1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL. 61KANSAS ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF KANSASBy the closing of this year's school year Kansas Alpha has had one of themost successful years it has ever had. Eight of our men graduated and wewill miss them next year, as some of them were among our best fraternity men,but we hope they will come back and see us often and always show the sameinterest in the Fraternity that they have in the past. The Brothers that graduatedare Moses, Lambert, Frith, Foncannon, Rhodes, Robinson, Porter andWarner,<strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> is represented in Sigma Xi by Brothers Robinson andRhodes. Brother Clark is manager of the Thespian Dramatic Club for thecoming year. Brother Hurst has been elected to Black Helmet, a sophomoreorganization.Pan-Hellenic has a rule making the freshmen pass in a certain amountof work before being initiated. This rule seems to he too severe and has causeda lot of dissatisfaction among many of the fraternities as it has kept themfrom initiating men that they wished to. <strong>No</strong> doubt but that next fall the rulewill be changed or revised in some manner.Our farewell party given at the chapter house on the evening of May 31,was a very enjoyable affair. Several of our alumni came back to the party,among them being Fred Cowles, President of Zeta Province,During the summer vacation we are going to have several improvementsmade on the house. One of them being the painting of the exterior, which willmake a remarkable improvement on the place.As for rushing next fall, prospects could not be better. We have a line ona large number of good men and should get the ones we want of them.Kansas Alpha extends her heartiest congratulations to her new sister, OregonAlpha, and wishes her all the success and luck in the world for a good as wellas a useful future.LEONARD L. HURST.Lawrence, Kansas, June 9, 1912.KANSAS BETA, WASHBURN COLLEGEWashburn held her forty-seventh annual commencement June 2 to 6. Four<strong>Phi</strong>s were graduated: Brothers Monroe and Day from the law school, Pettyjohnand Snyder, ex-Ohio Alpha, from the college. The feature of commencementweek was the home-coming of the alumni who returned in large numbers.Various class reunions were held and the alumni banquet was the largest andmost enthusiastic ever held. On Wednesday night of commenceitient week atthe stroke of twelve our active chapter together with twenty invited guestsleft the house in night attire and staged the most successful "night-shirt"parade in years; Brothel" Crumbine led the parade.The dramatic club gave a second performance of Shakespeare's "TwelfthNight" al fresco in the fine natural amphitheatre on the college campus, June4. Brothers Johnson, Bush and Lowe played the important parts of Sir AndrewAguecheek, the Duke Orsino, and Sebastian and Brother Crumbine and <strong>Phi</strong>keiaGuild played minor parts. The plays were managed by Brothers Searle andCrumbine.Since our last chapter letter we have initiated one man and take pleasure inintroducing to the Fraternity, Brother John Maynard, of Muscotah, Kansas.The Alpha Kappa <strong>Phi</strong> legal fraternity has entered Washburn. Six <strong>Phi</strong>sare included in its membership. A new local fraternity called Alpha <strong>Delta</strong> hasbeen formed in the college proper. It has a membership of about twenty menand expects to take a house next fall and begin active efforts in seeking nationalaffiliation.The Sagamore senior society has recently been formed. The qualificationsfor membership are prominence in school activities and all-round ability andleadership. The membership is limited to six, two of whom are BrothersCrumbine and Lowe.Brother Sanders has been elected as local editor of the Review, the college

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