1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 535but he spoke on anything he pleased and he did it so well that he pleasedeverybody. When he got through there wasn't a figure of speech that hehadn't taken by the hand and led out for an airing and at his conclusion thegeneral opinion seemed to be that if he draws his figures in charcoal withanywhere near the power that he drew them in rhetoric on this suspiciousoccasion, there's going to be a revolution in continental art circles before manymore years have dragged their dull length along.Well, thus passed the night. <strong>No</strong>t a stein was left unturned to make theoccasion one grand sweet song of success, and after impromptus were finishedand proper good-nights said, the gathering busted up with a solemn pledgeto meet at least once every two weeks to do honor to the Greek Goddess whois the patron saint and guardian angel of the <strong>Phi</strong> flock.The day following the W. B, banquet, recitations were suspended at Yale.(If this last gets by you, see calendar for February twenty-second.)New Haven, Conn;, March 13, 1913.CHARLES L. SWIFT, Dickinson, '04.PERSONAL.All readers of THE SCROLL are requested to forward personals about alumni. Reportersare urged to forward them with every chapter letter, but on separate sheets. Afavor will he conferred on the Editor by writing them in the form in which suchitems appear below.Please write all proper names very clearly.Clippings should bear the names and dates of the papers from which they havebeen cut.A particular request is made for information about members who have recentlydied, including most especially the date and place of birth.Butler—Homer L. Cook, '06, is speaker of Indiana House of Representatives.Purdue—H. R. Curran, '05, is with-the Central Steel and Wire Co., Chicago.Richmond—C. H. Chalkley, '78, is on law faculty at Kentucky State University.Kansas—Frank Bangs, '07, has entered the jewelry business at Newton,Kansas.Wisconsin—B. M. Pheatt, '11, has left Chicago and is now located in Milwaukee,Wis.-Central—a. B. Boyd, '07, is pastor of the First Presbyterian Church ofOlean, N. Y.Wabash—U. R. Applegate, '96, is proprietor of the Applegate ChemicalCo., Chicago.Chicago—Stx:y C. Mosser, '97, left Chicago on February 26 for a shorttrip to Panama.franklin J. T. C. <strong>No</strong>e, '87, is head of department of education at KansasState University.Dickinson—U. B. Sterrett, '09, has been appointed assistant states attorneyof Cook county, Illinois.Kansas—Ra.\p\ Nelson, '04, was elected mayor of Coeur d' Alene, Idaho atthe April election.Illinois—U V. Manspeaker, 09, is in Springfield, 111., with the Chicagoand Alton railroad.Kansas—Robert Rowlands was married to Miss Mary Markeson at Columbus,O., April 16.Franklin—A. O. Neal, '92, of Kokomo, Ind., has been appointed as statehigh school inspector.

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