1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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530 THE SCROLLMT. PLEASANTThe alumni club of Mt, Pleasant celebrated Founders' Day with theactive men and pledges at the chapter house on March 17, The affair was veryinformal. Toasts were given by the active men and alumni. The active chapterand pledges were told of the relation of the chapter to the town and manyhelpful suggestions were given. This date was also the occasion of the electionof officers of the alumni club for the ensuing year, the following officers beingelected, Clarence E, Smith, 'lo. President; C. Robert Willits, '05, Secretaryand Treasurer, and J. Russell Weir, '14, Reporter, all of Iowa Alpha, Wewere glad to have with us, Brother Foster Myers, '05, of Agency City, Iowa.Definite plans were laid for the getting together of all alumni of Iowa Alphaat commencement time in June.Mt. Pleasant, la., April 23, 1913.J. RUSSELL WEIR, Iowa W\esleyan, '14,NEW ORLEANSMarch 15, 1913 will be long remembered by all those loyal <strong>Phi</strong>s whoattended the annual Founders' Day banquet held by the New Orleans alumniand active chapter. Before the evening was over it was necessary to addmore tables to accommodate the brothers who continued to drift in, andsoon the number was greate.r than last, or, had been anticipated, this year.The active chapter was a small factor compared to the alumni, who fromthe oldest to the youngest had come to renew their friendship.We were not long assembled before the eatables became evident and manyof us who had been anticipating the great event were not disappointed. Infact as the courses continued to be served our anticipations were soon surpassedand we grew full and happy.But the eatables, as fine as they were, could not touch the good feelingwhich existed, the enthusiasm which was shown and the <strong>Phi</strong> spirit whichprevailed at all times. Never was there a happier gathering at the festiveboards of $ A 0.Brother A. C. Chappuis, who at the past national convention was electedchapter house commissioner, presided as toastmaster and his witticismswill long be remembered by those <strong>Phi</strong>s who love to hear and tell goodstories. But when he called on Brother Provosty little did we realize thesurprise that was in store for us. We all knew the chapter house associationhad been working hard to secure a chapter house but none knew thefruitful result of their labor. We had all been happy before but whenBrother Provosty arose with a faint smile on his lips and Instead of deliveringa speech, read two letters from Mr. W, A, Howcott, the fatherof W. R. Howcott, a loyal <strong>Phi</strong> during his life, now a member of the ChapterGrand, donating three, lots to the Fraternity, which assures us our ownhouse next year, the joy simply could not be suppressed and happiness doesnot fully express the prevailing sentiment. <strong>No</strong> one could adequately expressthe appreciation he felt for the chapter house association, especially BrothersRenshaw and Provosty who with Brothers Chappuis, Gessner and Crumpare those who secured for Louisiana Alpha their own home and made ourdreams a reality.New Orleans, Louisiana, March 26, 1913.W. E. PENICK, Tulane, '14.SAN FRANCISCOThe twenty-seventh annual banquet of the San Francisco Alumni Club of4' A 0 was held Saturday, March 15, at the Commercial Club, Merchants ExchangeBuilding.There were present seventy-six <strong>Phi</strong>s, representing nine chapters in eightstates.The following menu was enjoyed, succeeded by toasts as indicated:

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