1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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74 THE SCROLL.OHIO ZETA, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITYOhio Zeta closed a successful year last June; successful both in a financialway and in strength of the chapter. We finished the school year with a membershipof thirty-one men, which equals that of any like fraternity.In college honors, €>A0 had her share. Brother Trautman made his O inbaseball; Brother Wayne Lee won a letter in track; Brother Hugh Lee waselectedto Sigma Xi, honorary scientific society. The chapter won the lovingcup in the fraternity baseball league.We should return at least twenty-four men this fall. To date we have threemen pledged.Every brother is pulling hard and we expect to have just as prosperous aseason next school year as is possible for a fraternity to have.By graduation, the fraternity loses from the chapter roll Brothers Martin,Wells, Roberts and H. B. Lee. Brothers Hadley and Balliett have retiredfrom college. In these men, Ohio Zeta loses six men whose places will be hardto fill. Their aid and good fellowship will be greatly missed by all with whomthey came in daily contact.Any alumni, knowing, of desirable men intending to enter State this fall,will please write to the reporter. The chapter appreciates any informationthat can be given to the end of making *A0 a larger and stronger fraternity.Columbus, Ohio, August i8, 1912. • WALTER C. ENSIGN.OHIO ETA, CASE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCESince our last writing another year has closed for Case and Ohio Eta. Inathletics we have experienced a very good year and in baseball, the team madea very creditable showing. In the Intercollegiate tennis tournament held atOberlin, Brothers Glazier and Nixon represented Case In the doubles.With the last week in May came commencement, when we lost BrothersGross and Prochaska by graduation. During this week the faculty receptionand dance proved a very enjoyable event, and the same day the alumni feastedin a large tent erected on the campus for the annual alumni banquet.After the end of commencement week and the departure of the seniors,practice term began, which took the junior, sophomore and freshman "Miners"to Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and Garretsville, Ohio, respectively, while thesecond year "Civils" journeyed to "Silver Lake" and first year men to "CaseCamp". With their return to the chapter house on July first, there was a generaljollification with the men who spent their practice term in Cleveland.Since our last writing we have received a large share of honors: BrotherMcDaniel, '13, made Owl and Key, senior society; Brother Glazier, '14, Skulland Bones, junior society; while Brothers Case, '15, and Feather, '15, madeAlpha <strong>Phi</strong>, sophomore society. Brother Jungk, '13, was elected to Tau Beta Pi.Already we have several men lined up who expect to enter Case next fall,one man being pledged. The rushing committee have arrangements well underway and a strong delegation of next year freshmen is expected.Cleveland, Ohio, July 15, 1912. ' G. M. NORTH, JR.OHIO THETA. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATIOhio <strong>Theta</strong> is glad to be able to announce that she is now in a fine newhome in Clifton, Cincinnati's most beautiful suburb. All visiting <strong>Phi</strong>s areespecially requested to visit us. ,For next year the following honors have been given to the members of thechapter. Brother James W. Pottenger is manager of the book store and BrotherBurt Robinson Is his assistant. Brother William T. Pottenger is manager ofnext year's foot^ball team and Brother Clint Wunder is assistant manager.Brother Wunder is also secretary of the athletic council and will representOhio <strong>Theta</strong> on the staff of the Weekly News and the Cincinnatian. On the

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