1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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54 THE SCROLL.of New York, Edgar Bancroft, general counsel for the International HarvesterCompany, and John P. Wilson of Chicago. With the exception of the historicalpageant which was marred somewhat by the rain not an event tookplace that was not successful to a high degree. Over fifty colleges anduniversities sent distinguished representatives to congratulate Knox in thelight of all that occurred during the week and that has found place in therecord of seventy-five years, their felicitations were decidedly appropriate,Illinois <strong>Delta</strong> also closed a successful year. The scholarship record hasbeen unusually high. Fourteen K's have been won this year by men in thechapter, which exceeds the number won by either of the other chapters atKnox. Brothers Slough, Prince and Craig were awarded K's in baseball.Brothers Adams and Gillis in track and Brother Welsh in oratory and debating.Brothers Adams and Prince won the doubles in the tennis tournament, whileBrother Prince captured the singles. Brother Welsh was elected editor ofThe Knox Student for the coming year, and Brother Jacobson, president ofthe student stock company.Before closing we must notice the <strong>Phi</strong> reunion. This delightful event washeld in Brother Griffith's lecture room in the new Science Hall. Over fiftyinteresting pictures, recalling- former days at Knox were thrown upgn thescreen. Many interesting stories were told by the old <strong>Phi</strong>s, numbering aboutforty, who attended the reunion. After the pictures, refreshments were servedin the chemistry laboratory. The entire active chapter was present and madethe most of the opportunity which was offered of getting better acquaintedwith the chapter's alumni.The chapter will have sixteen old men back next year, which factor alonegives promise of a successful year.VERNON M. WELSH.Galesburg, 111., July 7, 1912.ILLINOIS ZETA, LOMBARD COLLEGECommencement this year was largely attended by many old <strong>Phi</strong>s and ourhouse was the scene of many pleasant reunions. The senior class play,Bernard Shaw's "You Never Can Tell," was of special interest to our chapterin that Brothers Cropper, Brumfiel, Bragdon, and Leeper took leading parts.It was given at the Auditorium and a large crowd was present.We regret, to lose three men by graduation, Brothers C. Cropper, D, M.Brumfiel, and E. T. Radcliffe.The baseball team this year was fairly successful. Illinois Zeta was representedby Brothers Cropper, captain, G. Webster, P. Webster, Chain, andRadcliffe.Prospects for next year are brighter than they have been for some time.Several of the old buildings are to be remodeled during the summer, and a largefreshman class is due to enter college in the fall.Galesburg, III., June 12, 1912.LELAND C. LEEPER.ILLINOIS ETA, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISWith the ending of this school year Illinois Eta loses four of its best menby graduation—Brothers DeLeuw, Green, Mohr, and Murphy, Their loss isa big one as they have been prominent in making the name of which IllinoisEta is so proud.The outlook for next year is very promising as we have eight juniors whoare going to come back, and strong underclassmen besides.^ Brothers Murphy and Cortis both did good work toward giving Illinois ahigh place in the conference track meet. Brother Murphy later on succeededin making a place on the Olympic team.Brother Morris was elected to the position of president of the athleticassociation and Brother Meek was elected circus manager by the board ofathletic control at their last meeting.

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