1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 531MENUCalifornia Oysters on the Half ShellSauce MignonetteOlives Radishes CeleryCafe ParfaitClear Green Turtle AmontilladoFilet of Sole <strong>No</strong>rmandePotatoes FleuretteTournedo of Beef with MushroomsRoast Squab au JusFresh Asparagus MayonnaiseCafe<strong>No</strong>irAssorted CakesTHE SPEAKERSWigginton E, Creed, California, '98, Toastmaster,Business meeting, i. Reading of Minutes, 2, Election of Officers.Dr. Harold P, Hill, Stanford, '98, "Stanford Alumni".Wendell C, Hammon, Stanford, '13, "The Chicago Convention a la CaliforniaBeta,"Harold P, Nachtrieb, California, '14, "California Alpha,''Victor H. Henderson, California, '00, "Co-operation with College Authorities."San Francisco, California, March 24, 1913.G. D, KIERULFF, California, '96,WASHINGTONFor banquets that make one chuckle for days afterwards when he recalledhe is a <strong>Phi</strong>, none in Washington ever exceeded that of the WashingtonAlumni Club on Founders' Day, March 15,Much of the excellence was due to the easy, able way in which BrotherDuncan U. Fletcher, senator from Florida, presided as toastmaster; a largeshare to the inspiring spectacle of two <strong>Phi</strong>s of 53 years ago. General JohnC, Black and Joseph R, Webster, "telling" on one another and picturing themarvelous achievement of the Miami Fraternity; while nearly every one whospoke took the pains to say that the success of the occasion, as well as anyother the Washington <strong>Phi</strong>s have had lately, was due to Brother Williams, whomBrother Walter B. Palmer went so far as to designate as "The Sine-qua-non,The Ne-Plus-ultra, and The E-pluribus-Unum of the Washington AlumniClub, All in One",The annual business meeting of the club was saved from the usual tiresome,embarrassing features by a cross-lot scheme put Into effect by BrotherSheild, retiring president,"I am handed a list" said Brother Shield, "of proposed officers by BrotherWilliams, consisting of Brother Dunbar for president; Brother Baimigartner,for secretary; Brother Williams, for assistant secretary; Brother Sheppard,for reporter; and Brother Stafford, for treasurer. If there Is no objectionthese will be elected and we will stand adjourned". We did. As a matterof fact, the naming of a nominating committee had been overlooked so BrotherWilliams wrote the slate, as he would have been called upon to do If the committeehad been named.In his opening remarks. Brother Fletcher declared that the influence of A 0 had kept pace in a flattering way with the growth of the country. Heventured to say that the founders must have scarcely dreamed of this influence

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