1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL. 11the seniors of the chapter. Members of other chapters were present and goodfriendship prevailed, which showed that the chapter stands well among theother fraternities of the college.William McCutcheon who was this past year a student at the University ofPennsylvania has been pledged by our chapter for the coming year.Easton, Pa., June 24, 1912.BENJAMIN H. WELTY.PENNSYLVANIA BETA, GETTYSBURG COLLEGEGettysburg celebrated its eightieth commencement with a graduating classof sixty-eight, one of the largest in the history of the institution. A featureof the exercises was the presentation to the college by the class of 1912, of abeautiful lamp post, erected at the foot of the walk leading to the old dormitory.The senior class constructed the cement walk during fhe vacation period.Gettysburg College conferred six degrees of Doctor of Divinity, three ofDoctor of Laws and one Doctor of Literature.Announcement was made of the gift of $50,000 toward the endowment fund.Pennsylvania Beta lost seven men by graduation, but the loss will be replacedty men whom we have a line on, in preparatory and high schools.The chapter held the first commencement function June 6 when it held adance in Glatfelder Hall on the campus. Twenty-eight couples attended andit resolved itself into a very brilliant affair. On the following evening,the Pan-Hellenic was held, and was the prettiest dance of the year, exceptingthe junior promenade. Tuesday following the baccalaureate, was the timefixed for the annual banquet. It was held in the Gettysburg hotel and eighteenalumni attended besides the active chapter. Brother John Meisenhelder actedas toastmaster and talks were given by Brothers Samuel Meisenhelder, Hill,Rhinewaldt and Musselman, for the alumni, and Brothers Diehl, Liebegottand Fritsch for the undergraduates. Matters of importance pertaining to thechapter, were discussed and great enthusiasm resulted.The press club had the Ben Greet players give two performances on thecampus during commencement week and the town people and students werewell pleased. Brothers Fritsch, Dulebohn and Diehl represented $ A 0 onthe committee of arrangements.Prospects for the fall opening are very good. Fourteen brothers are expectedto return and with a^^large senior class there is a splendid outlook. Manyof the brothers return early for rushing season.The football outlook' is, rather a poor one. Seven regular men were graduated,and a new coach has been appointed and it will take several weeks forfhe new material to be rounded into shape. Brother Dulebohn is a regularon the team. <strong>No</strong>rman <strong>Phi</strong>llipy has been elected football coach for the season.The chapter was pleased to entertain the following brothers during thecommencement season: Brothers Rhinewaldt, Hill, Musselman, John andSamuel Meisenhelder, Gettier, Irwin, Lewis, Muhlenberg, Diehl, Young,Etsweiler, Small and Forney.LUTHER M. FRITSCH.Gettysburg, Pa., Aug. 20, 1912.PENNSYLVANIA GAMMA, WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGEThe one hundred and eleventh annual commencement has just closed theactivities for the past college year, one successful in every respect. Just beforethe close of college, the faculty published, in the college Bulletin, a corrected listof statistics concerning the collegiate standing of fraternities and non-fraternitymen. In this list our chapter stood fifth of the eight fraternities representedhere; a standing which we hope In the future to greatly improve.As has always been the case the commencement festivities here were largelyattended by visiting alumni. Our chapter kept open house during the entireweek and we were much gratified at the number of our old men who were

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