Protein Engineering Protocols - Mycobacteriology research center

Protein Engineering Protocols - Mycobacteriology research center Protein Engineering Protocols - Mycobacteriology research center


3Considerations in the Design and Optimizationof Coiled Coil StructuresJody M. Mason, Kristian M. Müller, and Katja M. ArndtSummaryCoiled coil motifs are, despite their apparent simplicity, highly specific, and play a significantrole in the understanding of tertiary structure and its formation. The most commonly observed ofthe coiled coils, the parallel dimeric, is yet to be fully characterized for this structural class in general.Nonetheless, strict rules have emerged for the necessity of specific types of amino acids atspecific positions. In this chapter, we discuss this system in light of existing coiled coil structuresand in applying rules to coiled coils that are to be designed or optimized. Understanding andexpanding on these rules is crucial in using these motifs, which play key roles in virtually everycellular process, to act as drug-delivery agents by sequestering other proteins that are not behavingnatively or that have been upregulated (for example, by binding to coiled coil domains implicatedin oncogenesis). The roles of the a and d “hydrophobic” core positions and the e and g“electrostatic” edge positions in directing oligomerization and pairing specificity are discussed.Also discussed is the role of these positions in concert with the b, c, and f positions in maintainingα-helical propensity, helix solubility, and dimer stability.Key Words: Coiled coil; helix; heptad repeat; in vivo selection; leucine zipper; library design;protein design; protein engineering; protein fragment complementation assay; protein stability;rational design.1. IntroductionThe coiled coil is a common structural motif estimated to constitute 3 to 5%of the encoded residues in most genomes (1). It consists of two to five α-helicesthat habitually twist around each other, typically left-handedly, to form a supercoil.Whereas regular α-helices go through 3.6 residues for each complete turnof the helix, the distortion imposed on each helix within a left-handed coiledcoil lowers this value to 3.5. This equates to a seven amino acid repeat for everytwo turns of the helix (2,3). The most frequently occurring type of coiled coilFrom: Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 352: Protein Engineering ProtocolsEdited by: K. M. Arndt and K. M. Müller © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ35

36 Mason et al.Fig. 1. Dimeric parallel coiled coil. (A) Helical wheel diagram looking down thehelix axis from the N-terminus to the C-terminus. Heptad positions are labeled a to gand a′ to g′, respectively. Positions a, d, e, and g are in different shades of gray. (B) Sideview. The helical backbones are represented by cylinders, the side chains by knobs. Thepath of the polypeptide chain is indicated by a line wrapped around the cylinders. Forsimplicity, the supercoiling of the helices is not shown. While residues at positions a(dark gray) and d (light gray) make up the hydrophobic interface, residues at positionse (medium gray) and g (black) pack against the hydrophobic core. They can participatein interhelical electrostatic interactions between residue i (g position) of one helix andresidue i′ + 5 of the other helix (e′ position, belonging to the next heptad), as indicatedby the hatched bars. (C,D) Coiled-coil domain of the yeast transcription factor GCN4(see Note 1) as ribbon plot (Protein Data Bank code: 2ETA; ref. 6) to indicate supercoilingand g/e′ interactions. The plot was made using Pymol (7).is the parallel (i.e., both helices run N to C alongside each other) dimeric, lefthandedvariety. In this class, the periodicity of each helix is seven, with anywherefrom 2 (in designed coiled coils; ref. 4) to 200 of these repeats in aprotein (5). In this repeat, the residues are designated (a-b-c-d-e-f-g) nin onehelix, and (a′-b′-c′-d′-e′-f′-g′) nin the other (Fig. 1). In this model, a and d areusually nonpolar core residues found at the interface of the two helices, conversely,e and g are partially solvent exposed polar “edge” residues that givespecificity between the two helices through electrostatic interactions. Finally,the remaining three residues (b, c, and f) are typically hydrophilic and exposedto the solvent. The apparent simplicity of the coiled coil structure, with itsheptad periodicity, has led to extensive study. Remarkably, interaction between

36 Mason et al.Fig. 1. Dimeric parallel coiled coil. (A) Helical wheel diagram looking down thehelix axis from the N-terminus to the C-terminus. Heptad positions are labeled a to gand a′ to g′, respectively. Positions a, d, e, and g are in different shades of gray. (B) Sideview. The helical backbones are represented by cylinders, the side chains by knobs. Thepath of the polypeptide chain is indicated by a line wrapped around the cylinders. Forsimplicity, the supercoiling of the helices is not shown. While residues at positions a(dark gray) and d (light gray) make up the hydrophobic interface, residues at positionse (medium gray) and g (black) pack against the hydrophobic core. They can participatein interhelical electrostatic interactions between residue i (g position) of one helix andresidue i′ + 5 of the other helix (e′ position, belonging to the next heptad), as indicatedby the hatched bars. (C,D) Coiled-coil domain of the yeast transcription factor GCN4(see Note 1) as ribbon plot (<strong>Protein</strong> Data Bank code: 2ETA; ref. 6) to indicate supercoilingand g/e′ interactions. The plot was made using Pymol (7).is the parallel (i.e., both helices run N to C alongside each other) dimeric, lefthandedvariety. In this class, the periodicity of each helix is seven, with anywherefrom 2 (in designed coiled coils; ref. 4) to 200 of these repeats in aprotein (5). In this repeat, the residues are designated (a-b-c-d-e-f-g) nin onehelix, and (a′-b′-c′-d′-e′-f′-g′) nin the other (Fig. 1). In this model, a and d areusually nonpolar core residues found at the interface of the two helices, conversely,e and g are partially solvent exposed polar “edge” residues that givespecificity between the two helices through electrostatic interactions. Finally,the remaining three residues (b, c, and f) are typically hydrophilic and exposedto the solvent. The apparent simplicity of the coiled coil structure, with itsheptad periodicity, has led to extensive study. Remarkably, interaction between

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