1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL. 81team. Brother Cameron has just recovered from an attack of appendicitis.An operation was avoided however.Brother Murphy, ex-'14, is taking summer work in mathematics at BethlehemPreparatory School and hopes to reenter college in September. Sinceleaving college in'1911 Brother Murphy has been awarded the L for trackwork and a silver cup for lowering the Lehigh record in the 220 yard dashto 23 seconds. E. W. CHANDLER.South Bethlehem, Pa,, Aug. 28, 1912.PENNSYLVANIA THETA, PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGEThe college year of 1911-12 was a great success as far as Pennsylvania<strong>Theta</strong> is concerned. Perhaps this success is best shown by the fact that neverbefore have so few failures occurred during fhe spring exariiination period.We closed the year with a house party during commencement week at whichtime we entertained about thirty guests. During the week we were muchpleased to have Brothers Lorenz, '10, Cuthbert, '11, Stiedle, '11, and Dempsey,ex-'i4 visit us. Province President R, W. Lindsay also made his annual visitto our chapter during part of the week.An honorary military fraternity was organized and installed at PennsylvaniaState this spring. Brother St. Clair was among the charter members. BrotherJunkin was initiated into the Druids society.Since the close of the school year the local fraternity known as 0 ^ hasbeen granted a charter by # K •^. Installation Is to take place early this fall.Chatham, N. J., August 26, 1912.HENRY H. KIRKPATRICK,QUEBEC ALPHA, McGILL UNIVERSITYMcGill, unlike the average college or university in the States, has nogreat festal commencement week of proms, fraternity house parties, baseballgames, or track events due in a great measure probably to the early date atwhich college closes in the spring, and also because of fhe various facultiesfinishing at different times. Furthermore our track meets being held in thefall, and baseball being a minius quantity, eliminates those branches ofentertainment. So our commencement consists only of convocation exercises,the graduation dinners of the various faculties, and the large convocation ball;which functions were well attended, and carried off with great eclat.By graduation this year we are losing three men, Brothers Jordon, Ramond,and Lumsden, Brothers Jordon and Ramond receiving the degrees of B, S.,and Brother Lumsden that of B, A., with the intention of studying law atHarvard University next year. Brother Ramond has accepted a position withthe Mono Nickle Co., Victoria Mines, Ont.We are very sorry to lose Brother Twitchell, one of our best students,and all around good fellow. He has been transferred to Columbia University,where he contemplates continuing his study of architecture.At a very inopportune time shortly before the final examinations. BrotherMacPhail was forced to withdraw from college due to ill health, but owingto his excellent standing in his studies, was allowed his examinations aegrotat.Returning next fall with at least twenty-three men, we look forward to avery prosperous year.W. S. ATKINSON.Montreal, Que., June 25, 1912.RHODE ISLAND ALPHA, BROWN UNIVERSITYOn the afternoon of June 17 the "Under the Elms Exercises" were heldon the middle campus of the university as a usual part of class day exercises.Ac this time Brother Herbert Knight Dennis of the graduating class read the

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