1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL. 87<strong>No</strong>vember 15, gives the prospects time to look farther into the matter andnot succumb to the most impressive array of marble or mahogany that maygreet their eyes.The fraternity agreement mentioned before is in the public eye at present.It is a much mooted question whether it will have the desired result, or likeother agreements of its kind lapse into innocuous desuetude. In any case it cannotinjure an established fraternity such as *A 0 is here.* A 0 and its members at Virginia look on the coming year with equanimityconfident that it will be a-beneficial and a pleasant one from everystandpoint.H. L. HATHAWAY.University, Va., August 15, 1912.VIRGINIA GAMMA. RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGEThe commencement at Randolph-Macon this year was one of the best everknown here. Especially noteworthy were the alumni and Pan-Hellenic baflquets.Four of the five fraternities were represented at the latter and it waspronounced a great success. The outcome of this was a growth in interfraternityspirit which we hope will develop into the formation of a Pan-Hellenicassociation. Besides the chapter, several of our alumni were present on theoccasion. Brothers Simpson and Scott responded to toasts.Randolph-Macon had wonderful success in athletics • during the year. Wewon the football and baseball championships in eastern Virginia and wouldhave won the cup in basketball had one been awarded. The baseball teamwas the strongest in years and made a very good showing against strongerteams. The chapter was represented by Brother Tatem.The third cup of the year was won in a triangular debate with William andMary and Richmond College. Emory and Henry was alsb defeated in debate.The chapter upheld its usual record in scholarship. Brother Scott won thejunior Murray medal for proficiency and Brother Tatem won the chemistrymedal. The remainder of the chapter made creditable marks on the year'swork.Since our last letter to the SCROLL, the chapter was entertained by BrotherMoss and Mrs. Moss at their home. The young ladies of the town were presentand we all had a delightfully glorious time. Brother Graham Lambeth whorecently moved to Ashland was also present.We were glad to see so many of our alumni as wtill as one or two visiting<strong>Phi</strong>s among us during commencement.The chapter at the close of the session numbered eleven. We are sorry tolose by graduation Brothers Marye and J. R, Childs. Brother M. K. Blountexpects to enter the University of <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina in September to study law.We expect to return eight men next year.Ashland, Va., July i, 1912.ROGER W, TATEM. _VIRGINIA ZETA, WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITYThe closing of the college year was fittingly celebrated on the night ofJune 12, when the final ball, the most brilliant event of the session, washeld in the skating rink, which had been decked out for the occasion in whiteand green, with strings of electric lights, fraternity designs and colors. A hugeelectric design bearing the figures, 1913, lent a uniqueness to the decorationsnever before witnessed. Brothers Harmon and Fred were on the executivecommittee of the ball.In the student body elections. Brother Thornton, in one of the closest andmost exciting races in the history of the school, was elected president of thefinal ball of 1913-During the latter part of May the fraternities at Washington and Lee mettogether in a Pan-Hellenic meeting and drew up a set of resolutions which have

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