1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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60 THE SCROLL.principalship in Minnesota, following the teaching profession for two yearsbefore beginning his law course.Brother Herbert N. Jeffrey, captain of the tennis team, won his W thisspring. Brother Howard Goehring and <strong>Phi</strong>keia Mace Butler were given W'sfor work in baseball. Brothers Tallman, Everett Shipley, and Carl Whitneyreceiving service stripes. The baseball season was a success, Wesleyan winningfive out of eight games on the shortened schedule. Brother Glenn Tallman wasstudent coach, and Brother Everett Shipley, captain. It is a pleasure to announcethat Mace Butler was elected captain of the 1913 squad at the Juneelection. He will he eligible for initiation next September. He closed theseason for Wesleyan by pitching a twelve inning victory over Monmouth College,the score being 2 to i.Brother Jeffrey won the Hamline literary society prize contest with hisoration, "Cavour, the Regenerator of Italy".Since the March announcement of five initiates, two more men, John W.Davis of Milton, Iowa, and Earl Shipley of New London, Iowa, have beenmade members of Iowa Alpha, the chapter closing the year with fourteen men.It is probable that every man will be back next September and the outlook isexcellent.The annual <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> picnic at commencement time was given at theCountry club on the Skunk river, n number of alumni as well as the patronessesbeing present. One of the most enjoyable social functions of the spring wasthe dinner given the members of the active chapter and the local alumni bythe five patronesses of the chapter at the New Brazelton hotel. The patronesseswere Mesdames M. C. Hall, Eliza Palmer, Everett Beckwith, F. W. Edwardsand W, A. Sternberg,Among the commencement visitors were Brothers Gardner Cowles, W. A.Longnecker, Charles N. Pace, Fred R. Beck, Arthur Beck, Polk Wishardj andHoward Brown.The <strong>Phi</strong> Delts and Betas split even in the inter-fraternity series of ballgames, the active chapter men taking the second game and the Betas the first.Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, June 14, 1912.LUTHER WEAVER,IOWA BETA, UNIVERSITY OF IOWAThe new Physics building, the finest in fhe country, was opened for thesummer session. Work has commenced on the Woman's building, which is tocost $500,000, when completed.There was an unusually large attendance at commencement this June, onaccount of the fact that the new head of the university. President Bowman, isa graduate of the institution.Iowa Beta lost three men by graduation: Brothers Murphy, from the collegeof law; Miller, from the college of liberal arts; and Ehret from the college ofapplied science. Brother Miller was a member of the senior hop committee,and took the lead in the senior play.The university is extremely fortunate in securing Brother Harwood to takecharge of the publicity bureau. Brother Harwood has been engaged in newspaperwork for sometime, and just previous to his coming to Iowa City, wassecretary of the Iowa Admen's Club.Two of our alumni became benedicts during the month of Jiily: BrotherGeorge Stephenson, Jr., '10, of Victoriaville, Quebec, and Brother James Ehret,'12, of Spirit Lake, Iowa.From all that can be learned now, Iowa Beta will open up this fall with22 or 23 men, and with this start ought to have one of the strongest chaptersin its history. HORACE C. YOUNG.Iowa City, Iowa, August 20, 1912.

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