1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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84 THE SCROLL.Brother Tom Smith completed his course in February last and made <strong>Phi</strong>Beta Kappa, He is to return next fall for further honors In the law department.Brother Smith has the ability to hitch his wagon to a star and bringIt home filled with an entire planetary system. And so we say, "All honor toBrother 'Mice' Smith who always gets the cheese."Brothers John Archer and Van Love were respectively dubbed Bachelorsof Science. Brother Archer since his advent at' the Vendome Theatre, hasrecalled into favor the old time poem, "Blessings on thee bare-foot boy." Hehas also furnished inspiration to a whole army of young ladies, who con itand similar poetry, with a faraway look in their eyes when Brother Archer is notIn the same room. Brother Love has flung away ambition in this line andbelieves that Mormonism should not be tolerated, either before or after marriage.Although Brother Love has only taken one degree he will soon becomea Shriner and take the thirty-third.Brothers Frank Gardner and Fritz Hall are to be congratulated on havingmade fhe Commodore Club as it takes a mighty good man to be excludedfrom that organization. Brother Walter Morgan was elected captain of tljebaseball team and also received an Invitation to join the Owl Club. BrotherStevenson and Dan Caldwell are to attend Cornell next year. Brother Stevensonwas elected property-man of the dramatic club, chiefly because he movesso gracefully and from the fact that he has proven times out of number thathe can carry more than anybody.J- C. CARTER.Nashville, Tenn., July 20, 1912.TENNESSEE BETA, UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTHTennessee Beta was represented in the graduating class by two brothers—Richard Bland Mitchell and George Knox Cracraft. Brother Mitchell completedhis course in theology, and goes to. take up missionary work in Mississippi,Brother Cracraft will enter the Harvard Law School. Both have beenvery active in the chapter for several years and their loss will be severely felt.At a mass meeting of the students just before the closing of the term,Brother Gass was elected a delegate to the athletic board of control andBrother Bowden was elected baseball manager for the season of 1913.Tennessee Beta expects to return several active members, and a successfulrushing season should result. ' CARLTON BOWDEN.Sewanee, Tenn., August 30, 1912.TEXAS BETA, UNIVERSITY OF TEXASThe collegiate year, 1911-12. came to a brilliant close with the end of thecommencement exercises and festivities on June 11. Besides the ordinary andstaple exercises and festivities that usually accompany commencement, the occasionthis year was featured by what was known as "Alumni Day." Personalletters were sent to all alumni of Texas Beta urging them to return at thistime, and quite a number responded with their presence. An informal luncheonwas given at one o'clock at the chapter house in their honor. On the afternoonof this day, a baseball game was played between the varsity nine aiid a teamcomposed of old university stars of the diamond. In an exciting contest thealumni won out by the score of 6 to 4. In the evening a monster torchlightparade was held, in which all of the fraternities were represented. <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong><strong>Theta</strong>, with an attractively decorated float was a distinctive feature of theprocession.Never before has a student of the university been so successful, or won somany victories on the tennis courts, as has Brother Gillespie Stacy during thepast year. He captured the State Intercollegiate championship in singles, andwith his partner, Boggs, won the championship in doubles. In the TexasState tournament, the showing made by Brother Stacy was remarkable, as he

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