1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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64 THE SCROLL.college course, gave an excellent showing of his baseball value in the final homegame with Dartmouth when he defeated the Hanover team 3 to o, strikingout 10 men, and allowing but 3 scattered hits. Brother Vernon will join theChicago Cubs fhe first of July.Brother Colton, '12, delivered the ivy oration for his class. He also competedfor the prize oration in the Hyde oratorical contest held during commencement.Early in the semester Brother Colton was chosen as one of theeight for the Hardy debate which took place the first week in June.Brother Steber, '12, class and college choregus conducted the singing ofthe alumni and undergraduates during commencement week. Amherst isfamous for its singing, and the alumni joined in with "a hearty will" to makethis year's singing equal to that of any past commencement. Brother Steberfor the second time led his class to victory in the annual class sing. Hisservices as class choregus and leader of the glee club, which position he hasoccupied for the last two years, will be greatly missed by all.Brother Randell, '12, has held his usual place on the varsity tennis teamthis spring.Brother Van Ingen, '14, has been elected assistant business manager of theStudent.The chapter has recently had visits from Brothers Lord, '11, August M.Sanborn, '12, and Thomas Sanborn, '12, of California Beta.We were very pleased to have with us for commencement week so many ofour alumni, among whom were Brothers Barker, Ingersoll, Crary and Griffinof the class of '97; Strong and Thong, '98; Brooks, '99; Briggs, Cunningham,W. C. King, S. B. King, Dunnen, <strong>Phi</strong>llips and Trevoy of '02; Burrill andPowell '06; Blackmer, Fisher, and Parmlee '09. At a meeting of the corporationof Massachusetts Beta, held in the chapter house yesterday afternoon theproblem of a new chapter house was discussed from every point of view. Itwas finally decided that actual operations should be begun immediately, andthat ground should be broken directly after commencement. The building sitewill either be the one the chapter now owns on Maple Street, or the Kindergartenlot at the rear of College Hall. In either case fhe building will be inprocess of construction at the opening of college next fall. Every active memberof our chapter will return for college work in September, and all indicationspoint to a most prosperous year for Massachusetts Beta.Amherst, Mass., June 26, 1912.RAYMOND W, STONE,MICHIGAN ALPHA. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANThe college year was ended by commencement exercises June 29, The commencementthis year was especially well attended because it was the SeventyfifthAnniversay of the founding of the university. The week was filled withentertainments for the visiting alumni and closed with the commencement exercises.Those lost to the active chapter by graduation were Brothers H. E. Hoover,W. S. Palmer, T. B. Simons, and E. V. Moore. Brother Moore has been appointedto the faculty of the school of music.The following brothers have been elected to campus honorary societies:—Brother Haff, Michigamua; Brother Anderson, Vulcans; Brother Beck, Mimes;Brother Wilkins, Sphinx; Brother Barton, Triangles, Friars.Brother Haff took second place in the quarter mile, at the inter-collegiatemeet at <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia this year. The race was won in the remarkable fast timeof 48 seconds. Brother Haff finished three feet behind the winner and on thisshowing he was selected for the Olympic team. Brother Haff has been electedcaptain of next year's track team.Brother Will Shafroth won the tennis championship of the university.Michigan Alpha will be represented next fall in campus activities by BrotherHaff, captain of the track team; Brother Beck, author of the opera given by fhe

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