1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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52 THE SCROLL.tive of the school to the commencement of the University of Georgia. Thisis the first time in the history of the school that a freshman has representedthem on this occasion,JEAN S. MILNER.Atlanta, Ga., June i8, 1912,IDAHO ALPHA. UNIVERSITY OF IDAHOWith the last of the commencement calender on June 12, Idaho Alphaclosed a very successful year. The brothers have taken part in every formof college activity. There was not one of the active chapter who did notreceive an honor during the collegiate year.We lost two members by graduation. Brothers Faris and Parker, both ofwhom have been very active in college affairs. Every man has declared hisintention of returning next year, thus giving us twenty-two old men to startactive work next September,Brother J. G. Watts has been elected track captain for 1913 and promisesa record in the hurdles next season. Brother J. L. <strong>Phi</strong>llips broke the collegerecords in the hammer and javelin and with three more years in which toimprove, he should set records in both, which will stand for some time.Brothers Curtis and <strong>Phi</strong>llips were elected to the athletic board, which has fullcontrol of athletics. Brothers J. G. Watts, Whitten and <strong>Phi</strong>llips won theircollege athletic letter in track. Brother S. K. Denning, captain of this year'steam, was compelled to quit the track because of illness after training for twomonths. Both Brothers McGregor and Youngs are developing fast as trackmen and wilPbe very strong in their respective events next year.Brother Parker has passed the legal examination of the State of Idaho, thusadmitting him to practice in this State.Commencement week at Idaho was very delightful. The week's activitiesstarted on Friday evening with the senior ball. Sunday the Baccalaureatesermon was given. Monday and Tuesday were given over to banquets,luncheons and dinner parties for the seniors and alumni, these joys endingwith the alumni luncheon on Tuesday evening. Wednesday morning thepresentation of diplomas took place. The festivities ended on Wednesdayevening with the President's banquet.ITie installation of- Oregon Alpha and the province convention at Portlandwere attended by Brothers Faris, Gray and Cornwall as delegates. The ideasadvanced were very good and the association with the alumni was very muchenjoyed by our delegates. Great thanks are due the Portland Alumni Clubfor the way they carried out plans for both business and pleasure. Every onewas royally entertained and the brotherly spirit was always in evidence.Brother W. S. Ferris made an impromptu visit during commencement week.I again wish to urge all" alumni to watch for good material and to notify thechapter immediately. Any brother can expect an immediate answer to anysuch letter, conveying both thanks and action taken, as soon as it is possible.Moscow, Idaho, June 26, 1912,CLYDE F. CORNWALL.<strong>No</strong> letter received,ILLINOIS ALPHA, NORTHWESTERNUNIVERSITYILLINOIS BETA. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOIllinois Beta closes the school year feeling well rewarded for her year'swork. Coming back in the fall with four men we were able to add eight toour brotherhood during the year, of which at least seven will return this comingfall. We have all pledged ourselves to return early and get busy preparingfor rushing season which bids fair to be a prosperous one for Illinois Beta.We are all looking forward to the convention which will be held in our

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