Wool in Life Cycle Assessments and Design Tools - SIFO

Wool in Life Cycle Assessments and Design Tools - SIFO Wool in Life Cycle Assessments and Design Tools - SIFO


This comparison method is an easy way to visualize different impact results from different materialand design choices made in the idea phase, helping the designer make the best choice. It points outthe main challenging areas and dilemmas for choice. It is simply a good tool.A main focus in this tool is the Design for a product`s Life time through repair and service etc. andDesign for End of Life and recycling, including management policies and plans.Fig Examples from EcoIndex work sheets;1: Score card for material composition in jacket, 2: Design criteria for a prolonged garment life24

16. The Sustainable Apparel Coalition – Version 2 Apparel IndexA group of leading apparel and footwear brands, retailers, manufacturers, non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs), academic experts, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency havelaunched the Sustainable Apparel Coalition.The goal of the Coalition is to lead the industry toward a shared vision of sustainability built on anindustry-wide index for businesses to use to measure and evaluate apparel and footwear productsustainability performance. The tools will be developed with involvement of a wide range ofstakeholders, and the metrics will be fully transparent to encourage broad adoption of the indexglobally. To accomplish this, the Coalition will draw on the work from different efforts to measureand track apparel sustainability including the Outdoor Industry Association “Eco Index” and Nike’s“Environmental Apparel Design” tools.Starting out as internal design and development tool, the aim is also to develop easy accessibleinformation and communication for consumers.17. Cradle to Cradle (R) Design and Life Cycle Development (LCD)While LCA can be seen as a static assessment of an inventory, Life Cycle Development (LCD) is rathera dynamic development-tool for new products and systems. And while LCA looks at life cycles fromcradle to grave, at least in terms, LCD looks at the planning of products and service systems in acradle to cradle perspective.It is based upon the same inventory and impact assessment as in LCA; in fact the EPEA 19 was part ofthe development of LCA in the 1990s but chose to pursue their own LCD. In each case LCD isdeveloped as an individual company tool, content depending on the specific case and industry. Ituses weightings and strategies related to company policies and Cradle to Cradle principles. LCDfocuses from the beginning on the parts of the product system and life cycle that need mostimprovement, and seek solutions for this. Hence the improvements are folded into every stage of thedevelopment of the life cycle and value chain as a dynamic process.Ecological criteria in product design are included from the start. The scope is not limited at thebeginning because the focus may shift during the process to reach optimization. The amount of LCAinventory data needed is reduced, as choice of materials is based upon materials that are known tohave minimal impacts, and not upon minimizing harmful substances. Examining both quantitativeand qualitative levels of material and energy flows, the qualitative ecological impact is the mostimportant. Focus is on how to improve or change the most negative impact of a product life cycleinto something better.There are three nature-based basic principles of Cradle to Cradle Design: waste equals food, usecurrent solar income, and celebrate diversity. These principles are based on the idea that resources19 Environmental Protection and Encouragement Agency, Hamburg25

16. The Susta<strong>in</strong>able Apparel Coalition – Version 2 Apparel IndexA group of lead<strong>in</strong>g apparel <strong>and</strong> footwear br<strong>and</strong>s, retailers, manufacturers, non-governmentalorganizations (NGOs), academic experts, <strong>and</strong> the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency havelaunched the Susta<strong>in</strong>able Apparel Coalition.The goal of the Coalition is to lead the <strong>in</strong>dustry toward a shared vision of susta<strong>in</strong>ability built on an<strong>in</strong>dustry-wide <strong>in</strong>dex for bus<strong>in</strong>esses to use to measure <strong>and</strong> evaluate apparel <strong>and</strong> footwear productsusta<strong>in</strong>ability performance. The tools will be developed with <strong>in</strong>volvement of a wide range ofstakeholders, <strong>and</strong> the metrics will be fully transparent to encourage broad adoption of the <strong>in</strong>dexglobally. To accomplish this, the Coalition will draw on the work from different efforts to measure<strong>and</strong> track apparel susta<strong>in</strong>ability <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the Outdoor Industry Association “Eco Index” <strong>and</strong> Nike’s“Environmental Apparel <strong>Design</strong>” tools.Start<strong>in</strong>g out as <strong>in</strong>ternal design <strong>and</strong> development tool, the aim is also to develop easy accessible<strong>in</strong>formation <strong>and</strong> communication for consumers.17. Cradle to Cradle (R) <strong>Design</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Cycle</strong> Development (LCD)While LCA can be seen as a static assessment of an <strong>in</strong>ventory, <strong>Life</strong> <strong>Cycle</strong> Development (LCD) is rathera dynamic development-tool for new products <strong>and</strong> systems. And while LCA looks at life cycles fromcradle to grave, at least <strong>in</strong> terms, LCD looks at the plann<strong>in</strong>g of products <strong>and</strong> service systems <strong>in</strong> acradle to cradle perspective.It is based upon the same <strong>in</strong>ventory <strong>and</strong> impact assessment as <strong>in</strong> LCA; <strong>in</strong> fact the EPEA 19 was part ofthe development of LCA <strong>in</strong> the 1990s but chose to pursue their own LCD. In each case LCD isdeveloped as an <strong>in</strong>dividual company tool, content depend<strong>in</strong>g on the specific case <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong>dustry. Ituses weight<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>and</strong> strategies related to company policies <strong>and</strong> Cradle to Cradle pr<strong>in</strong>ciples. LCDfocuses from the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g on the parts of the product system <strong>and</strong> life cycle that need mostimprovement, <strong>and</strong> seek solutions for this. Hence the improvements are folded <strong>in</strong>to every stage of thedevelopment of the life cycle <strong>and</strong> value cha<strong>in</strong> as a dynamic process.Ecological criteria <strong>in</strong> product design are <strong>in</strong>cluded from the start. The scope is not limited at thebeg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g because the focus may shift dur<strong>in</strong>g the process to reach optimization. The amount of LCA<strong>in</strong>ventory data needed is reduced, as choice of materials is based upon materials that are known tohave m<strong>in</strong>imal impacts, <strong>and</strong> not upon m<strong>in</strong>imiz<strong>in</strong>g harmful substances. Exam<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g both quantitative<strong>and</strong> qualitative levels of material <strong>and</strong> energy flows, the qualitative ecological impact is the mostimportant. Focus is on how to improve or change the most negative impact of a product life cycle<strong>in</strong>to someth<strong>in</strong>g better.There are three nature-based basic pr<strong>in</strong>ciples of Cradle to Cradle <strong>Design</strong>: waste equals food, usecurrent solar <strong>in</strong>come, <strong>and</strong> celebrate diversity. These pr<strong>in</strong>ciples are based on the idea that resources19 Environmental Protection <strong>and</strong> Encouragement Agency, Hamburg25

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