1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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48 THE SCROLL.CHAPTER CORRESPONDENCEReporters are requested to forward chapter letters on the loth of the month precedingthe month of publication. ' ± , • • •'Please study to make letters terse. Facts which show the progress of the institutionshoidd be recorded, but chapter news, rather than ordinary college news, is destred.Kindly omit mention of changes among professors and of athletic events unless membersof <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> are concerned. - , ,Please write all proper names very clearly, or, if possible, typewrite the letters.Begin and end letters as they appear below. Write on only one side of the paper.The Editor will appreciate the loan of cuts of college views of chapter groups orhouses. Plates should be properly marked and should be mailed or expressed to THESCROLL care of the George Banta Publishing Company, Menasha, Wis., and printsfrom them or a list of them sent to the Editor. Plates larger than 4 by 7 inches, ineither dimensions, cannot be used. . . .,, . .,, ,Photographs of parties or scenes which would make interesting illustrations will bevery acceptable.ALABAMA ALPHA, UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMAThe close of the college year marked a most successful one for AlabamaAlpha. The chapter graduated three men. Brothers Thach, VandeGraaff, andMoody, but Brothers Moody and VandeGraaff will both return next year tostudy law. Twelve out of this session's membership of fifteen are sure to beback at the University and four ex-members of the chapter are expected to reenter.The prospects for new material are brighter than they have been forseveral years.Brothers Moody and C. H. VandeGraaff were awarded their A's in baseballand Brother Moody accomplished the remarkable feat of playing an infieldposition in every game played by the team without making an error. TheCommencement series resulted in three straight victories over the Central ofKentucky nine. Brother Moody is captain-elect of the 1912 football-team.Alabama Alpha was well represented in the activities of a very enjoyable commencement.Brothers Bowron and Goodhue were prominently connected withthe Corolla, the annual publication which was considered the best ever turnedout here. Brother A. V. VandeGraaff came second in^ the field meet, winningthree first'places. Brother Bowron also won the high jump. Brother Moodywas one of the speakers at the senior banquet and Brother Thach was selectedas the undergraduate speaker at the alumni banquet. <strong>Phi</strong> <strong>Delta</strong> <strong>Theta</strong> had fourmen in the commencement concert of the glee club. Brother C. H. VandeGraaffwas elected secretary-treasurer of the sophomore class to fill an existing vacancy.Brother Thach made the honor roll of the law school.The commencement festivities embraced five Germans, the three ball gameswith Kentucky, the alumni banquet and numerous small functions in honor ofthe many visiting guests. Alabama Alpha was the host to a delightful houseparty at this time. At their meeting during commencement, fhe board oftrustees acquiesced in President Denny's plan to require all the fraternitieswho desired to live in houses to move upon the campus, the university to rentthe land at a nominal sum and lend three-fifths of the cost of the house. Thepresent intention of the authorities is that the plan shall go into effect in thefall of 1913. Alabama Alpha has had the pleasure of welcoming quite a few<strong>Phi</strong>s on visiting baseball teams and also during commencement. BrothersMorrow, Pratt, and LeGrand, members of the board of trustees, honored uswith a visit.J. E. BOWRON.Tuscaloosa, Alabama, June 20, 1912.ALABAMA BETA, ALABAMA POLYTECHNICINSTITUTEToday closes the 1912 season of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Membersof Alabama Beta receiving their diplomas were, as follows: C. E. Sauls,Columbus, Ga., Civil Engineer, F. G. Mullen, Talledega, Alabama, Civil En-

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