1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL. 85defeated some of the oldest and most skilled players of the game. The fourhandsome silver cups recently won by him attest his brilliant and superiorstyle of playing. Brother Russell, with his lady partner, had the distinctionof winning the mixed doubles championship of the State. Besides being oneof the mainstays on the gymnasium team. Brother Broad, too, has sustainedan enviable record as a tennis player.Brother Ramey was given first place in the Texas State oratorical contestthis year. This is fhe first occasion on which a student of the University ofTexas has ever won this contest.<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong>, as usual, has had a large number of men elected to membershipin the various professional, ribbon, and honor fraternities and societiesin the university. Brothers Kurth and Feagin have recently become membersof <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Phi</strong>, legal fraternity, and Brother Ramey of <strong>Delta</strong> Sigma Rho,debating fraternity. Brother Feagin is now a member of Rattler, ribbonsociety, and Brother Dealey and Ramey of Friar, senior academic society.Brother Boynton has been initiated into the Kweehee, engineering fraternity.Brothers Dealey and Feagin are associate editors of the Texan for nextyear, and Brother Dealey will also be on the Magazine board, and BrotherFeagin on the Cactus staff. Brother Stacy has been chosen as a member ofthe Y. M. C. A. cabinet for the coming year.During the summer vacation, several badly needed improvements are beingmade by the house corporation on the chapter house. Besides repainting theexterior of our home, it will be placed in a better state of repair throughout.The house is expected to be in tip-top shape for the opening of college in thefall.On the evening of June 9, Hawthorne Eugene Kyser of Marlin, Texas,was duly initiated into the mysteries of <strong>Phi</strong> Deltism, and we do therefore takegreat pleasure in introducing him to the Fraternity *at large as a brother in theBond.Texas Beta hopes to return about twenty strong next year, although someeight or ten of the present chapter do not expect to be with us. BrothersStedman, McMeans, James, Jones, and W. A. Dealey have received theirsheepskins. The university Pan-hellenic recently adopted a closed season rule,permitting no fraternity to pledge a first year man, unless he should have asmany as four college courses to his credit. One year of grace has beengranted the fra'ternitles, and the rule will not be effective until the beginningof the session of 1913-14. Since, therefore, next year's chapter will have tobe carried over with practically no additions for the year following, it iscompulsory that as large a number of desirable men be pledged next fall asis possible. The hearty cooperation and aid of all alumni and friends of TexasBeta during the approaching rushing season is especially urged.Austin, Texas, June 28, 1912.TOM B. RAMEY, JR.TEXAS GAMMA, SOUTHWESTERNUNIVERSITYThe year 1911-12 was a most prosperous one In every respect for SouthwesternUniversity and Texas Gamma. A large, magnificent arch has beenerected at the entrance of the university grounds. Two new buildings will beerected in the near future as the result of an alumni movement known as the"Old Students' Association," among the leaders of which many Texas Gammamen are prominent. The chapter has come into closer and more intimaterelations with its alumni and definite steps have been taken toward securinga home for the chapter. Texas Gamma was instrumental in organizing aPan-Hellenic council in Southwestern, from which many good results havealready been derived.Five <strong>Phi</strong>s received their degrees at commencement, one of whom receivedhis M. A, degree. Brother Moose received scholarships from Harvard andYale owing to his good work in chemistry. Brother Harrison finished second

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