1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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540 THE SCROLLat Syracus.e, where an experiment station of loo acres has been established, anda ranger school on the State College Forest in the Adirondacks, and also to dodevelopment work over the state in the way of making plans for the protectionand management of timberlands and for reforestration of waste areas,Vanderbilt—John H, DeWitt, '94, Past P, G, C, and former editor of THESCROLL, is prominent in the public life of his city and state. He is presidentof the Tennessee Historical Society, and chairman of the standing committeeon courts and prisons of the Southern Sociological Congress, At a meeting ofthe congress in Atlanta during April, he made a notable report on suchmatter as the indeterminate sentence and parole laws, probation laws, juvenilecourt system, reformatories or training schools for delinquent boys and girls,contract labor systems and convict leases, prison schools and libraries, theworking of prisoners on public roads and advisable changes in the criminalcourt systems in the various southern states.HELLENICItems of news suitable for this department should be sent direct to the Assistant-Editor, instead of being included in chapter letter.A T leads in the member of Rhodes scholars; it has had 23.A T, like ^ T A, has adopted a recognition pin, a very small replica of Itsbadge.The sophomore society 0 N E now has a quarterly magazine, published InNew York.AKE and 0 A> the latter a fraternity for students in engineering, haveentered Texas. A S * has entered California.Acacia, the Masonic fraternity, no longer admits to membership the membersof other fraternities. This qualified it for continued membership in the InterfraternityConference.—^A T A Rainbow.The Iowa State College correspondent of K 2 Caduceus writes: "C. R.McBride has been pledged to the national bumming fraternity Quo Vadis."We had not heard of such a national before but from such fraternities goodLord deliver us.The Vanderbilt faculty has offered a loving cup to the fraternity there thathas the best scholastic grade this year. A K "^ professor at Purdue hasoffered a trophy to the fraternity there that has the highest scholastic standingduring each semester.At Wabash the non-fraternity men have organized a club and rented a furnishedhouse near the campus to serve as a club house for the members. Thisis an interesting and commendable experiment for an institution lacking a commons.—AT A Rainbow.The journals of 4' A 0, A K E, * K ^, S X, A T, K A (Southern), A X(law), A 2 A (dental) and K. A 0 (sorority) are on file in the Library ofCongress at Washington. If other fraternities would send their journals to thenational library the magazine would be placed in the reading room and eachvolume bound and preserved.The fraternities at colleges where there are no other chapters are: A T ftat Muhlenberg (Pa.) and Simpson (Iowa), S A E at St. Stephen's (N. Y.) andMillikin (111,), K A (Southern) at Centenary (La.) and Drury, (Mo,), S N atStetson (Fla,) and Cornell (Iowa), K S at Lake Forest (111,), S X at SouthernCalifornia and 0 X at Rhode Island State,An honorary fraternity for law students, named 0 K N, was founded at theUniversity of Illinois, and now has chapters in other institutions. It was reorganizedin 1912, when it adopted the name of the Order of the Coif, It takesthis name from an ancient English order of sergants-at-law, men who had dis-

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