1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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70 THE SCROLL.There are Brothers Hiestand, Ohio Alpjia, B. and M. Pemberton, KansasAlpha, Coad, Nebraska Alpha, Johnson and Phleger, California Alpha, FritzOhio Eta, Lyon, New York Epsilon, Lester and Ryan, Massachusetts Alpha,Pearsall, Pennsylvania Zeta, and Crumit, Ohio Gamma,New York City, June 21, 1912. FRANK BROPHY.NEW YORK EPSILON, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITYThe chapter regrets the loss of the class of 1912. Through graduation welose ten loyal <strong>Phi</strong>s but we are glad to learn that at least three will returnto college to take graduate work. Brother Carlton C. Curtiss did honor tohis class through his election to <strong>Phi</strong> Beta Kappa, He and Brother Mitchellwill return to college to continue their medical studies. We also expectBrother Fred Hier, '12, to be back with us to take a graduate course in law.Brother David Walsh, '12, is now In Vienna, taking advanced work inmusic. His work will keep him away for at least a year.The chapter will open in the fall with twenty-nine men returning to college.There are also two men wearing the "blue buttons." All indications pointto New York Epsilon having the most successful year she has yet enjoyed.Syracuse, N. Y., Aug., 20, 1912. WILLIAM V. HEALEY.NORTH CAROLINA BETA, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINACommencement at Chapel Hill. was this year of universal interest. Dr.E. A. Alderman, formerly of <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina, and president of the Universityof Virginia, made the commencement address. The baccalaureate sermon wasdelivered by the Bishop of New York. After the -literary exercises were concludedthe social festivities began with a series of dances, which culminatedwith the regular final German beginning at 12 o'clock and lasting until 5a. m. The hall was decorated most elaborately In college colors, blug and white,with a profusion of green in the background.Our alumni present at commencement were Brothers Fred B. Stem, '07,Melvin Thompson, '08, Ernest Thompson, '10, A. L. Field, '11, Isaac London,'06, Jack London, '04, and Mangum, '89.Brother Hughes Is spending the summer on the beach at Nags Head, N. C.Brother Haut is in the mountains of <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina near Hillsville, Va.Brother Edwards is playing baseball in Florida, and Brother Barbour is employedin the government geological survey, and is in the Appalachian chainof mountains of western <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina. The other members of the chapterare spending their summer' in various places.The prospects for a good chapter look bright for the coming fall. Sevenor eight old men will retu'rn to college and two affiliates from Randolph-Maconwill enter the chapter. By the fall initiation which takes place September 15,we hope to add a few more good men to the chapter.Chapel Hill, N. C, August, 19, 1912. E. HARRISON YELVERTON.OHIO ALPHA, MIAMI UNIVERSITYThe college year was finished at Old Miami with the usual ceremoniesand all the customary functions. Ohio-Alpha entertained a "large number ofalumni and also many friends and brothers from other chapters. Brother(Professor) Davis as toastmaster made our alumni banquet one of the mostenjoyable of all the meetings during commencement week. Brother Keever,'12, responded to a toast in behalf of the brothers who graduated. BrotherEllis, President of <strong>Delta</strong> Province of Cincinnati, and Brother Davis as a representativemember of the general council, gave some very interesting and beneficialremarks.The men's dormitories are almost finished and will afford up to date quartersfor all first year men. This is to be compulsory this coming school year.

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