1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1912–13 Volume 37 No 1–5 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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THE SCROLL 529LOS ANGELESThe Los Angeles Alumni Club of * A 0 held Its annual Founders' Daydinner on March 15, at Brink's Cafe,Out of a membership of about one hundred and sixty we had with usthirty-two brothers. The dinner was a la carte and informal and was followedby a theatre party at the Majestic where the old comic opera of"The Merry Widow" was enjoyed as It usually Is, The front rows werethe most popular ones and accordingly were well filled by the <strong>Phi</strong>s,Owing to the fact that the members out here in the far West are opposedto the idea of having any set speeches, such were dispensed with and thedinner was given over to getting better acquainted with each other anddiscussing college days and fraternity "doings" with old boys.We were agreeably surprised to have with us one of the "old war horses"of 4" A 0 in Walter R, Brown, Minnesota, '89, ex S, G. C, Also we had thepleasure of having one brother, old in the Bond, who had the distinction of beingone of the founders of the chapter at Indiana <strong>Delta</strong>, namely. Rev, C. M.Carter who described his noble calling as being that of "Fire Insurance" Itwas very interesting for us to hear him tell us of the initiation of BrotherBailey who now holds the chair of geology in the University of SouthernCalifornia, here In our city, who was also present.The old custom of having each brother rise in turn and tell his name,address, business, college and year was followed out again with added interestand much humor. This idea does a great deal toward helping the brothersto remember names and associate those names with the faces.The election of officers resulted in some attempts at oratorical flights, butthese were soon checked as there seemed to be no opposition ticket. BrotherR. H. F. Variel, Jr., was elected President; Brother Burt Wheeler, Vicepresident; Brother Burt Helnly, Treasurer; and Brother H. P. Goodwin,Secretary and Reporter.Brother Ralph Frizelle could not be with us in person, but very kindlysent us a large supply of cigarettes with which to smoke his health.Stress was laid upon our weekly luncheons which are held at 12:15 e^chWednesday at the Bristol Cafe, and an effort was made to get all thebrothers interested in the good habit of eating—with the brothers.Los Angeles, Cal., March 17, 1913.HENRY P. GOODWIN, Virginia, '09.MAPLEWOOD, NEW JERSEYIt was voted at the last meeting of the Greeks that the secretary send to amember of each fraternity represented, data about the association, with therequest that he send some notice—in whatever form he thought best—tohis fraternity publication. These data are as follows.An association of the national fraternity men of Maplewood, N. J., has beenformed and is named the Greeks. There are already twenty-seven membersrepresenting thirteen fraternities and nineteen colleges. A K E has sevenmembers, B 0 II, four, * T A, two, 0 A X, two, ATA, two, A T, two,'i' T, two and A T O, K A, 2 $, Z *^, ^ A 0 and 2 A E, one each.The club, which I was active in organizing with two other fraternity menlast fall, has been very enthusiastically supported. We meet every two weeksat members' houses and host is chairman for the evening. Affairs managedby an executive committee. Have had a successful dance, mock trial andsmokers. A good idea to spread Pan-Hellenic ideas.Maplewood, N. J., March 13, 1913.G. C. ATKINS, Columbia, '02,

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