Chapters 1 to 11 Combined - Century City

Chapters 1 to 11 Combined - Century City

Chapters 1 to 11 Combined - Century City


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Landscape MaintenanceInvasive Alien ControlStructured landscapingThe setting for the <strong>Century</strong> <strong>City</strong> isurban, and a structured landscaperesponse <strong>to</strong> this urban setting isappropriate.o The soft and hard landscapingshould in general stressstructured form over informalform.o Along the channel and wetlandthe structured form could flowin<strong>to</strong> an informal form as aresponse <strong>to</strong> the natural setting.o Landscape elements such asfurniture, bollards and pergolasetc. could enhance thelandscape structure.o It is recommended that urbansculpture forms part of the hardlandscaping.DETAIL PRINCIPLESIrrigationo A fully au<strong>to</strong>matic irrigation systemmust be installed <strong>to</strong> irrigate alllandscape areas in the public roadreserve and internally.o All irrigation must be connected <strong>to</strong><strong>Century</strong> <strong>City</strong>’s irrigation watersystem.o On completion of the landscaping,all landscaped areas are <strong>to</strong> bemulched (e.g. bark gravel, compostetc.) <strong>to</strong> reduce water demand.o Plant species with similar waterrequirements should be grouped<strong>to</strong>gether.o All landscape areas are <strong>to</strong> bemaintained <strong>to</strong> acceptablehorticultural industry standards.o All hard landscaping elements <strong>to</strong>be maintained <strong>to</strong> an acceptablestandard that complements theoverall standard of <strong>Century</strong> <strong>City</strong>,as set by the Property OwnersAssociation.o All landscape areas, which in theopinion of the Property OwnersAssociation are poorlymaintained, are <strong>to</strong> be reinstated<strong>to</strong> a suitable standard, <strong>to</strong> the<strong>to</strong>tal cost of the Owner of theproperty.o All landscape areas, which in theopinion of the Property OwnersAssociation require additionalirrigation shall be irrigated inorder <strong>to</strong> maintain an overallstandard of landscape quality.o The use of organic fertilisersshould be given preference overinorganic fertilisers. Overfertilisationis <strong>to</strong> be avoided <strong>to</strong>prevent leaching in<strong>to</strong> the watersystem and wetland.o Under-utilised areas, set aside forfuture expansion, are <strong>to</strong> beplanted and maintained in agroomed, weed-free and litterfreecondition.o No landscape refuse may bedumped, s<strong>to</strong>ckpiled or be allowed<strong>to</strong> enter in<strong>to</strong> the wetlands, but is<strong>to</strong> be removed from site.o Landscapes must be maintainedfor a minimum of twelve monthsafter final completion of the ofthe landscape contract.o Alien invader species are <strong>to</strong> beremoved from all landscape areas.o The invader species must beremoved at the sapling stage <strong>to</strong>ensure that the whole plant isremoved.Boundary Treatmen<strong>to</strong> No vibracrete walls are allowed.o Entrance feature walls. Access pointsin<strong>to</strong> the development may bedemarcated with the use of featurewalls. The walls are <strong>to</strong> be positionedon the property and may notencroach in<strong>to</strong> the road reserve.o All boundary treatment should becompatible with the architecture inmaterial and colour.Refuse yards and serviceso Refuse yards and collection pointsare <strong>to</strong> be screened from public view.o Where a structure is used <strong>to</strong> housethe Refuse Yards/Collection Point,then the structure must be screenedwith soft landscaping.PLANNING PARTNERS: CENTURY CITY URBAN DESIGN FRAMEWORK Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 2005 47 REVISION 1

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