1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL. 49gineer, C. N. Thibeaut, Napoleonville, La., Electrical Engineer, J. R. Liddell,Camden, Alabama, Electrical Engineer.Our baseball season closed about the middle of May. Brothers Worrill andWilliams being on the university squad. -Alabama Beta had a very creditable hop on Thursday evening, May 30, atSmith Hall. Several of our alumni were present on this "bccasion.The annual commencement was attended by a number of alumni and othervisitors. Governor Emmett O'Neal inspected the military department on Monday,last. The regular competitive drill was on Tuesday, Company Ej CaptainAndrews of Macon, Ga., winning the sword.We will have fourteen of our last year's chapter to return with us nextyear. Every member is expected to bring good material back with him,and in addition to our members we will appreciate any outside aid in rushingnew members. Alabama Beta wants and expects the best chapter that theyhave ever had during the year 1912-13.Auburn, Alabama, June 5, 1912.JOHN WINFIELD WILLIAMS.CALIFORNIA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAThe commencement exercises in the Greek Theattr on Wednesday, May 15,marked the close of the college year. California Alpha was well representedin the senior activities; Brother Herman Phleger being general chairman ofthe entire senior week program and also one of the four senior speakers atthe commencement exercises. Brother Harold Haven was chairman of thearrangements committee and was also on the cast of the senior extravaganza.Brother Albert Rathbone was active in the arrangement of the senior pilgrimage.It is with sincere regret that we lose Brothers Herman Phleger, HaroldHavens, and Albert Rathbone. These brothers have done a great deal to upholdthe high standards of California Alpha scholarship, athletics and studentactivities.Another severe blow to the chapter is the retirement of Brothers Hornickand Berkeley. Brother Hornick was a member of the glee club, a managerof dramatic productions and, above all, he was a good <strong>Phi</strong>. His influencewill be greatly missed in the house. He retires froln college to take advantageof exceptional business opportunities. Brother Berkeley leaves us to take uphis final work in medicine in the Affiliated. Colleges in San Francisco. BrotherBerkeley is a member of Nu Sigma Nu, and of Beta Kappa Alpha scientifichonor society. California Alpha has profited greatly by his activity and finescholarship.Brother Carl Phleger left us in the mid-term to take up an unusual businessoffer. Brother Phleger's athletic record-is one to be remembered and envied.His position on the in ter-collegiate agreement committee was one of greatimportance.Brother Todd, '15, made a wonderful showing in the annual California-Stanford track meet. He added nine points to our great victory by takingfirst place in the 440, and he also won his lap of the relay.But with all our losses, there is a decided note of victory. We still havesixteen active brothers and the prospects of two more who have been absenton leave. Rushing has been good, and several good men are in line for<strong>Phi</strong>keia buttons. There is great satisfaction in introducing <strong>Phi</strong>keia BlissJackson, who will be a valuable addition to the chapter in August.As the great Panama-Pacific World's Fair draws near, doubtless many<strong>Phi</strong>s will come to the coast on business trips. Our chapter house is centrallylocated, and we will consider it a great honor to have them- call on us.Berkeley, California, June 11, 1912.PAUL F. CADMAN.

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