurrentlyAn introduction to differentialequations with emphasis on applicationsto physics <strong>and</strong> engineering.First order linear <strong>and</strong> nonlineardifferential equations, second orderlinear differential equations, vectorspaces <strong>and</strong> the general theory of nthorder linear equations; diagonalizationof matrices <strong>and</strong> systems of lineardifferential equations. Laplacetransform; nonlinear equations <strong>and</strong>stability. As time permits: numericalmethods, partial differential equations<strong>and</strong> Fourier series.Physics (203)The science of physics seeks touncover the fundamental nature of theuniverse at all scales. Physical lawspredict <strong>and</strong> explain the interaction ofthe particles <strong>and</strong> the forces weobserve. These laws reveal theunderlying simplicity <strong>and</strong> beauty ofnature – from the smallest subatomicpatterns to the largest cosmologicalstructures. Discoveries in physicsoften impact other sciences <strong>and</strong> canlead to applications in such diverseareas as biology, chemistry,medicine, astro-physics, geophysics,environmental science, <strong>and</strong>engineering.Each of the required <strong>course</strong>s (NYA,NYB, NYC) is usually offered in anenriched version as well. Enrichedsections provide additional stimulationto students who readily graspphysical concepts. This stimulationarises from a deeper treatment of theregular <strong>course</strong> material <strong>and</strong> from theinclusion of additional topics. The

enriched nature of the <strong>course</strong> isreflected in the <strong>course</strong> evaluation,<strong>and</strong> successful completion of anenriched section can be confirmed inan official letter that can be includedwith university applications.Mechanics203-NYA-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisites:Sec. V Physics (053504, 553504),or equivalent;Sec. V Math TS (064506, 564506), orSec. V Math SN (065506, 565506)Mechanics is the study of systems inmotion: how bodies move, <strong>and</strong> whatcauses them to move. In this <strong>course</strong>,the student learns the classical lawsgoverning translational <strong>and</strong> rotationalmotion, <strong>and</strong> their application to realsystems.Electricity <strong>and</strong> Magnetism203-NYB-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisites: 203-NYA-05 <strong>and</strong>201-NYB-05The diverse phenomena related toelectricity <strong>and</strong> magnetism (suchas electric power, circuits, staticelectricity <strong>and</strong> electromagnetism) areexplained using a simple frameworkof classical laws <strong>and</strong> fundamentalconcepts.Waves, Light <strong>and</strong> Modern Physics203-NYC-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 203-NYA-05This <strong>course</strong> covers some basicproperties of waves <strong>and</strong> oscillations,properties of light (through a studyof geometrical <strong>and</strong> physical optics),<strong>and</strong> some introductory modernphysics concepts that are relevantto underst<strong>and</strong>ing the wave-particlenature of light. Elements of specialrelativity <strong>and</strong> radioactive decay areincluded.Digital Electronics203-LCV-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Winter Term only)Prerequisites:Sec. V Physics (053504, 553504),or equivalent;Sec. V Math TS (064506, 564506), orSec. V Math SN (065506,565506)In this <strong>course</strong>, the student obtainsa fundamental grasp of digitaltechnology <strong>and</strong> the logic underlyingall digital systems. Certain keycomponents are described: logicprocessors, memory devices <strong>and</strong>arithmetic units. The student alsobecomes proficient in using softwaresimulation <strong>and</strong> real integratedcircuits (chips) in creating their ownelectronic designs.Science: PhysicsAstrophysics203-LCW-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Winter Term only)Prerequisites: 203-NYA-05 <strong>and</strong>203-NYC-05 with 203-NYB-05 tobe taken at least concurrentlyThis <strong>course</strong> integrates astronomywith physics by introducing thebasic observational techniques <strong>and</strong>theoretical framework that make upastrophysics. This <strong>course</strong> covers somecelestial motions, gravity, <strong>and</strong> propertiesof electromagnetic radiation, byfocusing primarily on stars, galaxies<strong>and</strong> cosmology. The <strong>course</strong> usesplanetarium software <strong>and</strong> telescopesimulation software for lab work.There is no cumulative final exam inthis <strong>course</strong>.Topics in Physics203-LCZ-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Fall Term only)Prerequisite: 203-NYA-05While providing the student with asolid foundation in physics, timeconstraints prevent the presentationof a number of interesting <strong>and</strong>worthwhile topics in the three corecégep-level physics <strong>course</strong>s. In this<strong>course</strong>, at the instructor's discretion, avariety of topics not usually presentedor emphasized in the core <strong>course</strong>s willbe covered.57

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